Chapter 85 Getting the tiger sword back

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Jayden went into his lion sword and I got into my wolf sword. "I hate to put some allies in harms way but we don't really have a choice." I said. "Let's do this." Jayden said. We started to battle the tiger sword. "I knew this was going to be tough but not this tough." Jayden said. "Alright, time for this fight to end." I said. We knocked the sword back. "Stay down." I said. Then I turned to Jayden. "He's all yours." I said. Jayden jumped over to the tiger sword. "I gotta do this fast." Jayden said. Then he put the resist disc on the part of the control panel where the disc goes and put the sword into the control panel. "Tiger sword, resist power!" Jayden shouted as he broke the spell on the tiger sword, bringing it back onto our side. The resist disc turned into the disc for the tiger sword. "Alright, our cool cat is back on our side." Jayden said. Meanwhile by the nighlok John knocked him down. That's when they noticed that the tiger sword was back on our side. "What? Now they've turned Tigger against me too." Madimot said. "Show's over nighlok!" Kevin said. "Not so fast." Madimot said before trying to blast them. "Spin sword six element strike!" They said as they did the move. "That's not fair. You teamed up on me." Madimot said before exploding. Then he grew into a mega monster. "Now you've got a big problem. Bad kitty." Madimot said. "There's no such thing as a bad kitty, just bad owners." I said. "Welcome back home tiger. Let's finish this." Jayden said. We started to take him down when the others got into their swords to help us out. Then our swords came together. Then Jayden combined the tiger sword with the megasword. "Tiger drill megasword! Armed for battle!" We all said. "You're nothing but a hairball. You're megasword is useless. My shield is the real deal." Madimot said. "I think we can break his shield with the tiger drill. Get ready." Jayden said. "Megablade activate!" We said as we all pulled our swords out. We used the tiger drill and it worked. "I can't be beat, I'm the baddest of the bad." Madimot said as he exploded. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Jayden said. We headed back to the college and they decided to play a board game in the rec hall. I went down with them but I didn't feel much like playing. John came up to me. "Hey, we're starting a new game. Wanna play?" John asked. I shook my head. "After today, I don't feel much like playing." I said. John put his hand on my shoulder. "It wasn't your fault. That nighlok was the one playing games and using us as the pieces. The tiger is one of our toughest allies and even he couldn't resist that nighlok's spell." John said. "But I raised my sword against you." I said. "And I raised mine against you. Sometimes we can't avoid putting each other at risk." John said. "But we have to do what's best for the greater good." I said. "You sound like Jason." John said as he gave me a playful nudge. I gave him one right back. "Hey, we're starting a new game. Come on." Kaitlyn said. "Alright, but I'm the little mermaid." I said. "Yeah, I think we all agree that you're the best one to control that." Mike said. "Alright, does everyone know how to play scene it?" I asked. "A few of us don't." John said. "Let's watch the on screen demonstration." Jayden said. We watched the on screen demonstration of how to play the game.

"Let me warn you guys, I have watched a lot of Disney movies so I might win. And I tend to be very competitive too." I said. "Then I guess we shouldn't go easy on you then." John said. "Were you always like that?" Jayden asked. "Yeah, I was always like that, even as a kid." I said. Then Jason came down and saw us playing scene it. "Looks like you guys are having fun." Jason said as he walked up to us. "Yeah, we had to sit on the floor because there's nothing to put the board on. Plus, all of us wouldn't be able to sit around the board." John said. "Yeah, when Calvin and I played it at our house we put the board on the coffee table but we had to clear a spot for it before we did the game." I said. While we were playing scene it, it reminded me of the playdate I had with Tommy all those years ago. The next day in the netherworld Master Xandred got mad because he thought that Octaroo was calling him weak. "What are you saying?! I'm weak?!" Master Xandred said. "No. Oo-ah-oo. You weren't going after the red ranger. So I looked in the archives. The power that sealed you here had always rested in the hands of the samurai shiba family, headed by the red ranger." Octaroo said. "The red ranger did this? How come you didn't know that?" Dayu asked. "I'm no fool like those darn rangers!" Master Xandred said. Then he sent some moggers out. Back at the college my samuraizer beeped. "Rangers, let's move out!" I said. We got to where they were. "Back off moggers!" I said as I took them down. I saw a little kid that must have tripped while trying to outrun them. I got over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "You better get out of here, right now. And get somewhere safe." I said. The kid stood up and ran away. The guys have the three swords that make up the samurai battlewing. They used the samurai battlewing to take down the giant moggers. Back by where the normal-sized moggers were I was still fighting alongside Mia and Emily. "These creeps never get tired." Emily said. "No shit." I said. Just then the guys showed up to help us out. Jayden used blazing strike, Kevin used dragon splash, Mia used airwave, Mike used forest vortex, Emily used seismic swing, I used icewave, Kaitlyn used speed strike, and John used lightning strike. Then some more showed up. "No way, there's more?" I asked. We started to fight them when from out of nowhere, a voice said red ranger over and over again. That's when we found out that all of the moggers were going after Jayden. It was like they were in some kind of trance. Jayden knew the voice. It was Master Xandred. "It's creeping me out." Mike said. "Alright guys, let's circle up to protect Jayden." I said. Jayden had a new symbol combination that he wanted to try. "I wanted to try out a new symbol combination for a while and now is the time." Jayden said as he took John's sword out of his hands. He stuck the swords into the ground, spun the discs, pulled them out of the ground and used a move called blazing storm. Just like that, all of the moggers were destroyed. Then the voice said red ranger you're in danger. Then we demorphed. "Alright, can someone please tell me what the heck that voice was?" Mike asked. "I've never heard anything so evil." Emily said. "That wasn't just a normal nighlok, was it Jayden?" Mia asked. "No. I think that was Master Xandred." Jayden said. "Master Xandred, as in the lord of the nighloks, you think he's back?" Kevin asked. "My dad used to fight him when he was a ranger." I said. "Why would he be calling out red ranger, why just him? And also what do you mean by your dad used to fight him?" Mike asked. "It's a long story. Long story short my dad was a power ranger years ago." I said. Back in the netherworld Master Xandred was taking a nap. "Oo-ah-oo. He's having to snore on the floor. His medicine isn't working and he's been so grumpy. All his evil energy is spawning more moggers. They're everywhere." Octaroo said. "I understand his anger. The rangers have been stopping all our attempts to flood their world and now history could repeat itself with the new red ranger." Dayu said.

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