Chapter 100 Ariel practices the super seal part 1

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Mike asked if I meant like going on a trip. "Not like that. I mean temporarily, but not on a trip." I said. "What?" The rest of the team said. "Ariel, you can't go. You know how we all feel." Mia said. "I know. But I'm the only family member left that can carry on the legacy. The only thing I have left to do is master the super seal. You guys have to put up with him for a while. Hold off the nighloks as long as you can." I said. "We need you too. Michael, tell her. Well, go on, tell her." Antonio said. Then Jason walked out. "Jason, what is it? Ariel is leaving. How could you keep this from us? Come on. Make her stay." Mike said. "You can't stop her." Jason said. "I'm the only one that can stop her, but I don't have a say in this decision." Michael said. I turned to face Jason. "Jason, you have been one of my closest friends. Thank you for everything you did for me after Tommy died." I said. Then I turned back to the team. "I'll be back someday. I just don't know when." I said. "I'm going with you." John said. "You're a samurai ranger. I'm counting on you to stay and fight by my father's side. I know that you will make him as proud of you as you've made me." I said before walking away. Later that night, the whole team was talking in the annex. "It was Ariel who brought us together. Somehow fighting next to her made me a stronger warrior." Emily said. "She helped us build our confidence when we had none." Kaitlyn said. "She showed us how strong we can all be." John said. "So what are we supposed to do? Just forget about her like she never existed?" Mike asked. "Of course not." Jayden and Michael said. "Mike, you remember what Ariel said. We have a duty as samurai." Kevin said. "Well she's my girlfriend. And technically, we were both rangers. And rangers always stick together, no matter what. So, I'm going after her." John said before walking away. "Sorry Michael. I'm sure your a great samurai. But it's just not the same without Ariel." Mike said. Meanwhile in Pittsburgh I was standing by the Allagany river, on the riverwalk outside of PNC Park. "I wish I could have stayed, but I have to master the super seal before I can go back." I said to myself. That's when John found me. I just didn't know that he followed me all this way just to find out where I went. "Ariel, I've been looking everywhere for you." John said. "You shouldn't have followed me. The team needs you." I said. "Listen, it doesn't make any difference to me that you stepped down from being the black ranger. You will always be my power ranger." John said. "Thanks. You know, for the first time in my life, I don't know who I am. Everything I was, is gone." I said. "Hey, how about breakfast at DeLuca's Diner? My treat. Things always seem better after a good meal." John said. "I really need to be alone." I said. "Fine. Be alone. But only after I return with some food. I'll be right back." John said before leaving. When he came back, I was gone. "Great. I leave the get some food for her and look what happens." John said. John went around Pittsburgh looking for me but couldn't find me so he called my father. "She took off again. I can't find her anywhere. We shouldn't have let her leave." John said. "Maybe. But that was her decision, and I didn't have a say in it. She wouldn't have allowed it." Michael said. "I don't care! I'm gonna keep looking for her." John said before hanging up. Meanwhile in schenley park I was walking around looking for a good spot to practice the super seal. "Leaving the team was the toughest decision I've ever made. What's my destiny now?" I asked myself.

I found a great spot, far away from everyone. "This spot is perfect. Nobody really ever comes over here. The world will be a better place without the nighloks. I have to master this seal before it's too late." I said to myself. I pulled out my samuraizer and started to practice it. I couldn't get it quite right, however, I kept on trying. Back at the college Michael was training to see if he still had what it took to be a power ranger. The others were watching him. Jason walked up to them. "Why aren't you practicing with him?" Jason asked. "We wanna go and look for her." Kaitlyn said. "Ariel would want you to help Michael to hold off the nighloks until she returns. The fate of the world rests on you working with Michael until Ariel is back. I'll go find her, and you stay focused." Jason said before walking away. "Our mission isn't over yet." Kevin said. "In that case, maybe he needs a training partner." Mike said. "Mike, he's the black ranger, and the black ranger usually trains alone. You know Ariel never liked it when you challenged her." Kevin said. "He's not his daughter." Mike said before walking up to Michael. "Hey Michael, you wanna spar? I'm pretty good with the sword." Mike said. "It would be an honor. It's been years since I trained with anyone." Michael said. They sparred for a while until Michael knocked him down. "Wow, you're awesome." Mike said. "Still got it. Who's next?" Michael asked. Meanwhile in the netherworld Octaroo was giving Gingertox half of his life force. "Start charging now." Octaroo said. "Oh yeah, this powering up session of yours feels great." Gingertox said. "Oo-ah-oo. Once I charge you up you'll be super strong. With you new evil powers, you'll really make those humans suffer." Octaroo said. "Master Xandred can't fully recharge without their misery." Dayu said. "I'm feeling stronger already." Gingertox said. "This may be our last chance to revive the boss. We need him back to his snarling self before the new black ranger seals all of us down here forever." Octaroo said. "You look a little drained." Dayu said when she noticed that Octaroo collapsed. "I'd rather give him half my life force than lose all of it if Master Xandred goes down. He's ready." Octaroo said. "You just gave him half your life force?" Dayu asked. "We've got no other choice. Gingertox, go create some misery." Octaroo said. Back at schenley park, Jason just made it to the park and was looking for me. "Ariel!" Jason called. He came across my wolf totem that I had ever since I was a little girl. Then he heard a twig snap. He looked down the lower panther Hollow trail and saw me practicing the symbol. I was looking a little worn out. He started to run in my direction. Back at the college they were talking to Michael. "Wow, you must have been getting stronger every day." Emily said. "That's not too far from the truth." Michael said as they walked into the dorm room I share with Kaitlyn to have pizza. "But I bet that you never thought that your daughter would become a power ranger." Mike said. "So Michael, you got stronger every day, right?" Kevin asked. "Yeah. That was my life until my daughter was born. I practiced the super seal, exercised, trained. Everything until my daughter was born." Michael said. "So, what did you do for fun?" Mike asked. "Training before my daughter was born. But after my daughter was born, I took her to nascar races, did indian princesses with her, took her to amusement parks, a lot of things. One time, they had a dance at an indian princesses meeting. She had a lot of fun there." Michael said. Back at schenley park. I was still practicing the super seal but I was getting really worn out. "Ariel, you're too worn out to continue with this training." Jason said as we watched me from behind a tree. Then he ran over to me. "Ariel, you must stop now. Tommy would want you to take a break." Jason said. "Who said the whole world was at stake here?" I asked.

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