Chapter 17 King Mondo's defeat part 2

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They all walked up to him. "I can't believe it. He was here and I let him get away." Tommy said. "Tommy, what happened?" Rocky asked. "Mondo dug up a sword out of the ground that seemed to give him extra powers. We better get back to the command center." Tommy said. They teleported back to the command center. "Good work Rocky." Tommy said before walking up to me, John, Kaitlyn, and Billy. "Hey Billy, have you identified Mondo's weapon?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, it's the damocles sword." Billy said. "The damocles sword is an extremely powerful but unstable weapon. If used incorrectly it could cause as much harm to Mondo as it dose to those who fight him." Zordon said. "He must be really desperate." Tanya said. "We've gotta contact Jason." Katherine said. "Yeah, about that, when he got over to me, John, and Kaitlyn, he wasn't wearing his communicator. When I asked him about it he said that it must have fallen off his wrist when Bulk and Skull stopped him but when he went back to where Bulk and Skull stopped him he couldn't find it. So we have no idea where it is." I said. "We know one thing's for sure, it's not at the youth center." John said. "Alpha, lock onto his communicator and teleport it here. That might tell us just what happened." Billy said. Meanwhile in a different part of town Bulk and Skull were trying to match Jason's fingerprints to match the Gerber baby fingerprints. Bulk then noticed Jason's communicator. "What is that?" Bulk asked. "Jason's bracelet." Skull said. "Where did you get it?" Bulk asked. "It must have fallen into my bag when I was trying to get his fingerprints." Skull said. "Well, take it back." Bulk said. Just then we had a lock on it and teleported it back to the command center. "Skull, where did it go?" Bulk asked. Skull didn't answer him. Before he could ask him again Skull put a spoonful of Gerber baby food in his mouth. Back at the command center we were looking at his communicator for any clues about what happened. It turns out that there was a little ink on his communicator. "It appears to be ink." Billy said. "What could have happened to him?" Katherine asked. "I don't know, but we have to find him. Let's split up." Tommy said. We all went out to find him. I have a pretty good idea about where Jason could be. As soon as we got out we split up to look for Jason. "This is just great. See, now I get to search the countryside for the guy who's replacing me." Rocky said. That's when he heard Queen Machina, Prince Sprocket, and King Mondo. "Step back Prince Sprocket. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Queen Machina said. "Hey pops, you're getting pretty good at that." Prince Sprocket said. "You'll see what else it can do. Damocles sword, King Mondo commands you to unleash your power." King Mondo said before he grew into a mega version of himself. "Aw man. The giant-sized Mondo. I better contact the other guys." Rocky said. Before he did he stopped himself. "Now wait a second, this is my chance to prove myself." Rocky said before morphing.

"One lone power ranger? This should be a piece of cake." King Mondo said. That's when Rocky called in his zeo sword. "Alright Mondo, time to show you and the rest of your clan what I'm made of." Rocky said. They started to fight. "Let's put a little kick into this." Rocky said after fighting him for a while. After doing the move Rocky got knocked to the ground. "Weapons ready, engage now!" Rocky said as he got the weapons of his zeo sword out. King Mondo broke one then sent Rocky to the ground again. "Oh man, I've gotta retreat." Rocky said as he made his sword fly away. "That's right, fly away little ranger. Tell Zordon and the others that the final day of reckoning is upon us. By nightfall it will be clear that there is only one ultimate power in this galaxy." King Mondo said. Rocky teleported back to the command center. "Thank goodness you're alright. But now Mondo has turned his attack on Angel Grove. He'll destroy the city in no time." Alpha said. "With each passing moment King Mondo grows stronger. It is unfortunate you were unable to stop him." Zordon said. "This is my fault. I've destroyed Angel Grove. I don't believe this. If I hadn't tried to stop Mondo myself he'd never be in the city." Rocky said. Just then the rest of us teleported to the command center along with Jason. We walked up to him. "Rocky, what happened?" Tommy asked. "I tried to take on Mondo myself. I'm afraid that I'm responsible for all this." Rocky said. "Why did you do that?" Jason asked. "Rocky, what did I say to you earlier today? You're just as important to the team..." I said when Rocky finished what I was going to say. "As Jason is. And that no one is more important than anyone else. I know." Rocky said. "Exactly. You should have contacted the rest of us. We could have stopped him together." I said. "It's alright. Right now we have to concentrate on stopping Mondo." Tommy said. "And just how are we supposed to do that?" John asked. "John's right, he's more powerful than any of the other monsters we've fought before." I said. "Ariel is correct. In order to defeat King Mondo in his present state you will need to bring the super zeo swords together to form the super zeo megasword." Zordon said. "But we've never done that." Adam said. "How difficult can that be?" Tanya said. "Zordon, we've got one problem with the megasword unit. It still needs one more part for it to work at it's maximum efficiency." Billy said. "What part?" Katherine asked. "It's a power booster from one of the old swords. I dismantled some of the pieces and sent them to the Angel Grove junkyard for recycling. I think the part we need was teleported by accident." Billy said. "I'll get that. Why don't you guys deal with Mondo?" Jason said. Then Billy gave him a sensor that should help him find it. "Here, use this sensor. It'll help you locate it." Billy said as he gave him the sensor. Then we all morphed.

Jason went to the Angel Grove junkyard to find the part we need for the super zeo megasword to work at it's maximum efficiency while the rest of us dealt with Mondo until we get the part. "This is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Jason said before it picked up something. "Wait a minute, looks like it found something. It must be behind here." Jason said before moving an old steel door from an old truck. The power booster was right there. "There it is. I hope it still works." Jason said. Before he could do anything with it cogs started to attack him. "Cogs, just what I don't need right now." Jason said. Then he got into contact with Billy. "Billy, quick, I'm being attacked by cogs. The power booster is directly behind me. Teleport it out of here." Jason said. Billy teleports the power booster back to the command center to reconfigure it before teleporting it directly to the megasword. Jason started to fight off the cogs that were attacking him. Back at the command center Billy was reconfiguring the power booster. "Guys, I'm reconfiguring the part. I'm going to teleport it back to the megasword directly. You should be receiving it now." Billy said as he reconfigured the part and teleported it to the megasword. "Awesome job Billy." I said. "Power booster is installed and online. Now it's time to cut King Mondo down to size." Tommy added. He asked us if we were ready. "We were born ready!" John said.

"Let's do this!" I said. Back at the junkyard Jason was still fighting the cogs off. Back by where we are fighting King Mondo, Tommy told us that we have to show him all of our new moves. "You fools will never defeat the damocles sword." King Mondo said. I started to get lightheaded and Tommy noticed.

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