Chapter 67 putting the plan in action & the final battle against Mesagog part 1

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Elsa must have gone unconscious while we were headed back to the lab because she just regained consciousness. They walked over to her. "Are you alright?" Kaitlyn said. That's when Elsa remembered everything. "I remember everything." Elsa said. "Mesagog and Mercer fighting against the power rangers?" John asked. "Fighting against you. Mesagog had my mind completely in his power." Elsa said. "Just like what happened with Tommy and Prince Gasket." Jason said. "The new vehicle is ready to go." John said. "Are you gonna be alright?" Kaitlyn said. "Yeah." Elsa said. "Let's go." John said. "Come back safe." Elsa said. "We always do." Ethan said. I got to a portal. "Guys, I'm heading through. Be ready when I call you. The portal will only be open for a short time." I said. "You got it Ariel." Kaitlyn said. Then I went through the portal. Back by the portal coordinates, the new vehicle that they are going to use came towards them. "That is cool. Can I drive?" Conner asked. "No. We have to make sure we hit the portal at the exact right speed and we only get one chance at it. You better let me drive." Jason said. "Now it's up to Ariel." John said. Meanwhile at Mesagog's lab, I walked in with the dino gems. "It's about time. Now give me the gems." Mesagog said. Before he could grab it, I yanked it back. "Not so fast. Where is the locket?" I asked. He then used his power on me and grabbed the box. I went down. "You should know by now that I can't be trusted." Mesagog said. Back in the truck, they were getting up to speed. "Jason, are we at speed yet?" John asked. "Almost. Better hope Ariel is ready." Jason said. Back at Mesagog's lab, I saw the button I have to push as Mesagog started to use the dino gems to power up his transfiguration beam. I still have a slight headache but I know that I can do it. Back in the truck, they were almost there. They were at speed but I haven't pushed the button to open the portal for them. When it looked like they were going to drive into the rock cliffside I pushed the button. The portal opened and they came through. That's when Mesagog knew that they were on the island. "You... you did this!" Mesagog said. "You should know by now you can't trust me. It's over Mesagog, you're finished!" I said. "Thanks to your precious dino gems, the world will soon worship at my feet, and this planet will be as it once was. In the claws of the mighty repitles." Mesagog said. Back in the truck, they noticed that the transfiguration beam was getting powered up. They have to hurry if they are going to destroy it. Just then their path got blocked by tyranodrones. "Jason, you gotta take out that beam." Kaitlyn said. "I'll do my best." Jason said. "Let's go." John said. They got out of the truck but Jason stayed in the truck. They fought off the tyranodrones to clear the path for Jason. When the path was clear John told Jason to go. Jason drove away and deployed the lazer. Some of the tyranodrones caught up with the truck and tried to break our lazer. "You guys, someone has to realign the lazer, it's jammed." Jason said. "I'm on it Jason." Conner said. He had to run at super speed to catch up with the truck. Conner got onto the top of the truck and, one by one, he kicked them off the truck. He realigned the lazer. "Jason, is that good?" Conner asked. "Close enough. Get out of there." Jason said. Conner jumped off just as Jason shot the lazer. Explosions started to happen all around me. Steel structure parts were falling as well. I grabbed the box and gathered up the dino gems. "Ariel, get out of there before the portal network shuts down." Jason said. "I have to find the locket that was stolen when Tommy died. I'll be right there. I know another way out." I said. "Ariel, there's no time. Go now!" Jason said. Jason always had a way and I have followed his commands my whole life but I have to find that locket. It's the only thing connecting me with Tommy, reminding me that we were brother and sister, and will always be together, no matter where we are. Just then they all got back into the truck. "Nice work Jason. Let's go before were stuck here." Kaitlyn said. "But we can't leave Ariel here." John said. "She won't leave without this locket she mentioned. I don't know what's so special about it." Jason said. "No one knows this place better than her. We'll have to trust she'll make it out. Let's go." Kaitlyn said. I found the locket and Anton Mercer. Weird, but should have expected it. I ran over to him. "Come on Anton, we have to go." I said. We got attacked by tyranodrones but I was basically on my own. The others got out of there. They got out of the truck but didn't see me. "No, she can't be gone!" John said. Back at the lab Zeltrax broke in and kidnapped Elsa again, and trashing the lab in the process. Back at the portal coordinates they were wondering what they should do now. "I knew we shouldn't have left her." John said. "It's not like she's gonna fall out of the sky and land right in front of us." Jason said. "Were you knocked on the head or something?" John asked. "What? Last time I was joking." Jason said. Just then I showed up with Anton Mercer. They ran up to us. "Ariel!" John said before giving me a hug. I hugged him back. Then we started to make out in front of everyone. "Guys, get a room." Jason said. "What about Mesagog?" Kaitlyn said. "I don't think he made it. But I got the dino gems back, just in case." I said as I opened the box reveling that I got them back. "We still have Zeltrax to deal with." Jason said. We got back and to our surprise, it was trashed. There was a small black box thing that had a security camera in it. We watched the footage. "That's what I was afraid of." I said. "This is all my fault. I should have stopped him." Anton said. "Look, you can't blame yourself. We can't go back and changed what happened." I said. "That's right. Mesagog is gone. We should be thankful for that." Jason said. "You sure? Remember what happened with King Mondo?" I asked. "That was different though." Jason said. "Whatever." I said. At the steel plant on spring street Zeltrax had Elsa. "Zeltrax, Smitty, please Mesagog is gone. I'm sure I could talk to Jason." Elsa said. "Talk? I'm through with talk. Actions speak louder than words." Zeltrax said as his new sword shows up. "Haven't you learned that revenge is not the answer? You can't defeat the power rangers. You saw what their weapon did to Mesagog's lab." Elsa said. "I have something Mesagog didn't. An innocent bystander." Zeltrax said. The next day I was helping Jason with cleaning up the lab. There was a lot we had to do. We had to get all of the damaged equipment out if we couldn't fix it. We had to get the computer back up and running. There were so many things we had to do. "There, that's the last thing." I said as I finished up what I was doing. "Thanks for the help." Jason said. "No problem. I'm always willing to help." I said. Just then we got an alert. "Now what?" Jason asked. "Oh great, Zeltrax is back, and he has a sword." I said. "Call in the others?" Jason asked. "My thoughts exactly." I said. I contacted the others. "Come and face me power rangers." Zeltrax said. "Guys, Zeltrax is on the attack." I said. "Suit up, we'll meet you there." John said.

"You got it." I said before morphing. After I morphed the others met me. Zeltrax turned his sword to face us. "Power rangers, surrender or my most precious cargo will be destroyed." Zeltrax said. He has Elsa in his sword.

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