Chapter 12 the final battle against Rita Repulsa part 1

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I gave them the extra notebooks. Two years go by and we're in eighth grade now. We are now thirteen or fourteen years old. The thing is that the 7th and 8th grade building has hallways with different animal teams. For seventh grade it was all big cats like lions and tigers. I'm not sure if I would consider panthers, bobcats, and cougars as big cats but I guess that they are. For eighth grade it's all birds, and I mean like big birds, well except for owls. I was on the tigers team last year with John and we were both named tiger of the month but with him being it in January and me being it in February. It was like a student of the month thing. John and I also made the honor roll. Even a few of our friends made the honor roll too. My dad would usually tell me if I made the honor roll and whenever I did he was so proud of me. "Well, you raised me good." I said. "With a little bit of help." Michael added. "Oh come on dad. You did just fine on your own." I said. "With you, maybe." Michael said. "Hey, what about me? What am I, chopped liver?" Calvin asked as he walked up to us. "I did good with you too." Michael said while facing him. "Okay, well, a few of my friends and I are headed to the youth center to have our homework group time." I said. "Just be back by dinnertime, remember, you have youth group tonight with your friends too." Michael said. "Don't worry, I will." I said as I walked out. While my friends and I were working on our homework I asked them if they are going to be at youth group tonight. "Some of us might not be able to make it tonight." Jason said. "Why not?" I asked. "Some of us have important things to do at home, but we'll try to make it to youth group tonight." Tommy said. "Okay, I have to get back home. My dad wants me to be back by dinnertime. I'll see you guys later." I said. "Okay, see you at youth group tonight." Kimberly said. Later that night I went to youth group with my friends. We started youth group with this name game that we call the nameless name game. There's this new girl at youth group and her name is Lilly. I have seen her around school a few times but we never really talked to each other. "Alright guys, here's what is going to happen. You guys have to come up with an adjective that starts with the same letter as your first name. I usually pick awesome Ariel but tonight I'm going with adventurous Ariel." I said. "So, do we have to repeat you or...?" Tommy asked. "You guys have to repeat it back to me and we'll go around the circle with everyone starting with the ones before them then adding their own onto it." I said. "Alright, let's do this." Kimberly said. "Adventurous Ariel." I said. "Adventurous Ariel." They all repeated. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy." Billy said. "Brave Billy." All of us said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason." Jason said. "Joyful Jason." All of us said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John." John said. "Jumpy John." We all said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn." Kaitlyn said. "Keen Kaitlyn." We all said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn, kindhearted Kimberly." Kimberly said. "Kindhearted Kimberly." We all said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn, kindhearted Kimberly, lovely Lilly." Lilly said. "Lovely Lilly." All of us said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn, kindhearted Kimberly, lovely Lilly, talented Trini." Trini said. "Talented Trini." We all said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn, kindhearted Kimberly, lovely Lilly, talented Trini, terrific Tommy." Tommy said. "Terrific Tommy." We all said. "Adventurous Ariel, brave Billy, joyful Jason, jumpy John, keen Kaitlyn, kindhearted Kimberly, lovely Lilly, talented Trini, terrific Tommy, zippy Zack." Zack said. "Zippy Zack." We all said. We played some other games like bodyguard, group juggle, push me pull you, and fortunately... unfortunately. We ended youth group with going up to the library in the church because part of the church is a school and played a game called celebrity. "Alright, so what everyone needs to do is write the name of a celebrity on one piece of paper. It could be a fictional character, a real person like an actor, musician, historical figure, basically anyone that we would all know. Also pick someone who we wouldn't immediately guess that you wrote. The object of this game is to guess who wrote what. Then once you do that we have to fold them in half then give them to someone who is going to read all of them. Then we'll go through the group asking each other if they wrote one of those celebrities. Any questions about that?" Charlotte (the person in charge of youth group) asked. "Nope." All of us said. We played the game and at eight o clock at night I was in the lower parking lot waiting for my dad to come pick me up when Lilly walked up to me. "Hey Ariel." Lilly said. "Hey Lilly. What's up?" I asked. "Not much. It's just that this was my first time at youth group. And it was nice of you to include me in the games that you and your friends were playing." Lilly said. "I wanted to be friends with you but I didn't want to come off as desperate for another friend." I said. "I understand. So, can we be friends?" Lilly asked. "If you want." I said. Then my dad pulled into the parking lot. "There's my dad. I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Lilly said. Then we said goodbye to each other and I went back home. The next day after school my friends and I went to the youth center to hang out but while we were walking there Zordon tells us that Rito was attacking the city, near where the carnival is for the summer. "Alright, we're on our way." I said. Then we morphed.

"Dire wolf!" I said to morph. "Ground sloth!" John said to morph. "American lion!" Kaitlyn said to morph. We went to where the carnival is during the summer and found Rito. "We'll take that orb Rito." Tommy said. Rito turned to us. "Hey, who invited you?" Rito said. "You can't win." John said. "Give it up!" I said. "You know, you guys are getting on my nerves." Rito said. "Good, give us the orb and we'll leave." Kaitlyn said. "Whatever your game is, you're gonna lose." Jason said. "Really, then maybe you should play a little pin the tail on the tenga." Rito said as some tenga warriors showed up. "Here come the tenga warriors." Tommy said. "Great, just what we need." Trini said. That's when I saw that we were surrounded. "I hate to tell you this guys but we're surrounded." I said. Then some of them started to head to the carnival grounds and Trini, Zack, and Billy went after those ones. "John, Kaitlyn, go with them. I'll help Tommy, Kimberly, and Jason here." I said. "You got it." John said. "Are you guys through? I haven't got all day you know." Rito said. Then Goldar showed up. "Hold everything. I saw the fun you were having and I thought I'd join in." Goldar said. "Great, more trouble." I said under my breath. "Alright, enough fooling around. Hand over the orb." Tommy said. "We're not going to let you do this." Kimberly said. "Oh, big words from someone in pink tights. I'm going to put this right where it belongs and you can't stop me." Rito said. "Wanna bet? Just watch." Jason said before we started to fight them. "Come and get it." Rito said. Tommy, Kimberly, and I fought the tenga warriors leaving Jason to fight Rito. "Not bad but you zigged when you should've zagged." Rito said. "Give me the orb! You're not going to get away with this!" Jason said.

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