Chapter 90 Ariel's life in danger part 2 & Ariel wakes up

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Just then John's samuraizer rings. "Guys, I have to take this. It's probably important." John said before answering. "Hello?" John asked. "Hey John, it's Jason. Listen, I just got told by doctor Jacobs that Ariel scored a five on the Glasgow coma scale. But she only has a 20 to 30% chance of coming out of it." Jason said. "Which would mean that she has a 70 to 80% chance of not coming out of it." John said. "Exactly." Jason said. "I don't want to lose her." John said. "I know you don't. And I don't want to lose her either. She is one of my closest friends. I don't want to lose that again." Jason said. "I know. After what happened with Tommy, I can understand why you don't want to lose her as well." John said. "I'll keep you posted." Jason said. "Thanks." John said before hanging up. Then he walked back over to the others, since he walked away to take the call. Kevin said that they should give him a chance. Just then, the gap sensor on John's samuraizer went off. The attack is at a construction site. "Please, let me have my samurai morpher. I won't let you down. This has always been my dream." Antonio said. "Antonio, you are the ninth samurai ranger." Jayden said as he gave him the morpher. "Alright, you won't regret this." Antonio said. "Let's go and win this fight for Ariel." John said. "Alright rangers, let's move out." Jayden said. At the construction site the construction workers were getting attacked by moggers. "Get out of my way mortals. The rangers I'm gonna shred should be here any second." Steeleto said. That's when the rangers showed up. "Oh, here they are now." Steeleto said. Antonio knocked over two barrels to give him enough space to stand next to the others. Then they morphed.

"Where's your black ranger buddy?" Steeleto said. "It doesn't matter. You're gonna pay for what you did to her." John said. "You know rangers, forever is a long time. Moggers, attack!" Steeleto said. They fight the moggers. Antonio took down a whole group of moggers by himself faster than the others. Then Jayden took down a group of moggers with his fire smasher. Antonio walked up to him. "Good one Jayden. That was unreal." Antonio said. "You wanna see something unreal?" Steeleto said before using steel blade scatter shot. "Take cover guys. Antonio, we need to handle this creep ourselves." Jayden said. "Yeah, just like when we were kids." Antonio said. They started to fight him. "Is this your back-up plan? Because I won't be backing up for long." Steeleto said. They knocked him back. "Nice try." Steeleto said before using his full body blades attack. That's the same attack that sent me into the coma I'm in now. "Here it comes." Jayden said. They started to cut the blades. "That's a lot of blades." Antonio said. "Keep going. We've got this." Jayden said. They finally got close enough to slash him with their swords. "Spin sword." They both said. "Barracuda blade. Barracuda bite!" Antonio said as he did the move. "Blazing strike!" Jayden said as he did the move. "You don't have to be so snippy." Steeleto said as he got hit with both attacks, one after the other. "One nighlok down." Antonio said. "Don't forget about the mega monster." Jayden said. That's when Steeleto grew into a mega monster. "Time to mow you rangers down." Steeleto said. "Sorry Antonio, we've got to mega morph without you." Jayden said as they got into their swords and brought them together. "Time to shred rangers." Steeleto said. Then he used his full body blades which sent the samurai megasword to the ground. "No way. You can't treat my friends like that." Antonio said before texting the octosword to come and help them out. Steeleto was about to finish them off when the octosword sprayed some ink at him. "Guess you forgot about me, huh? I have mega power too." Antonio said as he got into the octosword. "Wait a second. Jayden, if the octosword originally belonged to your family..." John said. "Of course. Good thinking John. Did you hear that Antonio?" Jayden asked. "I know, samurai artillery!" Antonio said before combining it with the megasword. Steeleto tried to use his full body blades again but they used spear thrust to cut all of them. Then they used ice breath which froze him. "Megablade activate! Katana power! Samurai strike!" They said as they did the move. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Jayden said. They all came to the hospital. "Guys, she's not doing so well. The doctor thinks that she's not going to make it." Jason said. "There's still a chance she'll come out of it, right?" Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, the thing is we should hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Best case scenario, she comes out of it. Worst case scenario, she doesn't." Jason said. Meanwhile in my mind I am trying to find out where I am. "Where am I?" I asked myself. That's when a pegasus showed up. "Whoa." I said under my breath. The pegasus landed right in front of me and whinnied.

"Hello Ariel." Tommy said as he got off the pegasus. "Tommy, what are you doing here and where the heck am I?" I asked. "Well, Ariel, I'm your guardian angel and I can't tell you where you are." Tommy said. "Okay, well, if you can't tell me where I am can you at least tell me why I'm here?" I asked. "You're here because I have something to give you and I also have something to tell you." Tommy said. Then he made a book appear. "What's that?" I asked. "It's a book of memories, more importantly, the memories of you and me." Tommy said. "Okay, so, what is it that you have to tell me?" I asked. "I might not have been able to carry on our family's legacy, but you can." Tommy said. "Are you sure I can still do it? I don't think I can." I said. "Also, you are running away from your responsibility as a power ranger by saying that." Tommy said. "I'm not even sure that I can have faith in myself, even if it's just a little bit." I said. "Stop doubting yourself Ariel." Tommy said. "How am I supposed to do that?" I asked. "Look, the others have faith in you, even your family has faith in you. You just have to believe in yourself. You've always done that. I know it's been hard for you to do that ever since Mesagog killed me, but I know that you can do it. And whenever you feel alone, just look through the book." Tommy said. "Thanks Tommy, I'll try to believe in myself. That's one thing I can promise you." I said. Back in my hospital room John has an idea about how to wake me up. "Guys, I'm going to try true loves kiss." John said. "Do you think that will work?" Jason asked. "You know what they say. True loves kiss, works every time." John said. "I hope you're right." Jason said. Then John gives me true loves kiss and I wake up. "Hey guys." I said after I woke up. "Hey girl." Kaitlyn said. I looked at John. "You. You found me." I said. "Did you ever doubt I would?" John asked. "To be honest, not for a second." I said. "You never have to worry. I will always find you." John said. "Do you promise?" I asked. "I do." John said. Then we made out in front of everyone. "If you guys wanna bang we can totally leave the room." Jayden said. "Actually, we're waiting until the world is saved to do that." John said. "And we will win. I just know it." I said. The next day I was able to leave the hospital and go back to the college. Meanwhile in the netherworld Master Xandred's power was surging. "Ahhhhhh! The power... the power! Ahhhhhh!" Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. Master Xandred's roars even has the rocks a-rolling. Look at them go." Octaroo said. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. If the ship keeps tossing around like this, I'm going to be sick." Dayu said.

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