Chapter 39 The final battle against King Mondo part 1

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Billy continued by saying that he made a really important decision. He decided to stay on Aquitar. We were all happy for him, although I've got to admit, I'll miss having him around. We all said goodbye to him. With that, the transmission ended. The next day Calvin and I are sparring at the youth center. "Nice, keep it moving, keep it moving!" Kaitlyn said. I threw a hook punch but Calvin dodged it and hit me with a counterpunch. It stopped me. "Nice match Calvin. I definitely need more practice." I said. "You're too tense, loosen up a bit. The enemy won't be able to read your attacks if you're not tense." Calvin said. "He's right you know." Kaitlyn said. "You're right." I said. "Don't beat yourself up over a lost point." Calvin said. "Okay, let's go again." I said. "You're on." Calvin said. As Calvin and I continued with our sparing Tommy and Adam were finishing up their classes. "Should he be here by now?" Tommy asked. "It's not like him to miss a class." Adam said. Just then Emily walked in. "Hey guys, have you seen Jason? He was going to show me some martial arts moves after his class." Emily said. "He should be here any minute." Tommy said. "Will you tell him I'll be helping out Ernie?" Emily asked. "Sure." Tommy said. "Thanks." Emily said before walking away. Calvin and I finished up our practice match. "Great job guys." Kaitlyn said. I looked over at where Adam and Tommy had their classes. "Hey Kaitlyn, let's meet up with them." I said. "Alright." Kaitlyn said. "Hey Calvin, I'm going to meet up with my friends." I said. "Alright. I'll see you at home later." Calvin said as he walked out. Meanwhile in a different part of Angel Grove Jason was running away from some cogs. These guys just won't give up. Man, I wish my communicator worked. This is not what I had in mind for today's workout." Jason said. Little did he know that King Mondo, Queen Machina, and Prince Sprocket were watching him. "That's right gold ranger. Wear yourself out." King Mondo said. "Dad, I don't understand. Why don't you just let the cogs cream the guy and have it all over and done with?" Prince Sprocket said. "The gold ranger is losing his powers anyway, giving us the opportunity to seize them for our own evil use. Once we have control of those powers, we'll be unstoppable." King Mondo said.

Just then Jason ran into Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. "You two. That's all I need right now." Jason said. "Well gold ranger you seem to be caught between a rock and hard place. Not exactly the best time to be going through an identity crisis." Zedd said. "Personally, I always thought you looked better in red. Tenga, what do you think?" Rita asked before some tenga warriors showed up. "It is only a matter of time before the gold ranger powers will be ours for the taking." Zedd said. "Not if I have anything to say about it." Jason said. "Finally, my work will be complete." Rita said. Back at the youth center Katherine and Tanya showed up with John. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Katherine asked. "Have you guys seen Jason?" I asked. "I thought he was going to be here teaching." John said. "Yeah, but he's basically a no-show." I said. "That's so not like him." John said. "Tell me about it. This is the third time this month." I said. "Do you think it has something to do with the gold ranger powers?" Katherine asked. "What?" I asked. "The gold ranger powers are leaving Jason." Tommy said. "That's impossible." I said. "Oh it's possible alright." John said. "About this having something to do with the gold ranger powers, I hope not." Tommy said. "You and me both." I said. Back at where Jason got stopped Rita Repulsa told Lord Zedd that they can't let Mondo get him. "Remember Zedd, we can't let Mondo get his hands on the gold ranger. Hey tin grin, find your own party. This one is ours." Rita said. "Nice try." King Mondo said as he showed up with Queen Machina, Prince Sprocket, and Clank. "This could be just the break I need." Jason said. "Well well, Rita and Zedd. I was wondering how long it will take for you two bumblers to make complete nuisances of yourself." King Mondo said. "Listen bolt brain, we used to be afraid of you, but now you've turned into an intergalactic joke." Rita said. That's when Rita sent the tenga warriors at King Mondo and King Mondo sent the cogs towards her. They started to fight. "I think they've forgotten about me. This is my chance." Jason said before running away. Back at the youth center Tommy could feel that something is not right. Just then Jason came in and fell to the ground. "Jason!" I said as we ran over to him. I knelt down beside him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Jason said. "No offense dude, but you don't look fine." I said. "Tommy, what's wrong?" John asked. "I don't know." Tommy said. Everyone was around us at that point. Ernie told everyone to back off and give him some air. "I should call an ambulance." Ernie said. "No, I'm fine Ernie." Jason said. "Jason, you're not fine." I said. "We got him." Tommy said as he helped Jason up. We headed to the command center. Meanwhile by where Jason got stopped before getting the break he needed to get out of there the tenga warriors and cogs were down. "Well that was productive." Rita said sarcastically. Then Rito and Goldar showed up. "Yo sis. What happened? Did you guys have a party and forgot to invite us?" Rito said. "Well Zedd, it appears we have a standoff. Since this galaxy is not big enough for the both of us, I think you should leave." King Mondo said. "You know what, maybe you're right. Come everyone. Let's not waste anymore of the kings precious time." Zedd said. "I knew that you'd see it my way." King Mondo said. "It's not over Mondo." Goldar said as they walked away from him. Back at the command center we were hooking up gold wires to Jason. "Guys, I'm fine." Jason said. "Jason, how many times do I have to say it?! You're not fine!" I shouted. He's really starting to get on my nerves. "Just relax. Let Alpha do his job." Tommy said. "The energy analyzer is up Alpha." Adam said. "I sure wish Billy was here." Alpha said. "You're doing fine Alpha. Begin the analysis." Zordon said. "Transmitting the raw data to you now Zordon." Alpha said as he did the analysis. "This does not look good. I'm afraid it is just as we suspected." Zordon said. "What is it Zordon?" I asked. "The gold ranger power is leaving Jason, and along with them, his own vital life force." Zordon said. The minute he said that I felt a hard emotional hit to my heart but I kept it hidden from the others. I started to walk out when John stopped me. "Ariel wait. Where are you going?" John asked. "I'm sorry, I can't take this right now." I said before teleporting out of there. Back at the command center they don't know why I teleported out. "What was that about?" Kaitlyn said. "I don't know. I'm going after her to find out." John said before teleporting out as well. Tommy turned to Zordon. "Zordon, we have to contact Trey and have him take the power, before it's too late." Tommy said. "I agree with you on this Tommy. Alpha initiate contact with Traphoria right away." Zordon said. Meanwhile in the wooded area of Angel Grove Rita is not happy about what Lord Zedd did. "Are you out of your overexposed mind?!" Rita asked. "What's the matter? Are you upset that I walked away from King Mondo?" Zedd asked. "Yeah." Rita said. She thinks that Lord Zedd shouldn't have walked away from King Mondo. "Alright, what have you done with the real Zedd and just who are you with..." Rito said before Lord Zedd cut him off mid-sentance. "Get your hands off of me." Zedd said cutting him off.

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