Chapter 21 brainwashed by prince Gasket part 2

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Back at the machine empire they were infusing Tommy's powers into Altor. After a while Prince Gasket thinks that Altor is ready. It also caused Tommy to pass out. "I think Altor may be ready." Prince Gasket said. "I'll check him." Archeria said. She took the other helmet off of Altor. "Tell me Archeria, what are the results?" Prince Gasket said. "The transfer of Tommy's powers is complete." Archeria said. "Excellent. Altor, how do you feel?" Prince Gasket said. "I feel the strength of a hundred warriors!" Altor said. "Let us put your new strength to the test. Take your place in the arena." Prince Gasket said. Altor went to the arena. Meanwhile in a different part of the machine empire Queen Machina and Prince Sprocket were talking. "Isn't your brother grand?" Queen Machina said. "Yeah, just grand." Prince Sprocket said. "Your father would be so proud. Gasket says he has a surprise for us. I simply can not wait to see what my number one son has planned." Queen Machina said. "Hey, but I thought I was your number one son." Prince Sprocket said. "Now don't be silly dear. You know that you're the baby." Queen Machina said. Back in the arena Altor went against five or six cogs. "Yes Altor, yes, that's the way. Look at him. I don't believe I've ever seen a warrior so mighty. Just think of what he can do." Prince Gasket said. That's when Altor just took down the last cog. "I defeated the cogs sire." Altor said. "I hereby declare Altor the fiercest warrior in the machine empire." Prince Gasket said. "I am honored to serve you Prince Gasket." Altor said. "The rangers powers fit Altor well. The brain drain is a complete success." Prince Gasket said. Tommy is awakening at that moment. "He seems to be awakening now." Archeria said. "Are you ready to begin phase two?" Prince Gasket said. "Ready." Archeria said. Tommy didn't know where he was, who he was, or who everyone was. It was like he had amnesia.

"Where-where am I? Who am I? Who are all of you? I can't remember." Tommy said as he got up from the chair they had him on. "You're awake, oh sire. We were so desperately afraid for you." Prince Gasket said. "Why?" Tommy asked. "I'm so happy that you're alright my king." Prince Gasket said. "Who are you? And what do you mean king?" Tommy asked. "I will explain everything my king. I am your chief adviser, Gasket. I'm sorry to say that you were recently attacked by the dreaded power rangers. Your memory was damaged in the melee." Prince Gasket said. "What are power rangers?" Tommy asked. "They are the supreme evil in all of the universe your majesty." Prince Gasket said. "And I fought with them?" Tommy asked, wanting to confirm with Gasket that he has fought us before. "You fought them for years." Prince Gasket said. "I see." Tommy said. The power rangers have been trying to destroy everything, everything that is good at least." Prince Gasket said. "That's terrible. Tell me, what am I king of?" Tommy asked. "The whole machine empire your highness." Prince Gasket said. "The machine empire. Tell me more Gasket." Tommy said. "We of the machine empire are the only thing standing between the power rangers and their plans to dominate the universe." Prince Gasket said. "I think I remember, a little. Maybe it's starting to come back to me." Tommy said. "You are the last line of defense for all the good beings we protect." Prince Gasket said. "Tell me, what must I do?" Tommy asked. "I'm afraid that you must return to the fight immediately. Or if you delay all will be lost to the evil that is the power rangers." Prince Gasket said. "The power rangers must be stopped." Tommy said. Back at the command center Tanya asked us if we found out anything about Tommy. I wasn't saying anything and Jason somehow noticed. "Is she okay?" Jason thought to himself. That's when he mentally slapped himself. "Of course she's not okay. Her best friend is missing and might be in danger." Jason said to himself. He turned back to the others. "Bulk and Skull said they saw zeo ranger five at the lake." Jason said. "Alpha, can you find any signs of him on the monitor?" Katherine asked. "I'll scan the perimeter of the lake. Watch the viewing globe for a visual readout." Alpha said. Alpha was not getting anything until he got a residual brainwave that could be Tommy's. "Wait, the pattern's changing." Alpha said. "If they are Tommy's brainwaves then he's in a lot of trouble." John said. "And at the rate they're changing he won't be himself much longer." Kaitlyn said. "I can't allow this to happen. I'm going after him." I said. "Jason and I are coming with you." Katherine said. "Same goes for me." John said. "Alright, let's go." I said. Zordon told the others to stay back and help Alpha with tracking the brainwaves. "It's morphing time!" Jason said. "Zeo ranger one pink!" Katherine said to morph. Then Jason morphed.

"Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. We went back to the lake but didn't see anything. "There's no sign of him anywhere." Jason said. "Just like I would have expected." I said. "Keep looking." Katherine said. "There must be something we're overlooking here. There's got to be some trace of Tommy or whatever it was that took him." John said. I turned to face him. "Easier said than done." I said. Then Katherine came up to me. "Don't worry Ariel. We'll find him." Katherine said. "We've got to Kat. Tommy's my best friend, and I won't let anything bad happen to him." I said. Back at the machine empire Archeria had a report to tell Prince Gasket. "Gasket, we have a report that four of the power rangers are snooping around our transporter area." Archeria said. "Is that right? They must be searching for a way to help their red friend here. We'll assume they're volunteering to become our first victims. Maybe we can help them out. I have a plan.

Ready the holographic entryway." Prince Gasket said. Archeria walked away to ready the holographic entryway. "This is going to work out perfectly." Prince Gasket said. Back at the lake a holographic version of Tommy showed up. "Look, there he is." Katherine said. We all started to run up to him when Kathrine, John, and I stopped. "Wait a minute. Something's different about him." I said. "I don't think that's him." Katherine said. "It's a trap!" John shouted. Then, almost without warning Jason and I got sucked through. They started to run towards him when Zordon told them to not get any closer because they might not return if they enter the holographic entryway. Back at the command center Alpha just lost me and Jason on his scanner. "I just lost Ariel and Jason on my scanner." Alpha said. "I will contact Billy and advise him to return from the zeo sword repair terminal." Zordon said. Just then John and Katherine made it back to the command center. "Zordon, I tried to stop him." Kathrine said. "Ariel noticed that something wasn't right but she got sucked through it anyway." John said. "John, Kat, it's okay." Tanya said. "We lost three of them. What are we gonna do now?" Kathrine asked. "There's another electrical surge." Adam said. "Who was it?" Alpha said. "I don't know, but someone is following them." Adam said. Meanwhile in the machine empire, Tommy needs to see what the power rangers did to make sure that Prince Gasket was telling the truth. "No offence Gasket but how can I be sure you're telling me the truth? I mean, I can't remember a single thing, not even my own name. How can I trust anyone?" Tommy asked.

"I understand. Those power rangers can be very tricky. Don't take my word for it. I will show you myself. Just a small part of the destruction they've caused." Prince Gasket said before showing Tommy clips of power rangers shooting their weapons at something but made it look like they were the ones that were destroying everything. "I've seen enough!" Tommy said.

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