Chapter 73 the vision comes back

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As soon as she started to choke him I ran in and did the same thing but it froze her in place. "It's called a distraction." I said before turning to Jason. "Jase?" I asked. "I'm alright. Let's get searching." Jason said. "I'll remember this, ranger." Hayley said. "She's not carrying the dagger or the shears." Jason said. "Okay. You look up here. I'll search in the back." I said. I was looking through some ceramic stuff when I got the vision again, and right after I thought it stopped. I collapsed onto the ground. Jason came into the back to check on me. "Ariel?" He asked before coming over to me. He knelt down in front of me. "Are you okay? What happened?" Jason asked. "I saw another vision." I said. "I thought those had stopped." Jason said. "Me too." I said as I tried to get up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you okay?" Jason asked. "I don't know." I said as Jason helped me steady myself. Back at where Hayley was distracted the distraction wore off. She walked out. As soon as we got back to the annex Jason wanted to know what happened. "So what happened back where all of the ceramics were?" Jason asked. "I saw my death again. It was the same details, the same figure. Everything was the same. Except this time, there was something new. That sword... the sword that's used to kill me... it had a red jewel on the bottom of the handle, almost glowing." I said. "What brought the vision on?" Jason asked. "I don't know." I said. Back in the netherworld Decker came onto Master Xandred's ship, not knowing that Master Xandred was there. "Someone lose their humanity?" Master Xandred said. "Don't. Not now." Decker said. "Or what? I bet Kaitlyn really hates us now, huh?" Master Xandred said. "Go." Decker said. "No. I'm going to enjoy this. I went to a lot of trouble for this, to see what happens... when you turn against the rangers." Master Xandred said. "I did no such thing. You did." Decker said. "Oh, no. You did. By making me an enemy. Okay, yes, I did the actual dosing of the tea... after I stole your powers. But you forced the moggers. Worry not. It'll be easy to fix, no? Just tell them? Oh, wait. They won't believe you, will they? Tragic." Master Xandred said. "I may not have crossed a line today. But you most certainly did. And I'm going to make sure you pay for it." Decker said. "Oh, please. If you haven't found a way to destroy those power rangers without asking for my help, I'm not all that concerned." Master Xandred said. "One thing I thought you knew about me by now, I don't share your hatred of humanity. And you? You're nothing more than a heartless nighlok." Decker said before leaving. Back at the college John came up to me. "What's up?" John asked. "You know, the usual stuff. You know with everything we've been through as rangers, we still have power, that's why I keep fighting. As a power ranger. It's a title I've thought about running from numerous times, but I never have, and... what's been going on lately reminded me why I don't run... why I fight. Because I want to protect my family and my friends and... the people that I love." I said. "The vision, it's still getting to you." John said. "Yeah. It's time for me to get to it." I said. "There's the fight that I love." John said. "Let's go find out what really happened to me." I said. We went to this old abandoned shed. There was stuff all over the place. It looked like a pack of wild dogs slept in it. "Whoa! Well, someone had a temper tantrum." I said. "Do you think you'll find something in here to explain your vision?" John asked. That's when I saw a sword. It looked just like the one I saw in my vison. "I think I just did. This is it. This is the sword from my vision. It's here." I said. I grabbed it but the minute I did the vison came back. "Ariel, are you okay?" John asked. I grabbed the sword. "Yeah. I think it's safe to say this is what did it." I said. "This is the sword that killed you." John said. "Will kill me." I corrected. "Why would it be in here?" John asked. "I don't know. But now that we have it, maybe we can finally find who's responsible." I said. "The figure under the hood." John said. "Yeah. And then we can stop them." I said. Then we met with Jason at the cemetary where my mom was buried after her death. "You know, this thing is faded to kill her." John said. "The hooded figure who uses it is fated to kill me. We need to figure out who that is." I said. "And then we can worry about destroying things." Jason said. That's when I saw Decker by my mom's grave. "Get away from her!" I shouted as I ran towards him. "Don't worry. I'm not here to desecrate your mother's final resting place. Your friends won't be able to stop me. Love is weakness." Decker said. That made me mad and I turned into a coyote and lunged at Decker, scratching him across the face. Before I could hit him again he disappeared. I turned back into my human form. "We can kill him." I said. Then we met with our new friends Antonio and Jayden. "So, we can hurt Decker without hurting anyone else." Jayden said. "Decker needs to die." I said. Then John's phone rings. John walks to a different part of the room to take the call. Jason walked up to me. "You sure about this?" Jason asked. "In this case, the cliche is true. I was born for this." I said.

"Ariel, don't do it." Jason said. "Jason, I can stop him. With this sword, I can save all of us." I said. "That sword is what kills you. How do you know this isn't how you die? Facing him? What if he's the figure under the hood in your vision?" Jayden asked. "I can't sit out of every battle because I think it might be my last. I'm a power ranger." I said. "You're also our friend." Jayden said before walking away. My hand started to shake again. I made a fist to stop my hand from shaking. Then John came up to me. "Hey. That was Kevin. Decker was spotted, headed down main street." John said. "Alright. Let's go." Jason said. "No. You can't. You're not as good at fighting as you once were. I can't allow you to hurt yourself. I got this." I said. "Good luck." Jason said before walking away. We were walking down main street when we heard someone calling for help. "Help me!" Mike called. We went into Reefside high school and found Mike backstage of the auditorium. He had his hands tied behind his back and he was tied to the chair as well. "Mike!" Jayden said. We started to run over to him when Decker showed up. "Uh-uh. This is about me. It's always about me." Decker said. "Damn right." I said before I started to run at him again. He started to choke Mike with his powers that made me stop dead in my tracks. "I can snap his neck before you get a step closer." Decker said. I knew he would snap his neck if I took a step closer so I took a step back. "That's better." Decker said. Then Dayu showed up. "I'm going to give you something. Something you've always wanted, something you confided about... to your friends." Decker said. "You heard us?" I asked. "Don't you know by now? I hear everything. You wished you weren't a power ranger. So, that's exactly what you're going to get." Decker said. Then Dayu made me disappear. They met with Jason and told him what happened. "Where did she go?" Jason asked. "We have no idea." Antonio said. "But we're trying to figure that out, right? Because I didn't train for us to screw things up!" Jayden said. "Take it easy. It was Decker." John said.

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