Chapter 88 Robtish's end & meeting Antonio

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We were caught between them. "The samurai battlewing should take out the flying moggers." I said. "Wait, I have an even better idea. We should combine the samurai battlewing with the megasword." John said. "Is that possible?" I asked. "I think so." John said. He showed us how it would work. "I think this will work." Kaitlyn said. "Alright John, why don't you take the lead on this?" Jayden asked. "I got it. First we need to samurai battlewing." John said. That's when Jayden, Mike, and Kevin brought out the samurai battlewing. Then we did the airstrike combination. "It worked." John said. "Fly my pretties." Robtish said. We went for the moggers and took them down. Then we turned our attention to Robtish. "Looks like we saved the worst for last." I said. "Fine, I'll settle this myself." Robtish said quoting Governor Ratcliffe from Pocahontas.

"Let's fly up so we can take him down." Kevin said. "Megablade activate! Katana power! Flying slash! Mega spin katana strike! Final strike!" We all said as we landed one last powerful hit on him, destroying him. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Jayden said. We got back to the college and Jason was outside, waiting for us. He was happy when he saw me with the others. "Ariel." Jason said as he came up to us. "Jason. I'm sorry I left." I said. "It doesn't matter, as long as you're back." Jason said. "I'm back where I need to be. I'm back with my team." I said. "Good work. I think you all deserve some fun. You can do whaever you want." Jason said. "Let's go to the movies." John said. "How about the new fantasia movie that just came out?" Kaitlyn said. "Sounds good." Jayden said. I turned to Jason. He seems to know what I'm thinking without me having to say anything. "Go enjoy yourself tonight. The fight will continue tomorrow." Jason said. I gave him a smile as we walked into the college. "I know there's a lot of work left to do." I said. "Yes there is. Don't worry, we'll tell them when the time is right." Jason said. "Good thing I have this team to help me see this through." I said. We went to the movies later that night and saw the new fantasia movie. It was good. I liked it. The music was great throughout the whole movie. The next morning at breakfast I saw someone who I never saw at the college before. "Who's that?" I asked. "That's my old childhood friend Antonio. He was here for an evaluation the same time as me and he was my roommate during the evaluation." Jayden said. Then Antonio came to our table and asked if he can sit with us. "Yeah, of course." I said. "Thanks, I'm Antonio Garcia." Antonio said. "I'm Ariel and these are my friends Kevin, Emily, Mia, Mike, John, and Kaitlyn. And I guess you already know Jayden." I said. "Yeah, we were friends from the moment we met." Antonio said. "That's cool." I said. Later that day we took down another nighlok named Vulpes and Antonio helped us but I never knew that there was a gold samurai ranger. I asked Antonio to meet us tomorrow morning after brunch. The next morning we were waiting for him in the annex. "He's so fast when he's the gold ranger. I'm surprised he's not here yet." Emily said. "Just because Antonio showed off when we beat that nighlok doesn't mean he's fast at everything." Kevin said. "It's true. We really don't know much about him. But at least Jayden can vouch for him." Mia said. "Yeah, we were friends from the moment we met. His father owned the local fish market. The times we played together were really the only times I got to feel like a normal kid. But it did drive my father crazy because it distracted me from my training. That was before Antonio had to move away." Jayden said. "So, if he moved away how did he become the gold ranger?" Kaitlyn said. "Wait, he's definitely got some skills, but he's not a true samurai." Kevin said before I cut him off. "Neither are John, Kaitlyn, and me but you didn't give us a hard time." I said. "That was different. You guys were rangers once." Kevin said. "In the past, yes. However, it was tough to start." I said. "Anyway, back to what I was saying about Antonio, it doesn't run in his family and he hasn't had any formal training." Kevin said. Back in Antonio's dorm room he was looking at himself in the mirror making sure that he looked presentable to us. "It's time for me to go to the annex and join the samurai rangers." Antonio said before grabbing the keys to his dorm room and walking out. Back in the annex I looked at my watch. "Antonio is late." I said. "Can't say I'm surprised." Jason said. "Did he say he was bringing the octosword with him?" John asked. "I don't know. Why?" Mike asked. "Well, when I was young I gave it to Antonio when my father wasn't looking." Jayden said. "What? You gave him a sword?" Emily asked. "Look, I was a little kid. I didn't know any better. By the time my father found out Antonio had moved away. And he didn't think he'd actually figure out a way to activate it. I threatened that I would quit being a samurai if he tried to get it back." Jayden said. "Wow, such a rebel." Mike said. "Sounds like you guys were really good friends. I bet you missed him when he moved away." Mia said. "Yeah." Jayden said. "I know how that feels. I missed some of my old friends from Pittsburgh when I moved to Angel Grove." I said. Just then Antonio walked into the annex and we all turned to face him. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you the ninth samurai. The gold ranger. Me, Antonio Garcia." Antonio said. "And you thought I was cocky." Mike said to Jason. "Jayden, please allow me to join you and your team in the fight against the nighlok." Antonio said before he noticed that the hook on his fishing pole was caught on his pants. "Oh, that's not good. It's no big deal, really. This happened before." Antonio said. "Can you guys help him?" Jayden asked with a laugh. We were all laughing at this point. "I'll just be a moment." Jason said before walking out after Jayden. Jason followed Jayden to the gymnasium. "He hasn't changed a bit. He's as energetic as ever. He always wanted to be a samurai. I remember it like it was yesterday." Jayden said. (Flashback: Jayden and Antonio are outside playing with some toy swords and Antonio was handling it like a pro.
Young Jayden: Nice swordplay.
Young Antonio: Thanks, but it doesn't matter. My father is not a samurai. I couldn't be a real samurai like you.
Young Jayden: Sure you can. I'll make you a samurai.
Young Antonio: You can do that? For real?
Young Jayden: Why not? I'm a samurai, right?
They continued to do some swordplay on the practice dummy.
End of flashback)
"I don't know what to do Jason." Jayden said. "You're too close to this. Let me handle it." Jason said before walking back to the annex. Meanwhile in the netherworld Master Xandred is still mad about not having any information about the sealing power. "Octaroo, you study but never give me answers about the sealing power! There are others in the netherworld who could use it against me you noodle face!" Master Xandred said. "I'm researching and spying on the red ranger constantly but boss, we have another problem. The samurai rangers, there's nine of them now." Octaroo said. "What?" Master Xandred said. Then Steeleto showed up and he was on the ceiling. "Round and round I go. Say hello to Steeleto." Steeleto said. "Why are you on the ceiling? You're not a bat." Octaroo said. "Since those rangers cut down my nighlok buddy Vulpes I plan to cut them down to size. I won't rest until those rangers get a taste of my blades. Later." Steeleto said before leaving. He's so batty he belonged on the ceiling." Dayu said.

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