Chapter 51 working on senior projects

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Justin didn't think that he would see his dad today. "I didn't think I'd see you today." Justin said. "I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world." Mr. Stewart said. "I should have known you'd come. I knew you wouldn't forget. What a great birthday. It didn't start out too well but it ended just fine." Justin said. Divatox didn't exactly know what the deal is with the birthdays. Elgar had the outside thing that is usually on Rygog. "He's your nephew Divatox. Can't you do something to make him stop?" Rygog asked. "I don't want to hear it. Another stomach turning display. What is the big deal with these birthdays anyway, I'd like to know." Divatox said. "Well, maybe if you'd let us celebrate one you'd understand." Porto said. "Hey, I've got one coming up." Elgar said. "Forget it. I never got so much as a card or a gift so why should you? Nobody cares about me. I don't even have a family." Divatox said. "But you got me." Elgar said. "Oh, that's precisely the problem. All I got is a mutant, malfunctioning nephew with the brain of a sea urchin." Divatox said. The next few days were really busy for us. We are all seniors in high school, well except for Justin who is in 9th grade. (He's only twelve but he has the mind of a ninth grader.) We are really busy. We have finals coming up and I started to spend most of my time studying, sometimes on my own and other times with my friends. We also have a lot of homework and senior projects. I have a few ideas for what I want to do for my senior project, I just don't know which one I want to do. The next day I met with everyone. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey." They all said. "So, what are you guys doing for your senior projects?" I asked. "I'm going to build and design a robot." John said. "I'm organizing a STEM event." Kaitlyn said. "I'm going to work with the cafeteria to reduce food waste." Tommy said. "I working to create a space as a dog park." Adam said. "I'm going to be working as a chef to improve my culinary skills." Tanya said. "I'm going to volunteer as a veterinarian assistant." Katherine said. "Cool. I'm just going to volunteer at the local animal shelter for mine." I said. "That's going to be so nice. I mean you love animals, well make that almost all animals." John said. "Only because I can't stand snakes." I said. "We know." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, these are going to be tough." John said. "Yeah, I know. They are supposed to be hard." I said. "That's going to be a lot of work, then we'll have to present it." Tommy said. "That's the most nerve wracking part for me." I said. "Better make that for all of us." John said. "At least we don't have to stay the whole day." Katherine said. "Yeah, so that's a definite plus." Tanya said. A few weeks go by and our finals finally come. I was at my locker when John and Kaitlyn came up to me. "Hey, ready for your finals?" John asked. "Yeah, I studied for the past few weeks." I said. "Yeah, we studied a lot. I think we're ready." Kaitlyn said. "Hopefully, we all pass so that we all graduate at the same time." John said. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure that we'll all pass. Besides, we've studied for the past few weeks for these." I said. "Yeah, I guess that's true." John said. Then the school bell rang.

"Come on, let's go and pass those tests." Kaitlyn said. "Alright." John and I said as we followed her to class. Later that day at lunchtime I met with the others. "Hey guys, so how are your finals going?" I asked. "They're going well. Although, I have to admit that they are hard." Adam said. "No kidding." I said. "Well, that's how finals are." Tommy said. "Yeah. I mean, it would be easy to pass all tests if they were easy but they're not." I said. "Yeah, otherwise we probably wouldn't be learning anything." John said. "Yeah, you're right." Kaitlyn said. After lunch we took the rest of our finals. At the end of the school day we all decided that we would meet at the youth center. "Hey guys." I said as I walked up to them. "Hey." They all said. "So, how are your senior projects going?" I asked. "They going just fine." Tommy said. "Yeah, kinda hard, but we're getting them done." Kathrine said. The next day I was talking to Calvin about summer camp. "So Calvin, you know camp Spencer superstars. Do you think there's going to be a talent show, like what we had at MDA camp?" I asked. "Maybe, what were you going to do for it if we have one?" Calvin asked. "I'm thinking either dance to can't back down from camp rock 2 the final jam or sing we don't talk about bruno.

What about you?" I asked. "Maybe I'll sing." Calvin said. "What song?" I asked. "Mine mine mine." Calvin said.

"From Pocahontas." I said. "Yep." Calvin said. "Yeah, my friends and I are working on our senior projects." I said. "How's that going?" Calvin asked. "It's going just fine. I'm almost done with mine anyway." I said. "You know that you're gonna have to present it." Calvin said. "That's what I'm nervous about. I haven't done anything like that since seventh grade." I said. "Was that when you were doing a report on Florida Panthers?" Calvin asked. "Yeah, it was so hard. I could barely find any information on them." I said. (Just to let you guys know, I'm talking about the animal, not the sports team.) "You also did something like that in fourth grade too." Calvin said. "That was different. We had to write a paper about someone who was in the army. It could be army, marines, air force, or coast guard. And it had to be about someone we're related to in one of those branches of the military. Then we got to read it in front of the whole class when it was due. Remember when I talked to Uncle Louie for about two hours for that?" I asked. "Yeah, he could really tell a story." Calvin said. "I know. I got like an A++++." I said. "Wow, it was that good huh?" Calvin asked. "Good? Try amazing. I had the best one in the whole class." I said. "Yeah. What if they didn't have anyone to write about?" Calvin asked. "I don't remember what my teacher said for that." I said. "Don't stress about it too much. I know that you'll do great." Calvin said. A few days later our senior projects were due. My dad dropped me off at the school. I told him that I am nervous. "Dad, I'm really nervous about this." I said. "You'll be just fine. It's perfectly normal for you to be nervous." Michael said. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said. "What time do you think you will be done?" Michael asked. "Well, my presentation is at 9:30. So I should be done between 10:30 and 11:00." I said. "Alright, I'll come back at 10:27. Just come out when you're done." Michael said. "Okay, I'll see you later." I said as I got out of the car. I walked to the classroom where I have to present my senior project and waited until it was 9:30. At 9:30 I did my presentation and I think it went really well.

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