Chapter 38 Billy's fast aging part 4

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Then Cestro told us that they don't know the effects that it can have on a human. "I'm willing to take the risk." Billy said. "Rangers, we must still attend to the swords in Angel Grove." Zordon said. "Yeah, they're tearing the town apart." Rocky said. "As we have noticed, the impersonator is easily distracted." Delphine said. "In that case, I have a plan. But it's going to need everyone's help." I said. "What's your plan?" John asked. "John, you and the guys are going to show up first. You guys will get the impersonator out of the super zeo megasword by distracting her, causing her to come out of the super zeo megasword to fight you. Kaitlyn, you're with me and the other girls. We'll go into the megasword and get Cog changer out by destroying the part that's doing all of the damage. That's the only way to gain back control of it." I said. "But won't that destroy the megasword?" John asked. "Not likely. It's possible, but very unlikely." I said. "Alright, let's do it!" Kaitlyn said. The guys show up on the scene. "Hey impersonator!" Tommy said. "Goodie, the rangers are back, but I'll never get them from in here." The impersonator said. Rita didn't know what the impersonator was doing. "What is my monster doing?" Rita asked. The impersonator got out of the super zeo megasword. "Rangers, where are you?" The impersonator said before Rita pulled her out of battle. "Hey, you pulled me out of battle!" The impersonator said. "Of course I pulled you out of battle you impersonating pinhead! You haven't been able to put a dent in those power pests! Now you sit there and you think about that for a while!" Rita said. "But I thought I was doing good." The impersonator said. The guys got into the super zeo megasword. "Alright, now for part two of Ariel's plan." John said. "Time for this little joy ride to come to a stop." Tommy said. "That's what you think. I'm just getting the hang of this." Cog changer said. Then the girls and I showed up on the scene. "Alright, the monster is distracted. Let's go." I said. We went into the zeo megasword and I found the part that's doing all of the damage. "There's the part doing all the damage." I said before destroying it with my sword. The reason why I didn't just use the lazer pistol was because I didn't want to increase the chance of the megasword being destroyed by getting rid of the part doing all the damage. "Hey, what's going on here?" Cog changer asked before getting knocked out of the megasword by Katherine, Tanya, and Kaitlyn. I joined them in the main cockpit. "Good plan Ariel." Kaitlyn said. "Okay, we got the zeo megasword." I said. Meanwhile at the command center Cestria came to the command center with some water from their eternal falls. She walked up to Billy. "Hello Billy. I wish we were seeing each other under better circumstances." Cestria said. "I guess I've gotten a bit older since I was on Aquitar." Billy said. "You're still the same Billy, no matter what age you are. Drink this. It's been known to preform miracles." Cestria said as she gave the water to Billy. It still wasn't enough. "Perhaps we should send Billy back to Aquitar for long-term treatment with stronger doses." Alpha said. "Billy, these treatments have never been tested on humans before. Stronger doses may do more harm than good." Cestria said. "I've got to take the chance Cestria." Billy said. "I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to you." Cestria said. "Don't worry, I'll be alright. I'm going." Billy said before turning to Jason. "Jason, tell the others." Billy said. "Sure thing man. Take care Billy." Jason said. Then Billy and Cestria teleported to Aquitar. Meanwhile on the moon Finster just intercepted a command transmission from King Mondo. "My queen, I've just intercepted a command transmission from King Mondo. He's sending a large battalion of troops to earth and attacking once again." Finster said. "He's not the only bully on the block." Rita said. "That's right, we can out bully Mondo anyday." Zedd said. "Yeah, we're the biggest bullies in the universe." The impersonator said. "So, you're ready to do some damage?" Rita asked. "Are you kidding? I live for damage. I'm so ready." The impersonator said. Rita sent the impersonator back down. Back at the command center Jason got the alert. "Zordon, what's wrong?" Jason asked. "Mondo and Rita are both about to attack the Angel Grove Coliseum." Zordon said. "And they have a whole fleet of cogs." Alpha added. "We must combine forces." Cestro said. "I will dispatch the other alien rangers to the site." Delphine said. "Back to action!" Jason said. "It's morphing time!" Delphine said. That's when all of the alien rangers morphed.

Cog changer and the impersonator came back. "I'm back rangers." Cog changer said. We met with them. "It's great to see you guys." Tommy said. "It's great to see the whole lot of you. Now we can destroy the rangers of two planets at once." The impersonator said. Then Jason joined us. "Everyone ready?" Jason asked. "You know it!" Kaitlyn said. "We were born ready!" I said.

"The gang's all here." The impersonator said. We all took a fighting stance. "Isn't that cute. Get them." The impersonator said. We charged at them while the cogs charged at us. We were actually doing very well. The blue alien ranger used Aquitar waterfall on a whole group of cogs. The yellow alien ranger used Aquitar windstorm on another group of cogs. (I don't know their attack names, okay? Just roll with it.) The black alien ranger used Aquitar lightning on another group. Then the impersonator blasted the alien rangers. We blasted them right back. That's when King Mondo made Cog changer grow. Rita and Zedd did the same with the impersonator. "Alright alien rangers, battle the cogs with Jason. We'll take on the gruesome twosome in our swords." Tommy said. "You got it." Aurico said. "Alright, John, Kaitlyn, you guys are with me! Let's do this!" I said. "We need zeo sword power now!" John, Kaitlyn, and I said. Our swords came out and came together. "We need super zeo sword power now!" Tommy said. The super zeo swords came. "No thanks. We already played with your swords." The impersonator said. They blasted us. After fighting them for a while they combined into one monster. "Those guys separately was bad enough." John said. "Don't worry, we can take these guys." I said. "Even if they're combined with each other?" Kaitlyn said. "Yes." I said. "Take a good look rangers. Now that I have twice the power I'm double the trouble and there's nothing you can do about it." They said once they combined with each other. "Super zeo megasword, now!" Tommy said. They came together. "Let's show them what they're up against." I said. "Alright, it's time we go to full power." Tommy said. We used the saber on them but it didn't destroy them. "We need the red battlezord." Tommy said. The red battlezord came and we surrounded them. "Warrior wheel power up!" I said. The warrior wheel came. We made the megaswords throw it to each other in a circle around them. "Keep it going." Tommy said. When it got back over to the megasword I control with John and Kaitlyn we sent it right into the center and it destroyed them both. We met with the rest of the team afterwards. "Great job guys. The alien rangers sent the cogs packing." Jason said. "Thank you for your help rangers of Aquitar." I said. "No problem, anything for our fellow rangers." Aurico said. We went back to the command center and the alien rangers went back to their home planet. "Rangers, we are receiving a transmission from Aquitar. Unfortunately the strength of the signal has been compromised by the recent overuse of their teleportation systems." Zordon said. We watched the transmission on the viewing globe. "Greetings rangers. We wanted to let you know the eternal falls worked. Billy is young again." Cestria said. "Alright Billy." Jason said. "That's terrific. When are you coming home Billy?" Katherine asked. "Actually, I'm not." Billy said.

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