Chapter 93 Alyssa saves Ariel

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Jason has faith in John, eventhough Antonio was the one originally chosen for the job. John has the knowledge to help. "Alright, I'm on it. With the others down, I have to pick up the slack." John said. Meanwhile in the wooded area behind the school, Alyssa brought me to a pond that can heal anyone who has been poisoned. "Rescuing you is one thing I never thought I would do. But, it's the least I could do for a good friend of mine." Alyssa said before throwing me into the water. I came up to the surface and looked over my shoulder at her. "Stay under. The water will purge the poison from your system." Alyssa said. I gave her a nod as to say that I understood and went back under. Back in the netherworld Octaroo went to go talk to Master Xandred. "It was all a misunderstanding. I was trying to get rid of the black ranger but I think you're thinking that I was thinking of betraying you. Oo-ah-oo. I hate all this thinking." Octaroo said. "That's enough. You know better than to think for yourself. It gives us all a headache. What really upsets me is that we lost a chance to crush the black ranger. Next time see that you succeed or my vengeance will be swift. There's another one we need to rid ourselves of, right Dayu? I'm speaking of that meddling red ranger. Take him down." Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. The red ranger is tough. He'll mash her into tiny little Dayu bits." Octaroo said. "Fine." Dayu said before walking out. "Oo-ah-oo. Your cruelty is boundless." Octaroo said. "Speaking of cruelty, how's Arachnitor's punishment coming?" Master Xandred asked. "He's about to transform. Soon, he'll be under your full control." Octaroo said. "He wanted power. Now he has so much it will destroy him. Keep an eye on him Octaroo. Once he mutates send him straight to the human world so he can create misery." Master Xandred said. Back at the college John was able to hack into the black box. "Okay, I've hacked in. Now, I just need to format it to absorb our symbol powers." John said. But then he fainted. "John!" Jason said. "I'm okay." John said. "You must pace yourself. Using symbol power is incredibly draining. Don't overdo it." Jason said. "Who told me the whole world was at stake here? I have to do everything I can." John said as he stood back up. "Just be careful John. What you're trying to do is dangerous work. Keep in mind, if there's another nighlok attack, you're the only ranger that's healthy enough to respond." Jason said. Meanwhile in a cave by the pond Alyssa and I were talking. She made a fire so that we won't be cold in the cave. "The purity of the lake has healed you. But you'll still be weak for a while." Alyssa said. "Why are you doing all this?" I asked. "I'm an ally to the power rangers, right?" Alyssa asked. "Yeah, of course. But there's more to being an ally than just saving me." I said. "That's true. If I could have saved John too, I would have. But Octaroo probably wouldn't allow me to save both of you. Besides, you were once like me. All I know now is, helping the rangers when they ask for it. There's always a choice to be made." Alyssa said. "You're right about that. However, you don't have to help the rangers. Doing the right thing is always worth the effort no matter how hard it is. That's why I fight to protect people." I said. "That's the job of a power ranger. Saving the lives of the innocent." Alyssa said. Meanwhile in the netherworld Arachnitor has just mutated into a super powerful nighlok. "It's happening. Arachnitor is finally mutating into a super powerful nighlok under the master's control. Time to go scare those humans like never before." Octaroo said. Back at the college John got done with the formatting. "There, the formatting is done." John said. "Now comes the really dangerous part. Infusing the black box with everyone's symbol powers." Jason said. "That's where we come in." Kaitlyn said as they walked up to them. "You shouldn't be out of bed." Jason said. "John can't take this all on himself. We need to help each other, especially since Ariel is gone." Kevin said. Just then, the gap sensor on John's samuraizer goes off. "So, what do we do now?" Emily asked. "Well, I know what Ariel would say." Mia said. "At all costs, protect the innocent." Kaitlyn said. "Great, you guys take care of the nighlok, and I'll go find Ariel." John said. "No. You must finish the black box first." Jason said stopping him. "I can't. I need their power discs, and they're taking them into battle." John said. That's when the rest of the team gave him their power discs. "Are you guys serious? How can you defeat the nighlok without these?" John asked. "We'll make do. But without the black box the whole world is in danger. And you're the only one who can program it." Emily said. "It's true. No one else can match the skills you bring to the team." Kevin said. "Besides, you're the number one you." Kaitlyn said.

"But my girlfriend needs me." John said. "I know what she'd say to that too." Kaitlyn said. "One person is strong, but a team is unstoppable." Kevin said.

"Dude, you have that impression down." Mike said. "Okay, and I wish guys weren't right but you are. This has to come first. Well, go on. Get out of here. I've got work to do. And be careful." John said. "Don't worry about us." Kaitlyn said as she ran out with everyone else. They came onto the scene after Arachnitor destroyed some buildings. "Fighting buildings? Wow, you're tough. Fight someone who fights back." Mike said. Then he tried to zap them. "Wait, does this creep look familiar? It's like he's mutated or something." Mia said. "Guys, stay on your toes." Kevin said. Then he hit them with a move that sent them to the ground. "So much for staying on our toes. Come on, let's get him." Kaitlyn said as they got back up. Back at the college John was working on infusing the power rangers symbol power into the black box, starting with the blue ranger. "Alright, just a little more. I can do this." John said. Then the blue ranger's symbol power went into the black box. "That's it. Dragon sword." John said. "So far so good." Jason said. "Now let's keep it going with the ape sword." John said. It didn't go the way he was expecting. He groaned in frustration.

"I just don't have enough symbol energy to finish it fast enough!" John said. "Clam down." Jason said. "I'm sorry. It's just that, the whole world is counting on me. Wait a second, the whole world, that's it! I'll put you back in a global satellite system and use my lighting symbol power to triangulate with Ariel's samuraizer." John said as he did something with his samuraizer to find out where I am. "Awesome, I found her. Look, I can't finish the black box now, but I can help Ariel." John said. "Go, bring her back safely." Jason said. Back in the cave Alyssa stood up. "You should be fully recovered by now." Alyssa said. I stood up. "Saving the world is a big job, and a huge responsibility." I said. "Yes, but unlike your friends, your family members were rangers. You have a legacy to carry on." Alyssa said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You'd sacrifice everything before giving the nighloks everything they wanted. There's a spirit inside you that I've never found in any other girl. A warrior spirit. And that's why you never gave up without a fight." Alyssa said. "You're right about that." I said. That's when John showed up. "Hey guys. What's going on here?" John asked. "Just a casual conversation." Alyssa said. "We should probably head back to the college. We got classes on monday." John said. "Alright, how about you lead the way?" Alyssa asked. "Alright, let's go." John said. We go back to the college.

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