Chapter 16 talking about happy endings & king Mondo's defeat part 1

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John looked at the text he got and didn't say anything. I could tell that something was wrong. "John, what's wrong? You gave Virginia everything she wanted." I said. "But I almost didn't. I was so desperate to figure out what Goldar was up to, I almost became the man I used to be. You have no idea how easy it is to fall back into the darkness." John said. "Whatever mistakes you made with Virginia, you've fixed." I said. "Right, but it's a stark reminder of something." John said. "What?" I asked. "With all this talk about King Mondo and the machine empire, we've never discussed one fact. I was an evil ranger." John said. "But you're not anymore." I said. "Neither is Tommy, but he still lost his happy ending. If we're to believe that any of the rangers can get turned evil, then it's only a matter of time before I lose mine." John said. "Wait. If you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it?" I asked. "Don't you know Ariel? It's you." John said. Then we kissed each other. When John and I finally got to the youth center Tommy walked up to us. "There you two are! We were supposed to meet ten minutes ago!" Tommy said. "We know Tommy, we know. But some cogs attacked." John said. "Why didn't you contact the rest of us? We could have helped." Jason said. "That's not important now. What is important is making sure that you get the gold ranger powers." John said facing Jason. "Well, I have something to show you guys. Let's head to the command center." Jason said. We walked out and teleported to the command center. "Alright Jason, what did you want to show us?" Tommy asked. "This." Jason said as he pulled out the purple zeo crystal. "Alright Jason, I guess this is it. I will be zeo ranger 6 but this time, I'll be the purple ranger, not the gold." I said. "Don't worry Ariel, you're still going to fight alongside us." Kaitlyn said. "Alright. Jason, I, Ariel Cornell, give forth the spirit, fortitude, kindness, empathy, knowledge, and experience the golden power posses. Use it well." I said as I handed the gold ranger power staff to him. He took it out of my hand and morphed into the gold ranger. Then he gave me the purple zeo crystal. The next day at the youth center the guys were sparring. The girls and I are watching them. I decided to go get a drink. I was getting thirsty. "Jason's really good." Tanya said. "Yeah, it's great to have him here." Katherine said. "Hey man. Feel like doing a little bit of sparing?" Rocky asked. "I would but I'm supposed to go with Jason next. Sorry dude." Tommy said. Just then Bulk and Skull walked up to him. "Hey, Tommy and Jason are fighting." Skull said. "They're not fighting, they're sparing." Bulk said. "Yeah, sparing. Kinda takes you back. Looks like you're being replaced." Skull said. Rocky came over to the juice bar. "Replaced?" He asked himself. I walked up to him. "Something wrong Rocky?" I asked. "It's Bulk and Skull again." Rocky said. "As usual. What did they say to you this time?" I asked. "That it looks like I'm being replaced." Rocky said. "That's not true though. Jason is not replacing you." I said. "What if he is?" Rocky asked. "Rocky, don't say that. You're just as valuable to the team as Jason is. Nobody on this team is more important than anyone else." I said. "Yeah, I guess." Rocky said. Then Bulk and Skull walked up behind us. "Hey Rocky. Jason's looking pretty good over there." Bulk said. "Things are starting to get pretty crowded around here." Skull said. "Look at those pecks." Bulk said. I stood up and turned to face them. "Knock it off you stalkers." I said. Then someone came up behind them and cleared his throat.

"Boys, this is our new client. Harriet Roberts, the executor of the Gerber life grow-up plan." Colton said. "Gerber as in Gerber baby food?" Bulk asked. "I used to eat that stuff all the time when I was a kid." Skull said. "The Gerber life grow-up plan is looking for Mr. Gerber's long lost nephew. The original Gerber baby. Whoever finds the Gerber baby will receive $10,000." Harriet said. "We're your men." Bulk said. "According to our records the Gerber baby would be a teenager now and would most likely just moved to this city." Harriet said. "Any ideas?" Colton said. They shook their heads. "Get one quick. I'm counting on you." Colton said. Meanwhile in a different part of the country King Mondo got a sword he used in the past. The only thing is that he buried it so that he wouldn't be tempted to use it again which was one thousand years ago. Meanwhile at the youth center Skull and Bulk were talking about who the original gerber baby could be. "Who else could it be Bulk? It all fits. He's a teenager and he just moved back to Angel Grove." Skull said. "We have got to make sure that Jason really is the gerber baby. To be positive we must get his fingerprints. Remember, this is for ten thousand dollars." Bulk said. Then Jason started to walk over to them. That's when all of our communicators went off. "Hey Jason, how are you doing?" Bulk said. "Hey guys, I'm kinda busy. Can this wait?" Jason asked as Skull took his fingerprints. "Tell me, how was that peace conference?" Bulk said. "It was good. Excuse me, I have to go." Jason said. "Hey, you wanna spar a little bit?" Bulk said. In a different part of the youth center we asked Zordon what was going on. "Zordon, we read you." Tommy said. "King Mondo has been spotted just outside of Angel Grove. However, he has erected a forcefeild to prevent you from teleporting to him." Zordon said. "Alright, we'll take the zeo jet cycles and find out what's happening." Tommy said. That's when he noticed that Jason wasn't with us. "Wait a second, where's Jason?" Tommy asked. "I saw Bulk and Skull stop him. I suppose you want to wait for him, right?" Rocky asked. "No, not this time." Tommy said. "You guys go ahead, John, Kaitlyn, and I will wait for him and meet you guys at the command center." I said. Then they morphed.

They were riding to where King Mondo would be when some drone-like things shot some kind of attack at them. "Quadrafighters, eleven o clock!" Rocky said. "Gotcha, head for cover!" Tommy said. That's when Prince Sprocket saw them. "Not so fast rangers. My dad can't be disturbed just yet." Prince Sprocket said. Just then a Quadrafighter shot an attack at them from the front making them fall off their zeo jet cycles. They got back up. "Everyone okay?" Tommy asked as they got back up. Then some cogs attacked them. "Rocky, keep them busy. I'll look for Mondo." Tommy said. "You got it." Rocky said as they continued to fight off the cogs. Tommy found King Mondo with some kind of sword. That's when Tommy contacted Zordon to tell him what he found out. "Zordon, Mondo has dug up a giant sword." Tommy said. John, Kaitlyn, and I heard that back at the headquarters. "Billy, try to find out as much as you can about that sword." I said. "I'm on it." Billy said. Meanwhile by where King Mondo is he thinks that the rangers will be history once he uses it. "The power of the damocles sword is once again all mine. Soon the power rangers will be finished forever." King Mondo said. "Think again Mondo!" Tommy said, getting the attention of King Mondo. "What perfect timing." King Mondo said. "Your brand of evil will never win." Tommy said. "Care to bet on it ranger?" King Mondo said.

"Not even that sword will help you." Tommy said. "That's what you think." King Mondo said before disappearing. "Good one Oliver, you let him get away you idiot." Tommy said to himself. Then the cogs disappeared. "Everybody alright? We better find Tommy." Tanya said. That's when Katherine saw him. "Look, there he is." Katherine said.

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