Chapter 91 finding the black box

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Octaroo then told Dayu to just be glad that Master Xandred decided to lock himself in his cabin while his power is surging. All they have to do is keep him away from other nighloks until he finishes absorbing his new power and the chaos stops. Moggers came out of the gaps. That's when the gap sensor on my samuraizer goes off. "Rangers, there's no time to lose." I said as we morphed and ran out to fight them. We noticed the giant moggers and the sanzu river was seeping into our world. "Let's do this!" I said. We brought our swords out and Antoinio called in a new sword along with the octosword. We brought all of the swords together. "Battlewing megasword, armed for battle!" We all said. The clawsword has its own megasword mode. It has different directions like north, south, east, and west. "Alright, guys, let's take care of business." I said.

Then flying moggers show up. We took them down. Then with one final strike we finish them off. "That's how it's done." I said. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Jayden said. Back in the netherworld Master Xandred just got done absorbing his new power. "Noodle face, unlock this door." Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. This is bad. With the boss still struggling who knows what kind of despicable and conniving nighlok might come around." Octaroo said. That's when Arachnitor showed up. "Despicable and conniving?" Arachnitor said. "Arachnitor, I didn't mean you. I meant someone really despicable and conniving. What are you doing here anyway?" Octaroo said. "I heard Master Xandred was tied up. Now I see that it's true." Arachnitor said. "Uh... yeah. Pretty much." Octaroo said. "Then this would be an excellent opportunity for some bold and ambitious nighlok to seize his throne with your help." Arachnitor said. "With my help?" Octaroo asked. "What do you say?" Arachnitor asked. "Oo-ah-oo. You really had me going there Arachnitor. Seize the throne. I mean even in the state he is in now no one can beat the master in a fight." Octaroo said. "Of course not. We both know Xandred can't be beaten, but he can be sealed away." Arachnitor said. Back at the college we were talking about what we should do but nobody had any ideas. "I don't know what to do. We fought so hard but the sanzu river keeps seeping into our world." Mia said. "I can't believe this is happening." Mike said. "What else can we do? We've beaten the nighlok every time." Emily said. "We can't think about winning or losing. We have to believe in ourselves and keep fighting." Jayden said. "That's easier said than done." I said. "What do you mean?" John asked. "I had an encounter with my guardian angel. It's kinda hard to explain." I said. "Jayden is right. We can't give up no matter what." Kevin said. That's when Jason walked up to us. "I'm glad to hear that because I may have found something that could help us." Jason said. I turned to face him. "How long were you standing there?" I asked. "Not long." Jason said. Jayden saw what Jason found out. "The black box? Jason, we can't." Jayden said. "What is it?" John asked. "It's a magic talisman created by the first red and black rangers. It can untie the symbol powers of all the rangers into one. But eventhough the red and black rangers were smart, they never finished it. Many red and black rangers have tried but none of them had the skill and power to complete it." I said. "What about Antonio? He's a tech expert." Emily said. "Of course. Good thinking Emily." I said. "But he doesn't have mastery of symbol power like we do. Do you know how much it drains us each time we use it?" Kevin asked. "Kevin is right. Trying to transfer even a few of our symbol powers into the box could destroy him." Jayden said. That's when I got a flashback of when Jason could have been destroyed if our old buddy Trey didn't take the gold ranger powers. Jason noticed that I got very quiet. "Are you okay?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I just need a minute to myself." I said as I got up and walked out. "What's wrong with her?" Jayden asked. "There was one time, when I could have been destroyed. The gold zeo ranger powers were leaving me and along with that, my life force at the time. Ariel didn't exactly take it too well when she found out what was going on. I don't want to talk about it." Jason said. "Anyway, getting back on topic, I can't ask him to do this." Jayden said. "Jayden, none of us want to see Antonio get hurt. But we're talking about saving the human race." John said. "If he's willing, give him a shot." Kaitlyn said. "Okay." Jayden said. "First, you must retrieve the black box. For generations, it has been protected by the guardians of the tengen gate." Jason said. The next day we didn't have classes so we went to the tengen gate. "This is the tengen gate? It's just a big wood thing." Mike said. "The tengen gate is an important part of ranger history." Jayden said. We bowed in respect before walking into the front yard of the tengen gate. We walked to a rock with some old-style Japanese writing on it. "This commemorates where the first samurai rangers battled the nighlok army." I said. "They say the sanzu river flooded the entire city." Emily said. "What happened?" Mike asked. "The rangers defeated them because they never gave up." Kevin said. "And they took their training seriously." John added. That's when Daisuke walked up to us. "They certainly did. Although, the legends tell us that the green ranger was a bit of a prankster. He drove the blue ranger crazy, but they were still the best of friends.

I am Daisuke, the elder guardian. Welcome to the tengen gate. Your mentor advised us that you were coming." Daisuke said. As they walked inside I looked at the rock again. "Are you okay Ariel?" Daisuke asked. "It's nothing." I said. "You haven't told them your secret, have you?" Daisuke said. "They're my friends Daisuke. I don't like lying to them, but..." I said. He walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Ariel, but it is your responsibility to be the black ranger." Daisuke said. "I know. I won't fail them." I said. The secret that I was keeping from them was that there's another sealing symbol but the one the black ranger uses is more powerful than the red rangers sealing symbol and it's so powerful because it can seal any nighlok away for good. It's a super seal. I can't let them know about it, at least, not yet. We walked inside and met with the others. Meanwhile in the wooded area outside of town Arachnitor showed up with some moggers. "My senses tell me the rangers are nearby. It's time to find the black ranger and force that super seal symbol out of her." Arachnitor said. They somehow found out about it. Meanwhile at the tengen gate I asked about the story on the wall. I remember my dad telling me this story but I had no idea that is was an old folk tale. "It's an old folk tale. A young woman made a deal with the nighlok king to save the life of her beloved, but the king tricked her and turned them both into nighlok." Daisuke said. "Sure sounds like something a nighlok would do." Kevin said. "Same thing with the dark one in once upon a time." John said. "The king took away the man's memory and cursed him to wander the earth alone forever." Daisuke said. "It's strange. It's almost as if I met this woman before." Mia said. Then we all sat in a circle and Daisuke got the box that the black box was in. He opened it. "The black box. The most powerful samurai weapon ever conceived. Few even know of its existence." Daisuke said. "Thank you Daisuke. I shall protect it with my life." Jayden said as he took it out of the box.

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