Chapter 56 Mesagog attacks Angel Grove & Tommy's death & Ariel's guilt

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Conner, Kira, Ethan, and Trent went back to high school to finish their last year in high school. I was kinda sad when they left but what made it better was that they said that they are coming back because of all of the friends they made during their evaluations. It's going to be great when they come back. What I didn't know was that my life was about to be turned upside down. I was hanging out with Tommy after class the next day when his phone rings. "Hey, listen, I have to take this call. It's probably important." Tommy said. "Okay, no problem." I said. Then he answered his phone. "Hello?" Tommy asked. "Hey Tommy, it's me Jason. Listen, I have something to tell you." Jason said. "What's going on?" Tommy asked. "Somebody named Mesagog is attacking Angel Grove. I need some help." Jason said. "Alright, I'll be there as fast as I can." Tommy said before hanging up. "What's going on?" I asked. "Mesagog is attacking Angel Grove, and Jason is asking me to help." Tommy said. "But why just you and not me too?" I asked. "Probably because he doesn't want you to get hurt. And I don't want that either." Tommy said. "But what if you get killed?" I asked. "If I get killed, I just want you to remember that I'm going to be there in your heart, no matter what." Tommy said. "Alright, just promise me one thing." I said. "What's that?" Tommy asked. "That you'll try to come back safely." I said. "I can't make any promises right now, but I can promise you that I'll try to make it back safely, but if I don't make it back safely, or not at all, just remember that I'm there in your heart." Tommy said. "Okay, goodbye Tommy." I said. "Goodbye Ariel. You're my bff." Tommy said. "Best friends forever." I said. Then he left to help Jason in Angel Grove. I know that he might not come back, but I really hope he does. In Angel Grove Jason and Tommy are fighting Mesagog. "Man, this guy is tough." Tommy said. "No shit Sherlock." Jason said as he dodged another move and landed a counterattack on him. Tommy got some hits on him as well. Then tyranodrones showed up and separated them from each other. This helped Mesagog to get closer to Tommy, without the risk of potentially getting stopped by the other ranger. After a few minutes or so Mesagog got close enough to Tommy to strike him down. Mesagog struck him down and retreated with the remaining tyranodrones. Jason ran over to Tommy. "Tommy, are you okay?" Jason asked. "Jason, I don't have... much time left." Tommy said. "Are you saying that, you're dying?" Jason asked. "Yeah." Tommy said. "What am I supposed to do?" Jason asked. "Jason... promise me this." Tommy said. "What?" Jason asked. "Promise me... that you'll... keep Ariel... out of... trouble." Tommy said. "I'll try. I promise you that." Jason said. "That's all... I'm asking. Thanks." Tommy said. Jason was on the verge of crying. "Goodbye Jason." Tommy said. "Goodbye Tommy." Jason said. Then Tommy gave his last breath. Jason knew he had to be strong for me but he couldn't hold back his tears at that moment. He calmed down enough to actually call me. I was working on some homework in my dorm room when he called me. "Hey Jason." I said. "Hey, can we talk?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I was doing some homework and I could take a small break." I said. "Okay. I have something to tell you." Jason said. "Are you okay? It just sounds like you're not in a good mood." I said. "That's the thing. I'm not." Jason said. "Why?" I asked. "It's about Tommy." Jason said. "Is he okay?" I asked. "I'm sorry, Tommy didn't make it. He's dead." Jason said. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Tommy is dead. I hung up as I started to cry. My best friend is now dead. I just can't believe it.

I can't handle this. Tommy was way more than my friend, way more than my best friend, he was like a brother to me. "How could this happen to me?" I asked myself.

Later that night I was crying and Kaitlyn came into the room and walked over to me. I had my back turned to her. She put a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and sat up, my back still facing her. She put her hand on one of my shoulders again and I didn't shrug it off this time. "I'm so sorry Ariel." Kaitlyn said. "Thanks Kaitlyn." I said. She sat down beside me and gave me a hug. What I really need right now is a shoulder to cry on, and Kaitlyn was already there with me so she actually let me cry on her shoulder. The next day I was working on some homework after all of my classes were done for the day. I didn't really eat dinner that night because I just wasn't hungry. Kaitlyn came into the room after she ate dinner. "Hey, you still coming down to the rec hall tonight?" Kaitlyn asked. "Not tonight, I have to get this homework done." I said. "Alright, if you change your mind you know where to find me." Kaitlyn said before walking out. I get that she's just trying to help but at the moment it's not going so well. A few days go by and Jason came to the college. I was walking to the annex to hang out for ten minutes of my morning break when I bumped into him. I looked up only to find Jason standing in front of me. "Jason, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Just looking for you." Jason said. "You just want to make sure I'm okay, right?" I asked. "Well, yeah. But I can tell that you're not okay." Jason said. "Well, ever since what happened a few days ago." I said. It's been at least two or three days since Tommy died. I didn't really start to push people away. Besides, they're going through the same thing I'm going through. How can I push them away right now? They know when I need time to myself and when I need them. Jason knows when I need to be alone, he always knew when I needed time to myself and when I needed him or the others I would tell them. I'm taking Tommy's death the hardest because of the way he acted around me. He acted more like a brother than a friend, more or less. The next day I started to push everyone away, even Jason.

I have enough I have to deal with already. Dealing with Tommy's death and staying caught up with my class assignments and homework, it's just really stressful for me right now. I'm busy with things 24/7. I seem to never go down to the rec hall anymore and I rarely hang out in the annex. I still go to my classes but if it looks like I'm agitated the teachers let me take some time to myself. They also give me some extra time for assignments. My friends and Kaitlyn have no idea why I'm pushing them away but Jason thinks he knows why I'm pushing everyone away, including him. I'm actually thinking about having a therapist because of the recent changes that everyone is experiencing with me. My attitude towards everyone changed. I seem to be becoming less like myself and more of who I never wanted to be. I know, sounds weird but just bare with me. I started to get voices in my head, they're screaming, and I can't make them stop. It's like there's a psycho in my head.

Everyone seems to be taking his death a little less hard than I am. I just feel lost.

I am having a really hard time with this. Jason walked up to me as I am working on a study guide in the annex after lunch the next day. "Hey Ariel, why are you pushing everyone away?" Jason asked. "It's none of your business." I said. It came out a little harsh but I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

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