Chapter 106 the final battle part 2

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Jason has faith in me. It was good to hear the coming from him. I needed somebody to say that to me ever since Tommy died. Tommy was usually the one who had faith in me. We went into town for round two with him. "Master Xandred, it's time to finish this!" I said as we ran up to him from behind. He turned to face us. "I thought I told you pathetic pests to wait." Master Xandred said. "Sorry, we became impatient." Mike said. "You will fall, and this world will be protected." Jayden said. "Rangers together, samurai forever!" We all said. "Fools, forever is shorter than you think." Master Xandred said before sending the moggers at us. We fought all of them off, leaving Master Xandred as the last one. Then we pulled out our samuraizers and morphed. "Rangers, you will fall." Master Xandred said before launching an attack at us. Our symbols must have protected us when we morphed as we came charging through the smoke his attack caused. We all got a hit on him but it wasn't enough. "I've had enough of these games." Master Xandred said before he used his nighlok wail on us again. Then the others used their symbol power to immobilize him. "You think you're power symbols can hold me for long?" Master Xandred said. Then I put my father's double disc on my wolf hunt bow. "Wolf hunt bow, crossbow mode!" I said as I put the disc on the bow. I started shooting arrow after arrow at his only weak spot. Then he used his nighlok wail on me, making me back off and stop shooting. "Think again." Master Xandred said. Then the others came at him from every side. John used the shiba ice disc. "Spin sword shiba ice! Icewave!" John said as he hit Master Xandred with it. "Finish him Ariel." John said. "Thanks to my father's shiba disc, I'm hoping to do just that." I said. I put my father's shiba disc on my sword. Then I spun it. "Shogun mode! Power of the ancestors!" I said as I went into shogun mode. "What's this?" Master Xandred said. "It's the end of the line for you." I said as I started to fight him. I saw the spot I have to keep hitting. "For this to work, I've got to keep hitting that spot." I said as I continued to hit his only weak spot. Then I used shogun strike. "You haven't seen the last of me!" Master Xandred said before he exploded. "We did it." Jayden said. "We're not done yet. We still have the mega monster to deal with." I said. That's when Master Xandred came back as a mega monster. "Samurai rangers, now, your world will end. Time to face my wrath." Master Xandred said. "No Master Xandred, time to face the wrath of the samurai." I said. Then we brought out all of the swords out and brought them together. "Samurai gigazord, we are untied!" We all said. "I hate you rangers. I'll take you down if it's the last thing I do. Especially you black ranger." Master Xandred said. "Why is he calling you out?" Jayden asked. "I don't know." I said. "I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member, wouldn't you agree black ranger?" Master Xandred said. "That's not gonna work Master Xandred, I've put it behind me." I said. "But what about the other rangers, have they put it behind them?" Master Xandred said. "Ariel, what is he talking about?" John asked. "Ah, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well black ranger, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for your mother's death." Master Xandred said. I was quiet for a minute before saying anything else. "I am." I said. They were shocked. "It's not true. Tell me it's not true." John said. "It's true." I said. "You see? She admits it. Murderer." Master Xandred said. "No, it was an accident." I said. "If it weren't for you your mother would still be alive, it's your fault she's dead. Do you deny it?" Master Xandred said. "No." I said. "Then you're guilty." Master Xandred said. "No, I'm not a murderer." I said. "Black ranger, you're in trouble again but this time your mother isn't here to save you and now everyone knows why." Master Xandred said. I made the megasword bring the sword up in an upward slash motion. "Now that looked familiar, where have I seen this before? Let me think. Oh yes, I remember, this is what your mother did before she died." Master Xandred said. Then he grabbed the megasword. "And here's my little secret. I killed Serena." Master Xandred said. I got so mad at that point. All this time I was wondering how my mother died. And now I know how she died. I disconnected myself from the rest of the team and pinned him to the ground with my sword. "Murderer!" I shouted. "Ariel stop." John said. I was so blinded by rage that I didn't really seem to hear him. "Tell them the truth." I said. "Truth? But truth is in the eye of the..." Master Xandred began before I moved one of the paws on my sword to his neck. "Alright, alright. I did it." Master Xandred said. "So they can hear you." I said. "I killed Serena." Master Xandred said loud enough for the rest of the rangers to hear. I joined the rest of the rangers which allowed him to get back up. He hit us with an attack and we got flung back against the back wall of the cockpit. Master Xandred is more powerful than ever. What do we do now." Kaitlyn said "At this rate we won't last long." Mia said. "I'll try to buy is some time." John said. Before he could use any, I stopped him. "Wait, don't use symbol power yet." I said. "Why not?" John asked. "We can't use it in small amounts. He'll win that way." I said before demorphing. "We have to demorph, and combine every last ounce of our symbol power into one grand strike." I said. Then Mike and Mia demorphed. "One attack?" Mike asked. "What if we miss?" Mia asked. "We have to get so close that we can't miss." I said. Then Emily, Kevin, and Jayden demorphed. "We have to do it, to save the world." Emily said. Then Antonio demorphed along with John and Kaitlyn. "Sounds risky, and dangerous." Antonio said. "Let's do it." John said. "Remember, no matter what happens we can not retreat. We have to keep going at all costs, even if we only have one sword left. Everything is riding on this one attack." Jayden said. We started to move towards Master Xandred again. "So, you're coming back for more, eh?" Master Xandred said before zapping us, which made us lose 3 of our swords, we still had 12 left. "You just don't know when to quit. You're making this so easy." Master Xandred said. He impaled the megasword with his sword which made us lose 4 more swords. We just had our original 8 swords left. "Keep going." Jayden said. "Are you really that determined to march to your own destruction?" Master Xandred said before hitting us with another attack, which made us lose our shield. "Okay guys, this is it. I just want to say something, in case all of us don't make it out alive.

No black ranger have ever fought with a better team of samurai. I'm honored to have fought beside you. And to call you guys my friends. However, the truth is that, you guys were more than friends, you guys were more like family." I said. "We all feel the same way. It all comes down to this. Now! Use all the symbol power you have left! It's go time!" Jayden shouted as we all pushed our swords forward and pulled them out of the control panels. Our blades were the same color as the ranger we are. "Samurai strike!" We all said as we hit Master Xandred with the charged up samurai strike. "Impossible! Samurai rangers, hear me now, you have won this battle, but our quest to rule your world will never end." Master Xandred said.

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