Chapter 102 The fight against Dillon

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He seems to remember that. "Yeah, yeah. I remember." Dillon said. "Then again, when we went on that field trip to the Johnstown flood museum, we were on the incline and you were not really listening to your dad who was a chaperone on that field trip but when you saw me you calmed down and started listening to your dad for the remainder of the field trip." I said. "Yeah, I remember that as well." Dillon said. "So, why the fuck are you here?" I asked. "I think you know exactly why I'm here." Dillon said as he pulled out a sword. I pulled out my spin sword and we started to fight. "You will fall to my sword Dillon." I said. "It's time to finish what we started." Dillon said. We charged toward each other and our swords clashed together. Back at the college Kevin was walking around by himself when Kaitlyn came up behind him. "Kevin." Kaitlyn said to get his attention. Kevin turned to face her. "If you need to go and be with the others, I understand. You guys are more than just samurai, you're friends." Kaitlyn said. "Thank you Kaitlyn. I know you and John can handle yourselves but, as a samurai, my duty is to protect the entire city from evil, not just my friends. Don't worry about me." Kevin said. "You're all very lucky to have each other. I never had a friend who took anything as seriously as you do, well, besides Ariel." Kaitlyn said. "Now you do. Let's go train." Kevin said. Kevin went outside to train while Kaitlyn trained inside. Meanwhile in schenley park Dillon and I were still fighting. We got to an area where there were less trees. "I won't rest until we finish this fight." Dillon said. "Then let's finish it." I said. We charged towards each other and continued to fight. "You feel too, don't you? The way the sword is the only way to live." Dillon said. "No, that's where you're wrong. The only good that comes from fighting is the defeat of evil." I said. In a different part of schenley park Jayden, Mike, Emily, Mia, and Michael were all looking for me. "Come on, run faster. We have to get to Ariel before it's too late." Jayden said. Dillon and I were fighting so much that I didn't realize that it was already dark. "The last time we saw each other was when you were in fifth grade and I was in fourth grade. But unlike last time, I'll actually be able to do what I couldn't back then." Dillon said before knocking me down. "No, I must stop you." I said. He was about to hit me again when I blocked it, pushed his sword down as I got up, dragged my sword along the blade of his sword towards the handle, and hit him. I finally disarmed him. "This ends now!" I said as I gave what should be the finishing blow to him. We both went down. That's when the others saw some fire and smoke. That's when they knew exactly where I was. They started to run over to where I was. Back at the college John met with Kevin. He's almost fully recovered. "Kevin." John said to get his attention. "John, what do you need?" Kevin asked. "What I need is for you to go with the others." John said. "What? No. I need to protect you  and the city while Ariel practices the super seal." Kevin said. "Your dedication is admirable, but it is okay. Kaitlyn and I can take care of ourselves. Besides, I'm worried about Ariel too. She's my girlfriend. Kaitlyn and I will stay here in case there's a nighlok attack. But you should go." John said. "But..." Kevin began when John cut him off. "Kevin, Ariel needs you now far more than we do. I can feel it. So go to her, please." John said. "Alright, I'm going. And John, thanks." Kevin said before leaving. Meanwhile at schenley park there was a ring of fire around me and Dillon I sat up. I was worn out but still had the strength to sit up. "It's finally over." I said. But I couldn't be more wrong. "This isn't over yet." Dillon said as he sat up. "That's impossible!" I said. "This guy won't stop." Dillon said. That's when the others saw me. "There she is." Mike said. "Ariel!" Michael said to get my attention. "Dad, guys, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Please stop, you two have fought enough." Mia said. "Let's finish this." Dillon said. "No! Neither of you have to do this!" Emily shouted. "They don't know what they're talking about." Dillon said. I couldn't think straight, between the rangers telling me one thing and Dillon telling me another thing. I didn't know what to do. I looked over at my dad and he mouthed the words "Get the job done." I smiled at him and gave him a nod. "Raise your sword. It's time I found peace in your defeat." Dillon said. He tried to lift his sword but couldn't. "Face it Dillon, it's over. You're too tired to even lift your sword." I said. That's when he felt a hand on his arm. "Who are you?" Dillon said. "My name is Serena. Stop." Serena said. "What are you doing here?" Dillon asked. "I'm not going to let you hurt my daughter." Serena said. It's weird, I can hear every word that is being said. Eventhough I couldn't see who it was that was talking to him I knew who it was. "Mom came to save me as well?" I asked myself. "Serena, release me." Dillon said. That's when she finally let go. "This fight is over." I said as I got up. I turned around and started to walk away. Although I probably shouldn't have. "Don't turn your back on me Ariel." Dillon said quoting the lion king, only replacing Scar's name with mine.

He lifted his sword and came at me from behind. The others gave me the heads up, just in the nick of time. However, it wasn't enough. As he was about to give the finishing blow to me Kevin slashed him in the back, making drop his sword and go down. "Kevin." I said when I saw him. Michael ran into the fire circle where Kevin made an opening with his water power and got me out of there. That morning I was sitting with them, having a heartfelt conversation. "Thank you for helping me last night. I'm sorry I couldn't share my secret. The plan had to be protected." I said. "Ariel, you know you're still the black ranger. We don't care that you kept your secret from us." Mia said. "I'm not who you thought I was." I said. "What about all the battles? You're telling me we didn't know the girl we trusted to be the black ranger? If you think everything we have done isn't real, just because you kept a secret, then say it to our faces." Mike said. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to that. Michael walked up to me. "If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to." Michael said. I gave a small nod as to say that I understood. Then he turned to Mike. "You know, you could have said it in a nicer way. My daughter's feelings are now hurt because of you." Michael said. Back at the college John was helping Kaitlyn with taking care of Jason. "Do you need anything else, like a blanket or an extra pillow?" John asked. "No thanks." Jason said. "Alright." John said before walking out. He walked to the dorm lounge where Kaitlyn was waiting for him. "John, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Kaitlyn said. "Okay, what is it? What's going on Kaitlyn?" John asked. "Do you think that she has a score to settle with Master Xandred?" Kaitlyn said. "That's not possible. He didn't do anything to her." John said. "That's not the point I'm trying to make. He might not have done anything to her, but maybe he did something to her family." Kaitlyn said. "What do you mean?" John asked. "There's a lot we don't know about her family history." Kaitlyn said.

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