Chapter 80 the next battle part 1

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I continued by saying that it happened again last night. "Do you know what's going on with that?" I asked. "You know what I think? It might be a calling." John said. "What do you mean by calling? I mean, don't you think that might be a sign that he's still looking out for me?" I asked. "It might seem like that to you but I think he's trying to tell you that he's still watching out for you, eventhough he's not physically here with us. And you're blocking it out." John said. "I'm not blocking anything out." I said. "Yes you are." John said. "No I'm not. If I was I would have told Jason and then he would tell you." I said. "Makes sense because he was the second person you would go to. Why wouldn't you come to me before him? I'm your boyfriend for crying out loud." John said. "You wouldn't understand." I said. "What wouldn't I understand?" John asked. "It doesn't matter, Hakuna Matata." I said. "What?" John asked. "Hakuna Matata, it's something I learned from my dad. Look, sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry?" I said. "Because it's not just about you." John said. Before I could say anything in response Jason came up to us. "Hey guys, I think you guys should have the day off." Jason said. "Sounds like a good idea to me." John said. "Yeah, but I already promised Jayden that I would train with him." I said as I threw my trash out. "No problem, just don't overdo it." Jason said. Then John went to the gym while I met with Jayden. "Hey guys. Guess what." John said. "You skipped training, again." Kevin said. "Well that's nothing new. Jason just told me he wanted us to take the day off." John said. "Really?" Emily asked. "This isn't a joke?" Mia asked. "But we just started our workout." Kevin said. "You're telling me you're going to disobey a direct order from your samurai mentor?" John asked. "I guess not." Kevin said. "What to do. I can shop for shoes that aren't designed for fighting monsters or I can catch a flick." Mia said. "But it's such a beautiful day. It'd be a shame to stay cooped up inside." Emily said. "How about we go to kennywood?" Kaitlyn asked. "That sounds good." John said. "Well, I've never been on a roller coaster before. They don't have amusement parks where I'm from." Emily said. "Alright, kennywood here we come!" John said. Just then Jayden and I walked into the gym to warm up and stretch. "Hey, we're going to the amusement park." John said. "Have fun." I said. "You're not coming with us?" Kaitlyn said. "Not this time. There's something we need to do." Jayden said. "They're so mysterious sometimes. I wonder what's so important." Mia said. "Our day off is a wasting. Jayden and Ariel can take care of themselves. Come on." John said before they walked out. Jayden and I both showed each other what were going to be training with. He was going to train with the beetle disc while I was going to train with the dire wolf disc. We went to the baseball field behind the school after we warmed up and stretched. At the amusement park Kevin was wondering why Jayden and I didn't go with them. "I wonder why Jayden and Ariel didn't come with us." Kevin said. "Ariel is just going through a rough time right now." John said. "Jayden seemed to have a lot on his mind." Mia said. "We'll bring them back some cotton candy to cheer them up." Emily said. "Wait, maybe this is a test. A samurai never takes a day off." Kevin said. "Kevin, stop being paranoid." Mia said. "Look, if you wanted us to stay, you should have said so." John said. "I don't think Jayden and Ariel will take a day off until the last nighlok is defeated." Kaitlyn said. "Okay. I'll stay for a while." Kevin said. Back at the college Jayden and I put the discs on our swords and spun them. But when we tried to do a move the power of the discs caused us to lose our grip and flung us back. Jason came up to us and picked up both of our swords. "You guys are not ready to use the beetle disc and the dire wolf disc yet. You're literally playing with fire and ice. Jayden, Ariel, you must be prepared to give 100% of yourselves, not just physically, but mentally." Jason said. "But we're giving 110%." Jayden said. "Yes, but you guys are lacking balance in your lives. You're pushing yourselves too hard. And that's not letting you be at your best." Jason said. "Yeah, maybe we are pushing ourselves hard. But Jayden is the red ranger and I'm the black ranger now. We have to be the best and keep getting better." I said as Jayden and I took our swords back. "I understand why both of you stayed behind today. Ariel, there was a time when we were younger, when we both trained hard, but you still allowed yourself for have fun." Jason said. "It's the same thing for me as well." Jayden said. "Anyway, I know you guys wanted to go with the others." Jason said. "The nighloks are growing stronger. We must master these discs before it's too late." Jayden said. "The responsibility you guys bare is great. But while you need to master the discs, you also need to master balance in your life, as a samurai." Jason said. Jayden and I just went back to training. Back at the amusement park the others were having lunch. That's when Dreadhead came through a gap. The others heard other people call for help. "That sounds like trouble." Kevin said. "So much for my normal day." Mia said. Dreadhead shot his lazers at some people but before they could get hit the others got there and deflected them away from them. "Samurai rangers." Dreadhead said. "That's enough dreadlock." Kevin said. "You're saying there's something wrong with my hair?" Dreadhead said. "Yeah, it's so dreadful it needs a trim." Mike said before starting to attack. Mike got sent to the ground. That's when the others stepped in and tried to help but their swords didn't work on him either. "This isn't good. What do we do now?" Kaitlyn asked before they were sent to the ground. "Our spin swords don't work on this creep." Mike said. They tried to attack him again. "The truth is y'all ain't so hot because you swords ain't got no mojo." Dreadhead said. "There's nothing we can do." Emily said. "What's this monster made of?" Mia asked. "Mostly red fur." Mike said. Then they got blasted and fell to the ground. "Now that's more like it. So let's pretend you're all blades of grass and guess who's gonna be the lawnmower." Dreadhead said. Before he could shoot at them again Jayden and I showed up. "Guess who's gonna kick your butt!" I said getting his attention. "Ariel, Jayden, watch out!" John shouted. Jayden and I soon found out that our swords don't work on him as well. "Hey, what gives?" Jayden asked. "Even our swords don't work. It just goes right through his body." I said. "You attack like a toothless gator. So useless." Dreadhead said before Jayden and I did a move to disarm him, but only for a minute. We got to the others. "Nice move." John said. "Thanks, now let's use our swords and attack together." I said. We used octet slash and we thought it worked bit it didn't. "Your rainbow ray just tickled my tummy." Dreadhead said. He tried to blast us but Jayden shielded us with his fire smasher. Jayden and I both pulled out the discs that we were training with. "What are those? I've never seen those before." Mia said. Before we could do anything else Dreadhead started to dry out. "Oh, it feels like I ate cactus needles. I'm drying out. Next time you won't be so lucky. Later rangers." Dreadhead said before leaving through a gap. Jayden and I hesitated when we were about to use the discs, but I'm not sure why.

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