Chapter 79 the second battle with Rofer

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We headed back to the college. We met with Jason when we got back. "Thank goodness you were there. You prevented that nighlok from injuring lots of people." Jason said. "We came as soon as we heard." Jayden said. "I thought I could take him alone." Mike said. "That was brave of you. But imagine what could have happened." Kevin said. "I know." Mike said. I walked up to him. "Mike, being a power ranger is a huge responsibility. If you're not going to stay away from your family or friends, that's just going to increase the chances of them getting hurt or worse, killed." I said. "She's right. We both found that out the easy way." Jason said. Then Jayden walked up to us. "Mike, being a samurai is the ultimate sacrifice. Since we're fighting evil you must stay away from your family and friends in order to keep them safe." Jayden said. "I realize that now." Mike said. Meanwhile in the sanzu river Rofer was soaking himself in the river. The water replenished my evil." Rofer said. "Oo-ah-oo. The water level has gone up. By scaring up the human world Rofer has got their tear ducts flowing." Octaroo said. "That's good." Master Xandred said. "I was dried out, but after a nice soak in the sanzu river I'm going to go pound those samurai rangers into chopped liver." Rofer said. "With your frightening fists fully functional you'll be pestering people in no time. That means our sanzu river could be flooding the human world soon. This will be easy peasy." Octaroo said. "Those samurai rangers won't know what hit them." Rofer said. Later that night Jayden, Mike, and I were all out training. Jayden was meditating, Mike went around town to train, and I trained in the gym. We were all trying to find the best way to read Rofer's next move so that we can stop him from causing anymore trouble. While I was training Tommy's voice came into my head. "You might be alone but I'm still with you in spirit." Tommy's voice said in my head. That never happened before. "Think Ariel, think. What would Tommy do?" I asked myself. Then I remembered some moves that he taught me. I practiced until about midnight. The next morning after brunch Rofer came back, only this time, with moggers. He was causing some trouble when we showed up. "Hey nighlok!" I said getting his attention. "Punching bags, your back." Rofer said. Then we morphed. "Hey, where's your green ranger buddy? Now that it's crunch time brocolli boy went bye-bye." Rofer said. "First a troublemaker, now a bully." Kaitlyn said. "Hey, you looking for me?" Mike asked as he joined us. "Mike, you're back." Emily said. "Look out, I'm gonna take this nighlok alone." Mike said. "You can't." I said. "I'm gonna try." Mike said before morphing.

Rofer sent the moggers at us and Mike started to attack them when he said that he's got some new moves. "Come on, let's help him." Jayden said. Jayden used blazing strike, Kevin used dragon splash, Mia used airwave, Emily used seismic swing, Kaitlyn used speed strike, John used lightning strike, and I used icewave. Mike started to take on Rofer. "You're about to develop a bad case of fistophobia ranger." Rofer said as he sent Mike flying. "Did you have a nice flight?" Rofer said. "Bring it on long arms." Mike said. "You're asking for it." Rofer said. "Anticipate his next move." Mike said to himself before taking off running. "Your arms aren't fast enough to get me, are they?" Mike asked. "So you're strategy is running away? As if that would work." Rofer said. "Looks like it's working so far." Mike said. Then he jumped over a car that was going right at him. "You should never play in traffic. But go ahead and run. You can't hide from my long distance fists. It's just a matter of time before I clock you." Rofer said. "Your attack is losing it's punch. All your doing is cracking some concrete." Mike said. He just ran in circle. He finally got back to where he started. "Nighlok, did you miss me?" Mike asked. "Maybe, but I won't miss you this time." Rofer said. Before Mike could get hit with a punch I got in front of him and blocked it. "I got it." I said. "So she stopped one punch but I got two arms." Rofer said before hitting me with his other hand to smash me against a concrete pillar and holding me there. I couldn't get free. "Ariel, are you okay? I'll take him out." Mike said. He then did a move that made Rofer punch himself in the face. "Kind of tricky, wasn't it?" Mike asked. "Once I real my arms back in you're gonna be toasted." Rofer said. He then noticed that his arms were tangled up. When he started to real his arms in I rubbed the part where Rofer hit me as John came over to me. "Are you okay?" John asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I said. "Time to give you a taste of my spin sword." Mike said. He used forest vortex. The rest of us regrouped with him. Just then Rofer came back as a mega monster. Mike went into his sword to try to take Rofer down himself. I know he shouldn't be doing this on his own. "Come on, let's help him." I said. Then we brought our swords together. "I've taken this as far as I can on my own. Let's finish this nighlok off together." Mike said. "Right." Jayden said. We saw him put his fists underground. "Alright guys, follow my lead. Use your instincts to sense his attack. If we concentrate hard enough we'll be able to read his next move." I said. "Hey, did you fall asleep? Well here's comes your wake up call." Rofer said. He tried to hit us but I sensed his attack right then and had the others help me tie his arms up. "Let's finish this." I said. We made the megasword cut his arms off. Then we used samurai strike. We went back to the college. "Good work Mike." I said. "Yeah, you were great." Kevin said. "The way you tricked that nighlok was beyond creative." Mia said. "It was so cool how you used those wacky arms against him." Emily said. "Well, the truth is, I did trick him, but it wasn't enough. Actually, it was Ariel who helped me defeat him. I only anticipated the attack of one of his arms. Ariel got the other one. I couldn't have done it without her." Mike said. "We can do anything as a team." I said. "Yeah." Kaitlyn said. "You got that right." John said. Then we went down to the rec hall. "Jason, can I talk to you for a minute, alone?" I asked. "Sure." Jason said. We went over to the two playstations they have in the rec hall. "Jason, when I was training the other night, I heard Tommy's voice. He said that I might be alone but he's with me in spirit. Do you know why that happened?" I asked. "I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't usually happen to anyone. I'm not sure why it's happening to you. John might know, so you should probably ask him." Jason said. "But you're the one that I would usually go to if Tommy couldn't help me or if he wasn't available. And now that he's gone..." I said before Jason cut me off. "You have multiple people to go to, not just me." Jason said. I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides, how can I keep this a secret from them?" I asked. Later that night Tommy's voice came to me again, only this time, when I'm sleeping. I jolted awake. "What's going on?" I asked myself. I can't believe that I'm going to do this but I'll ask John about this at breakfast. Later that morning at breakfast I walked up to John. "Hey babe." John said as I sat down. "Hey. I have something to ask you." I said. "What is it?" John asked. "When I was training the other night, Tommy's voice came into my head." I said.

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