Chapter 34 the election part 3

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We got up into each other's faces and continued to argue. Jason and the others came and broke us up. "Guys, break it up." Jason said. Clank turned to face us. "Ridiculous rangers. I think it's time to see what this thing can do." Clank said before shooting it at us, sending all of us to the ground. "Now that's what I call fun." Clank said. "He's figured out how to use it. We're gonna have to regroup." Tommy said. We went back to the headquarters. "Clank has taken John's lazer pistol." Tommy said. "I could have taken it back, if she hadn't got in my way." John said. "You just bought yourself another Saturday mister." I said. "Guys knock it off." Jason said. "Zordon, is it possible that John and Ariel are under a spell? That might explain why they're acting so irrationally." Billy said. "An excellent hypothesis Billy. Alpha, can you run a diagnostic check on the two of them?" Zordon said. "Right away Zordon." Alpha said. Alpha ran a diagnostic check on me and John. "Your suspicions were correct Billy. Prince Gasket has placed them under a powerful spell." Zordon said. "What can we do about it?" Kaitlyn said. "There's only one solution to this problem." Zordon said before some roses appeared. "John and Ariel, you must smell the roses, symbols of love and friendship and they will counteract Gasket's spell." Zordon said. "I don't mean to be an asshole Zordon but I mean..." John said before I cut him off. "You have a hard time not doing that." I said. "You know what, I've had it with you!" John said. "Guys, please, just do it for the team." Tanya said. "I'm only doing it for the rangers." John said. "Me too." I said. Then both John and I smelled the roses and, just like what Zordon said they would do, the spell was broken. "What was I thinking? Ariel, I'm so sorry." John said. "Me too. I said some really terrible things, didn't I?" I said. "I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that, right?" John asked. "Of course I do." I said. Just then we noticed that Prince Gasket was in the park with John's lazer pistol. "We have to try to get my lazer pistol back." John said. "It's made of metal, but I'm not sure if Alpha can make an electromagnet that would be powerful enough to pull it out of Gasket's hand and not so strong that Gasket would get pulled too." I said. "I could try to do that." Alpha said. "Alright, you guys go back into action, I'll stay here until Alpha has it ready." John said. "Right, let's go rangers!" I said before we teleported out of there, leaving John in the command center with Alpha until he is done making the electromagnet. We went to the park and met with Prince Gasket. "There he is." I said. "Great, the rangers are here." Prince Gasket said. "Give us the pistol back!" Katherine said. "Not gonna happen rangers." Prince Gasket said. "What do you think he's up to?" Tommy asked. "What do you think?" I asked. "Cogs, attack!" Prince Gasket said. We started to fight the cogs. Back at the command center Alpha got done with the electromagnet. "I hope this works. It only has a range of ten yards or so." Alpha said. "Be careful John." Zordon said. "I'll do my best." John said as he took the electromagnet. He teleported to the park. "There he is. Now I just have to get around behind him." John said as he started to make his way behind Prince Gasket without being seen by him. He went behind a tree really close to Prince Gasket. "Alright, I hope this thing works. At least I'm in range." John said. "I got you rangers right where I want you. Now I'll finish you!" Prince Gasket said. I noticed what Prince Gasket was about to do. "If we get hit with that we're finished." I said. Just then John jumped out from behind the tree and used the electromagnet to get his lazer pistol back. "What? Hey!" Prince Gasket said. "Sorry Gasket, playtime's over." John said. "You haven't seen the last of me!" Prince Gasket said before he retreated with the cogs. Back at the machine empire Prince Gasket couldn't believe that we won again. "My perfect plan has failed once again due to those power rangers." Prince Gasket said. "I knew you'd fail. Now who's the baddest?" Archeria asked. "Not you. You haven't destroyed them yet either." Prince Gasket said. "Thank you for reminding me." Archeria said. The next day after school everyone went to the youth center. I was almost done with giving my speech about why I was the best person for the job. "In conclusion I promise to strive to be the best student body president that Angel Grove has ever had." I said ending my speech. Then it was John's turn but what he said really shocked me. "I know you guys are expecting me to say that I'm the best man for the job but the truth is the best person for this job is standing right next to me." John said as he turned his head to look at me. I gave him a smile and a wink. 😉 I was also shocked that he would say that but I hid it with the smile. "She really did her homework on this campaign. She's addressed all the tough issues and has some great ideas on how to solve problems facing this school. She would make an incredible president, one I'd be proud to vote for. That's why I am voting for her. I think you all should do the same." John said. After that everyone voted. As they were counting up the votes I was talking to John. "So, why'd you drop out of the race?" I asked. "Well, hearing your speech made me realize something, that winning or losing isn't important." John said. "I'm just glad this is almost over." I said before giving him a hug. "You're going to be the best school president Ariel." John said. "Attention everybody, attention! I have here the election results. And the new president of Angel Grove high school is, Ariel Cornell." Mr. Ceh said. Everyone seemed to be happy that I'm the new school president. "Congratulations miss president." Kaitlyn said. "We did it." I said. Then John gave me a rose. "To Ariel, the best person for the job." John said. I took the rose out of his hand. The next day I was hanging out at home when Tommy contacted me. "Ariel, I need you to come to the command center immediately! We have a problem!" Tommy said. "I'm on my way." I said before teleporting to the command center. "This doesn't look good." I said. "You're telling me." Billy said. "When did this start?" I asked. "Just now." Tommy said. "Let me contact the others, we're going to need all the help we can get." I said. Then I told Jason to tell the others that they need to come to the command center immediately and that it was an emergency. "Alright, we'll be right there." Jason said. Meanwhile at the youth center Katherine had a purse that she made but it didn't turn out the way she planned. "Hey Katherine." Kaitlyn said as she walked up to her with Tanya. "Hi." Katherine said. "What's that?" Kaitlyn asked, pointing to the pink purse. "It's a purse. I made it in my art class but it didn't exactly turn out the way I planned." Katherine said. "It's not so bad." Tanya said. "Yeah, besides, nobody's perfect." Kaitlyn said.

"Look at it this way, since I've known you, this is the only thing you haven't done perfectly." Adam said while walking up to them. "Thanks." Katherine said. "Hey, can you keep it down over there? We are trying to study. Don't look so surprised. We are going for our detective licenses." Bulk said. "Providing that you pass the test." Kaitlyn said. Then Jason walked up to them. "Guys, we have an emergency, we need to go to the command center right now. John is already on his way there with Rocky." Jason said. They all came to the command center.

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