Chapter 104 the super seal fails

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Master Xandred finally hit my sword making it come back to me and fold up. "You're nothing but pests." Master Xandred said before focusing his attention on me. "Almost there." I said. "Not today, not ever." Master Xandred said before launching an attack at me. Before I even sent it towards him I told myself that I only got one shot at this, so I got to make it count. "Samurai symbol power, super seal!" I said as I sent it towards him, sending his attack right back at him as well. We thought it worked. "It worked." Mia said. "He's gone." Jayden said. "She did it." Emily said. "I can't believe it. I really did it. I finally sealed Master Xandred." I said. "That's my girl." Michael said. Little did we know that it didn't quite work. I did every step perfectly, even the part where I make it bold, to make sure it works. I couldn't believe that he survived. We all saw a white patch on his chest. "This is far from over rangers." Master Xandred said. "No, you were sealed." I said, quoting the lion king, just making it different. (Just watch the beginning of the video. The part where Scar says "Mufasa, no, you're dead)

"No nighlok has ever survived the super seal before." Michael said. "This white patch, Dayu's human side is what saved me." Master Xandred said. "He must have absorbed Dayu's body. He's not pure nighlok anymore." Mia said. "And now, I don't need sanzu water to keep me from drying out." Master Xandred said. In the netherworld Octaroo noticed that he survived. "Oo-ah-oo. When Dayu merged with him she really came through. Her human half shielded Master Xandred from the super seal." Octaroo said. "How can we stop him now?" I asked. Master Xandred scoffed. "You can't." Master Xandred said before blasting us. Then he used his nighlok wail on me. It sent me to the ground and made me demorph. I tried to get back up but couldn't. "No!" Michael said before running over to us. "I got this guys." Michael said before writing the symbol for teleport to get us out of there. "I'll finish you rangers, if it the last thing I do!" Master Xandred said. Then he walked over to where he absorbed Dayu's body. "Dayu, you served me well. Nothing can save the humans now." Master Xandred said before leaving through a gap. Back at the college I was sitting at the picnic pavilion behind the school by myself. I really need to be alone for right now. The others were talking in the annex. "Master Xandred beat us bad. If the super seal didn't work, what else can we do?" Mike asked. "He's immune to the super seal. He doesn't need sanzu water." Mia said. "Can he even be beat?" Antonio asked. "We almost had him." Kevin said. "I feel so sorry for Ariel. She spent her whole life saving the world, and it was all for nothing." Emily said. Michael walked out and saw me sitting at one of the picnic tables looking up at the stars. "Ariel, are you okay?" He asked before he came over and sat down next to me. I glanced at him out the corner of my eye and looked back up at the stars. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked. "Yeah." Michael said. "Kinda reminds you of  what we're all fighting for. You know what's coming next, don't you? That cloud of sorrow that Dayu released probably has the sanzu river ready to burst. Nothing will stop Master Xandred from sailing his evil ship right into our world. I let everybody down. You, the rangers, my friends, and especially mom and Tommy." I said. "Here's the thing, I'm handing the role of the black ranger back to you." Michael said. "But I tried to seal Master Xandred but it didn't work." I said. "The right thing is for you to be the black ranger again. You have a great team that's willing to help. They need you. The whole world needs you." Michael said. "Alright, fine. I'll do my best. It's time to finish what you started." I said. "I'll call a meeting right away. We'll meet in the annex." Michael said before walking inside. Meanwhile in the netherworld Octaroo noticed the the sanzu river is about to flood into our world. "Thanks to Dayu the sanzu river is finally about to overflow. And since you've absorbed her humanity, now when you go to the human world you won't have to worry about drying out or the black ranger's super seal. This may be the best day ever." Octaroo said.

"Yes." Master Xandred said. "Of course, I will miss you Dayu, but her sacrifice will bring us our greatest victory. So, do you want to say something to honor her memory?" Octaroo asked. "She served her purpose. Let's go." Master Xandred said. I met with everyone in the annex. "Tomorrow Master Xandred must be stopped. But before then, I have something to say. As you know, the super seal failed to stop him. I'm handing the role of the black ranger back to Ariel." Michael said. I sat down in the empty chair. "Alright guys, listen up. Master Xandred is more powerful that ever. It appears that he's unbeatable. But I have a plan. We're going to take him out with brute force. The attempt to seal Master Xandred didn't work, but it definitely weakened him. Dayu's human essence may have saved him but it also created a weak spot that we can exploit. Forget sealing him. If we can hit that spot with a strong enough blow, we might be able to destroy him." I said. "But we'll need more power." John said. "And you'll have it, thanks to this." Michael said as he handed the shiba ice disc to me. I showed it to them. "I won't join you guys for this battle but I've used every last ounce of my strength to pack that disc with as much symbol power as I could. Hopefully, it will be enough to help you defeat Master Xandred once and for all." Michael said. "Nice. Thanks for everything you've done to help us." John said. "No doubt it will be a tough battle. But we're a strong team, and I believe that together, we can accomplish anything." I said. Later that night I was training in the gym and John and I were talking. I was on the pull-up bar. "You know, Master Xandred won't stop until he gets what he wants." I said as I pulled myself up on the bar over and over again. "Not if we have something to say about it." John said. "Who told me the whole world was at stake here?" I asked before pulling myself up again. "What are you doing?" John asked. "Getting ready for a fight." I said. Then I got down from it. "You need to take it easy with the training." John said. "Not when the whole world is at stake. Besides, my dad is just here to help, just like how Billy was helping us when we first became zeo rangers." I said. "Yeah, I noticed." John said. "Anyway, it's getting late. We should head back to our dorm rooms and get some rest." I said as we walked out of the gym. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." John said as he went towards his dorm room. I went to my dorm room and Kaitlyn was still up. "Really girl?" Kaitlyn said. "What?" I asked as I walked into the room. "You had to go to the gym and train again. Even when you should be taking it easy." Kaitlyn said. "Look, if the whole world wasn't at stake I probably would have." I said. I pulled out my Jojo Siwa journal, opened it to an empty page, and started to write down what was going through my mind. "You've been doing a lot of writing in your journal lately. Is there something you want to talk about?" Kaitlyn said. "Nothing." I said in response. "Okay. Let's get some sleep. We got to be ready for anything." Kaitlyn said. "The battle for our world starts tomorrow. And I know we can do it." I said.

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