Chapter 24 Ariel gets sent into a coma

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Meanwhile in a different part of the machine empire Trider, Bulk, and Skull found the brain drain device and the forcefield control system. "My friends, I think I found it." Trider said. "You're right. But how do we know which one is for the brain drain is which one is for the forcefield?" Bulk asked. "We don't, but when in doubt rip them out." Trider said. Then some cogs showed up. "You boys keep them busy." Trider said. "Okay, we can take them." Bulk said. Then Trider unlocked the gate and as Bulk and Skull were fighting off the cogs Trider broke the brain drain device and the forcefield control system. Meanwhile in the arena we were still fighting Tommy but it really wasn't going so well for us. "I don't know what else we can do." Jason said. "There's nothing you can do." Tommy said. "I've got an idea guys." I said before getting in front of them. "This ought to be amusing." Tommy said. "Zeo six, power down!" I said to demorph. "Ariel, are you sure you know what you're doing?" John asked. "He has to see us. He has to be in front of the faces of his real friends." I said. "Do not try to deceive me." Tommy said. I started to walk up to him. He ran at me which made me stop but he didn't punch me like he was going to. He started to attack me again when I wrapped my arms around him. "Tommy, don't do this. Please. It's me, Ariel." I said. "Ariel?" Tommy asked. "Do not listen to her." Prince Gasket said. "He's starting to remember her. I think it's working guys." John said. "Ariel? What's going on? I don't understand this. I feel like I know you but everything is just fuzzy. I can't remember anything. No! You're a power ranger! You bring evil and destruction wherever you go!" Tommy said. "That's correct, destroy her immediately!" Prince Gasket said. "Tommy, don't do it." John said before demorphing. "Zeo seven, power down." John said to demorph. He looked right at Tommy. "Tommy, Prince Gasket has tricked you. We're your friends." John said. "This has to work." Rocky said. "I hope so. Let's get with it you guys." Kaitlyn said before the rest of the team demorphed. "Zeo rangers, power down." Kaitlyn said along with the rest of the team to demorph. "John is right. Tommy we're here to help you." Kaitlyn said. "I don't know why but I feel like you're telling me the truth. Is it possible that everything Gasket told me about you was a lie? I'm so mixed up I don't know who I can believe." Tommy said.

"Try to think of all the things we've been through together." I said. "No! What is wrong with me?! I don't understand!" Tommy said as he broke away from me, sank to his knees, and hit the ground with his fists. "No! This is not what is supposed to happen!" Prince Gasket said. "Your brain drain is wearing off." Archeria said. "Come on Tommy." Katherine said. "You can't fool me!" Tommy said as he pulled out his lazer pistol and points it right at us. "Don't move rangers." Tommy said as he started to walk towards us. "Tommy, I know you're in there." I said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Tommy said. Before I could say anything in response to that he shot it at point-blank range and it hit me in the chest, causing me to fly back against the forcefield and fall to the ground. Then he points it at Katherine. "Come back to us. It's okay." Katherine said as she grabbed the gun and lowered it. Tommy then got a slight headache from the brain drain wearing off. "What are you doing? Remember, you're the king here. Fight!" Prince Gasket said before coming into the arena. "They are your enemies you fool. Destroy them!" Prince Gasket said. Tommy turned to face him. "I don't think so Gasket. Zeo five power down!" Tommy said to demorph. "No!" Prince Gasket said. "You're my enemy, and I'm leaving with my friends." Tommy said. That was the last thing I heard before blacking out. "We'll see." Prince Gasket said. Then they try to teleport out of there with me but due to the forcefield they couldn't. "You think I'm going to let you get away that easily? The games have just begun for you power rangers. Now for a little audience participation. Monsters, join me." Gasket said as he brought some of his monsters into the arena. "Let's do it guys." Tommy said. That's when they noticed that they can't morph either. "My forcefield is blocking your morphing powers. You've made a terrible mistake by demorphing. It will cost you dearly. Goodbye power rangers." Prince Gasket said. Just then the forcefield that surrounds the arena disintegrated. "What happened? It can't be. My forcefield has been disintegrated." Prince Gasket said. "We gotta get out of here." Tanya said. John got me onto his back. "You mess with one ranger you better be willing to take on the whole team." Jason said. John turned to face Prince Gasket. "Gasket, when you and your minions mess with one member of the power rangers, you mess with us all!" John said. "We'll meet again Gasket." Tommy said. "I'm sure of it." Prince Gasket said. Then they left with me. "I can't stand those power rangers." Prince Gasket said. Meanwhile in a different part of the machine empire Trider walked up to Bulk and Skull. "Well, that should put a quirk in Gasket's plans for a while. You my friends are great warriors." Trider said. "Well, you know it was nothing." Bulk said. "When I get back to my planet, we will make legends of you." Trider said. "Hey Trider, from one mighty warrior to another, how do we get back?" Bulk asked. "That my friends is the easy part, I'll just drop you off." Trider said. And with that he sent them back to earth. In a different part of the machine empire Prince Gasket couldn't believe that we got away from him. "I had them all in the palm of my hand. I can not believe that they got away from me." Prince Gasket said. "The power rangers are most difficult to defeat." Archeria said. "But defeat them I will. Nothing will stand in the way of my becoming the next machine king." Prince Gasket said. The next day Tommy met with John at the hospital. "Hey John, how's Ariel doing?" Tommy asked. "The doctors are still doing some tests and she hasn't regained consciousness." John said. Then Doctor Jacobs walked up to them. "Hi Doctor Jacobs." John and Tommy said. "Hi John, hi Tommy." Doctor Jacobs said. "So, I'm just wondering, how's Ariel? Is she going to be okay?" Tommy asked. "Has any of her family arrived yet?" Doctor Jacobs said. "I was waiting until I heard from you before I called them just to make sure it was serious enough." Tommy said. "You better call them. It's serious." Doctor Jacobs said. "What do you mean by serious Dr. Jacobs?" John asked. "It means that Ariel is still unconscious and I don't know why. We have no idea what happened. She's in a coma.

Can you give me any clues about what caused this?" Dr. Jacobs said. Tommy couldn't say anything, knowing that it's mostly his fault. "Not really." John said. "Okay, well, if you can think of anything let me know. Anything will help." Dr. Jacobs said. Then he walked away. John turned to Tommy. "This is all my fault." Tommy said. "Tommy, listen, it's not your fault. Prince Gasket made you do that." John said. "I know, it's just, I don't know if she would be able to forgive me for what I did." Tommy said. "Tommy, stop blaming yourself. If there's anyone to blame here it's Prince Gasket. He should be the one that has to be blamed." John said. "I guess, but that's still no excuse." Tommy said. "Whatever, I'm going to stay with her. You can come and visit whenever you want." John said. "Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Tommy said before leaving. Tommy called my family but was only able to get a hold of my brother.

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