Chapter 70 Apologizing to everyone & the visions start

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I gave him a look that I never gave him before. "Are you serious? I guess I could use the help. But I'm not sure I can do that with all of my enemies. Everyone else however, that's a different story." I said. "Well, I am being serious." Jason said. I gave him a smile. 😀 "Alight, but I was thinking we can do it tomorrow morning, you know, before our homework group time." I said. "Okay, sounds good to me." Jason said. The next morning Jason and I walked around the whole building, whenever someone was about to walk right past me or stop what they were doing to walk away Jason stopped them. After he stopped them I would apologize for pushing them away. The majority of the students forgave me but only very few didn't. The ones that didn't forgive me were my enemies. I guess it made sense since I would have pushed them away first. Later that day at homework group my hand started to shake. I was having a vision but it was a little blurry. Kaitlyn seemed to notice. "Hey, Ariel, are you okay?" Kaitlyn said. I didn't answer. John got in front of me. "What happened?" John asked. "Nothing. Let's keep doing homework." I said. A few minutes later my hand started to shake again. I don't know why that happened, or why it's happening now but it didn't before now. The next day I was walking around the wooded area behind the school on one of the trails when Rocky came up to me. "Rocky." I said when I saw him. "Hey." Rocky said. He had his dog with him. "Muffy! Hey! What are you two doing here?" I asked. "Well, I heard you were out looking for the black dino gem, and I thought maybe you want some hot chocolate." Rocky said. "My team sent you." I said. "Yeah. They're a little worried about you Ariel. They thought it might be easier for you to talk to..." Rocky said before I cut him off. "A therapist? For you information, I had one ever since Tommy died. I'm not really in the mood for therapy right now." I said. "And I've found that's when people need it the most. You've been fighting bad guys for years without a break. When I met you all those years ago, you had nothing but a few close friends. But since then, with Kaitlyn and Jason and John, they're still helping you." Rocky said. "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked. "Of course it is. But it also let in all the collateral damage of all that fighting." Rocky said. "Great. Then how do I fix that?" I asked. "With time, and some hard work." Rocky said. "Can't you, like, give me a pill or something?" I asked. I knew Rocky got a job as a therapist. "When it comes to fixing our biggest problems... there are no shortcuts." Rocky said. After going back into the college John came up to me. "Let's go to the cafeteria. I could use some food right about now." John said. My hand started to shake again. "You go ahead. I'll catch up." I said. "Are you really that desperate to avoid talking to me?" John asked. "I'm not avoiding talking to you. I just need to be alone." I said. That's when John noticed that my hand was shaking. "Ariel... look at your hand." John said. I looked down at my left hand and it was shaking. "What the hell is going on with you?" John asked. "Nothing." I said. "You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to me." John said. "It's fine. I already asked you once to go." I said. "Right. Fine. No need to ask again." John said before walking away. I saw Katherine. I walked up to her. "I see you met my new friend Ariel." Katherine said. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" I asked. "Don't you recognize me? It's me, Katherine from high school." Katherine said. "Oh right, sorry I didn't recognize you at first." I said. "I know many things, like why you're here. The visions." Katherine said. I thought it was weird that she knew about them. "Why the hell are they in my head?" I asked. "Because these visions, they tell a story. The story of your future." Katherine said. I didn't exactly know what she was talking about. "You keep saying I'm seeing the future, but it feels like a memory. How do you know any of this?" I asked. "Remember that time loop we were in back when we were teenagers? It was like you and Tommy could see the future. What you saw was a tiny piece of future time." Katherine said. "Yeah, tiny. I need to see more." I said. "Knowing the future is a heavy burden. The future is always in motion, always changing, but also inevitable." Katherine said. "The visions are coming whether I want them to or not. Let's get this done." I said. Katherine showed me something and I saw me fighting a mysterious figure while the others showed up. I told this mysterious figure that I won't let him or her hurt them. Then my hand started shaking but before I could do anything else the mysterious figure stabbed me in the stomach. I couldn't believe what I just saw. "What you saw was a small piece of the end of your story ranger." Katherine said. "There has to be another way." I said. "You can change the path to the destination... but the destination is the same. On the day you saw, in the battle you saw... you will die." Katherine said before walking away. I walked to the cafeteria and sat with John. "I thought you needed to be alone." John said. "I changed my mind. Can I have one of those?" I asked. He gave me the other cup of lemonade. "Thanks." I said. "You're in a better mood." John said. "You're right. I just needed to get help. I went back to my therapist and figured everything out." I said. "And your hand?" John asked. "It was just stress." I said. "Are you sure that's what it was? Stress?" John asked. "I gave him a kiss. "Promise." I said. The next day I went to go see my therapist about what was going on at 10:45 in the morning. "Ariel, this is a safe space. You can trust me." Ryan said. "The tremors, they come with visions or a vision. One vision, actually." I said. "What do you see in this vision?" Ryan asked. "Well, I'm on main street in Angel Grove. My family and John are there with me. And I'm in a battle with a mysterious person, and this mysterious person is really strong. I'm giving it my all. I almost start to win. But then my hand starts to shake." I said. "And what happens then?" Ryan asked. "I die. That's the first time I've said that out loud." I said. "Well, I think the more you talk about it, the less likely it will haunt you." Ryan said. "You think I should tell my family?" I asked. "Why haven't you?" Ryan asked. "Because I knew exactly what they'll say. They'll say stop what you're doing until the rangers can save the day." I said. "What would be so wrong about them trying to protect you?" Ryan asked. I can't believe I was about to say this in front of my own cousin who is also my therapist. "Because I'm a power ranger." I said. "And this power ranger can't take a day off?" Ryan asked. "If I don't help people, then who am I?" I asked. "I don't know Ariel. That's a question you have to ask yourself." Ryan said. "I'm not here for some identity crisis. I just want you to help me figure out how to win this fight and protect the people I love." I said. "I think you're here for me to help you deal with whatever is troubling you, and if that is an identity crisis, then..." Ryan said before I cut him off. "Okay, this was a mistake." I said as I got up. Before he could say anything else I walked out.

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