Chapter 95 the dream world part 1

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Dayu couldn't believe that Master Xandred summoned Rhinosnorus. "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." Rhinosnorus said. "Rhinosnorus. What are you doing here?" Dayu asked. "The boss sent me. It's naptime for you." Rhinosnorus said. Dayu used Felix as a shield and Mia jumped out of the way as to not get hit with the mist too. The last thing we need is to be down a ranger. "This is Master Xandred's wake-up call. I'm not coming back." Dayu said. Just then we showed up. "Rangers? Come on. I'm working here." Rhinosnorus said. We started to fight him. "I got plans for you. It's time to fix my harmonium." Dayu said as she picked up Filex. She started to walk away when Mia saw her leaving and went after her. Rhinosnorus was about to make John and Kaitlyn fall asleep. I pushed them out of the way without getting hit myself. "Thanks." Kaitlyn said. "Kaitlyn, you go help Mia. John, you're with me." I said. "You got it." Kaitlyn said before going to help Mia. Then Rhinosnorus tried to make Emily fall asleep but Jayden pushed her out of the way. "Thanks." Emily said. "Go help Mia." Jayden said. "Time to turn out the lights." Rhinosnorus said. "Not so fast." Antonio said as he threw some barracuda bombs at him. "Good timing Antonio." I said. "Leave it to me." Antonio said. But then he got hit with the mist and fell asleep. "He won't wake up until I say so. The more he dreams the tastier a snack he'll be." Rhinosnorus said. "Nighlok, do you really think we're gonna stand here and let that happen?" Jayden asked. "Of course not. I gulp down my grub in the dream world. But I'm going to let him marinate a while. First things first, I need to go catch Dayu. "Rhinosnorus said before making a portal appear on Antonio's chest and jumped inside. "An interdimensional portal." Mike said. "Just like the invisaportals when Mesagog was around." John said. "I know what you mean." I said. Meanwhile in a clearing Mia caught up with Dayu. "You have an annoying habit of meddling in my affairs pink ranger." Dayu said. "Keep being evil and I'll keep stopping you." Mia said. Just then Rhinosnorus showed up. "Sleep time ladies. Pleasant dreams, but not for you Dayu." Rhinosnorus said as he used his sleep mist on both of them. It made Mia demorph and roll down a hill with Dayu. They were both asleep. "That was easy. I'm going to have enough food in the dream world to feast for a week." Rhinosnorus said before heading back into the dream world. I called Jason and described the nighlok. "Ariel, that nighlok is Rhinosnorus. He puts his victims to sleep and enters into their dreams. His victims then experience vivid fantasies. Usually happy ones. Once devoured his victims never wake up in the real world again. Who knows how long until Rhinosnorus starts eating his victims? Ariel, you must locate and destroy him, fast." Jason said. "We're on it." I said before hanging up. "What's the deal?" Mike asked. "We have to enter the dream world." I said. "So, we have to find our way into the dream world? How do we do that?" John asked. "I'll use my symbol power. I'm not sure how much energy it will take. But I can do it." I said. "I hope you're right." Mike said. Meanwhile in the forest Mia and Dayu were both sleeping and their dreams almost crossed over into each other. (Skip to 0:40 in the video.)

Meanwhile in town I was ready to make a portal for them. "I doubt I'll be able to keep the portal open for very long. Jump in as soon as it materializes. I'll be right behind you." I said. Then I pulled my samuraizer out. "Symbol power, portal!" I said as I drew the symbol for portal. It materialized. "Go, now!" I shouted. They jumped into the portal but as soon as they jumped in I collapsed onto the ground. It took more power than I thought. That's why I didn't jump in behind them. They showed up in the dream world. "It worked." John said. They looked around. "This is the dream world? It seems pretty normal." Kevin said. "Yeah, normal." Mike said sarcastically. "This is definitely the dream world. Let's go." Jayden said. They walked around when they heard Antoinio. "Check this out! I did it! Biggest fish of the year!" Antonio said. He had a trophy for it. They walked over to him. "Antonio, you're just dreaming." Kevin said. "Dude, this isn't real." Mike said. "What are you doing? This is my golden moment." Antonio said. "You're in a nighloks dream world. Nothing here is real." Kevin said. "Tell that to my trophy." Antonio said. That's when Rhinosnorus showed up. "Guys, we got trouble." Jayden said. Rhinosnorus was about to eat someone when Jayden, Mike, and Kevin stopped him. Then they morphed.

John morphed as well. "What? Rangers? How did you get into my dream world? I didn't put you to sleep." Rhinosnorus said. "We're crashing your slumber party." Mike said. "That's right. We're gonna give you a dose of reality." Kevin said. "You're dreaming." Rhinosnorus said. They started to fight. Mike was able to kick him down. "Nice try but guess what, you're on my turf now and here we play by my rules." Rhinosnorus said before making the part of the ground they were standing on go up and turn over, then coming down on top of them. "Ow! That fucking hurt!" John said. "No shit." Jayden said. "In this world I always win. I can do anything I dream up. You could say I'm on a roll." Rhinosnorus said before sending a boulder at them. They tried to run away from it but it was like wherever they ran the bolder was right behind them. "Talk about being between a rock and a hard place." Mike said. "Wait, guys, this is our dream world too, right?" John asked. "Yeah, you're right." Jayden said. "I got a plan. Time for some soccer." Mike said as he grew to a tall enough size to kick the boulder away. Mike kicked it but when he kicked it he kicked John, Jayden, and Kevin with it. The boulder turned into a soccer ball and knocked Rhinosnorus down. "Now that I'm getting the hang of this dream world, I'm getting a kick out of it." Mike said. Meanwhile in a forest Kaitlyn and Emily were looking for Mia. "Where is she?" Kaitlyn said. "It feels like we've been running around in circles." Emily said. They got him out of the dream world. "You made me miss my snack." Rhinosnorus said. "We're putting your big butt on a diet." Mike said. He tried to hit them with the mist to make them fall asleep but they jumped out of the way and cut his mist blower off. "My mist blower! That means all my sleeping snacks will wake up!" Rhinosnorus said. Felix saw them fighting Rhinosnorus and ran away. "You're going to bed without your supper creep." Mike said. "We're about to dash your dreams." Kevin said. Kevin tried to hit him with his hydro bow but before the attack could hit him, he disappeared through a gap. "We just missed him." John said. Back in town, everyone that was asleep woke back up, including Antonio. "Antonio." I said getting his attention. He turned to face me. "Ariel, what happened?" Antonio asked. "You were trapped in the dream world. Kevin, Mike, Jayden, and John went in and saved you." I said. "Yeah, they were there." Antonio said. While we were headed back to the college some giant moggers and giant spitfangs showed up. "Uh-oh, we've got bad company." Antonio said. "We need to go into megasword mode." I said. "But your exhausted." Antonio said. "That hasn't stopped me before, and it's no different now. Plus, we don't really have a choice." I said. "Alright, let's do this together." Antonio said before we morphed. "Go go samurai!" I said as I drew my symbol to morph. Then Antonio morphed.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Antonio asked.

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