Chapter 68 the final battle against Mesagog part 2

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We found out that he has Elsa in his sword. "I wanted her to see your demise." Zeltrax said. He sent some triptoids at us. As we were fighting the triptoids he blasted us. Killing some triptoids in the process. We were all sent to the ground. "This has gone far enough. Trent, can you handle the triptoids?" I asked. "Not a problem." Trent said. Then I turned to John and Kaitlyn. "John, Kaitlyn, you guys help Trent with the triptoids." I said. "You got it." John said. Then I turned to face the others. "You guys call the swords. I'm gonna get Elsa." I said. "You got it." Conner said before they called the swords. Their swords came together. "I'm in." I said when I got in. "We got your back." Conner said. "Elsa!" I called. "Ariel! I'm in here!" Elsa called back. I followed her voice. "Hold on!" I called back. I ran into some triptoids. I was outnumbered because there were five of them and only one of me. That's when Tommy's voice came into my head. "You can do it, just believe in yourself." Tommy's voice said. After some of the triptoids were destroyed John decided to come and help me. Back in the megasword, Conner wanted to know if Ethan could handle the other megasword. "Ethan, can you handle the triassic mega rovers?" Conner asked. "I thought you'd never ask." Ethan said before going into the triassic mega rovers. He made the triassic mega rovers go into it's megasword mode. Back in Zeltrax's sword, I got to the area where Zeltrax is and he had Elsa tied up. I saw Elsa behind Zeltrax. "Elsa, I'll be right there." I said. "No she won't." Zeltrax said before launching an attack at me. Just as I was about to get hit with it, John showed up and deflected it to the side. Then John and I started to fight him in his sword. After we both got thrown to the ground Zeltrax went into his improved form. "I never would have seen that coming." I said. "You and me Ariel." Zeltrax said. "John, get Elsa." I said. John shot at the things that had Elsa tied to the wall. "I got you." John said as Zeltrax and I started to fight. After I got knocked to the ground John shot him to distract him long enough to allow me to get back up. "Guys, I got her. We're coming out." John said. "Nice job John." Ethan said. "Let's go." I said. "You're not going anywhere." Zeltrax said. Back in one of the megaswords, Ethan noticed that they had to get us out of there. "We gotta get them out of there." Ethan said. "Hold on Ethan. I've got an idea." Conner said. Back in Zeltrax's sword he charged at us. As he charged at us Conner broke through his sword with the dino drill, hitting Zeltrax as he broke through. "Let's go." John said as he got out with Elsa. "You're safe now." John said. Zeltrax and I continued to fight. He tried to blast me but I dodged it. "Smitty, stop!" I said. "Smitty is gone!" Zeltrax said. I struck him down and got out of the sword. Zeltrax came after me. "You didn't think I'd let you go that easily, did you?" Zeltrax said. "Elsa, come with me." Kaitlyn said as she started to get Elsa somewhere safe. "You're going down Ariel." Zeltrax said. "You with me John?" I asked. "Oh yeah." John said. I hit him with my stegosaurus spikes move and John hit him with one of his special attacks. It destroyed him. The megasword got hit again. "We're gonna need all of the swords." I said. "Sounds like a good plan." John said. "Conner, you need all of the swords." I said. "Dinoswords full power!" Conner said. All of the swords launched a powerful attack and it seemed to have taken the sword down but then it got back up. "Now what?" John asked. "Only one thing left to do." I said. "Which would be..." John said. "To sacrifice the swords." I said. "What?! No!" John said. "We can't!" Conner said. "Trust me, it's the only way." I said. "Alright." Conner said reluctantly. They engaged the auto destruct. They were able to take the sword down but I wasn't sure if they were able to get out of it. We went to where the swords went down. "Where are they?" Kaitlyn said. "Power down." We said to demorph. That's when I saw Kira, Conner, and Ethan. "That was impressive." Kaitlyn said. "But the swords, they're destroyed." Ethan said. "That was the only way. You did what you had to do. Nothing else would have stopped him." I said. "So, that's it then. It can't just be over." Conner said. "It's not over yet. Mesagog could have survived that explosion of the island, and if he did, we have to be ready for it." I said. The next day I was walking around town with them and we were talking when I heard Mesagog behind us. "Of course it's not over." Mesagog said. We turned to face him. "Why do they always come back for more?" I asked. Mesagog told me off for destroying his plans, eventhough it wasn't my fault. "Ariel, your family has destroyed my plans for years. Now I'm here to return a favor." Mesagog said. Then he turned his attention to the whole team, not just me. "You've destroyed my plans of creating a perfect world. However, I was able to absorb enough dino gem energy to complete my transfiguration. Witnesses the face of your final battle." Mesagog said before transforming into a more monstrous form of himself. "Great, like he wasn't scary enough already. And what did he mean by your family destroyed his plans for years?" John asked ."I'll tell you later. Right now, we got something more important to deal with." I said. Then I turned to Elsa. "You better step aside. I don't want you to get hurt." I said. Elsa stepped out of the battle area. Then I turned to face the rest of the team. "You guys ready for one last battle?" I asked. "You bet." John said. "We were born ready." Kaitlyn said.

Then we all morphed. However, the minute we morphed, I noticed that we were already in super dino mode. We charged at him as he tried to blast us. Ethan was the first one that got knocked down. Then John and I started to attack him with Trent helping us. We got thrown to the ground. Then Kaitlyn jumped on him from behind and kept him distracted until we got back up. Then Ethan and Trent attacked him until Mesagog blasted them. Then he pushed me up against a car and blasted me at point-blank range, sending me to the ground. I tried to get up after that hit but couldn't. "Get... away... from... my... girlfriend!" John shouted as he went towards Mesagog. As he was going towards Mesagog, he got blasted which sent him to the ground. "My turn." Conner said. Conner then got grabbed by Mesagog's tongue and got thrown to the ground. Then Ethan came in on his motorcycle and shot lazers at him. As he turned around to go back towards Mesagog he got blasted. Conner got behind him. "Over here Mesagog." Conner said getting Mesagog's attention. That's when Conner went into the triassic ranger form. He went into the battlized mode and blasted Mesagog with the cannons. It sent him flying back into a bunch of stone blocks, wooden boxes, and metal barrels. We thought he was destroyed but he wasn't. We walked up to him. "You did it Conner." Kira said. "Thanks." Conner said. Then Mesagog rose up from the pile he was blasted into. "Unbelievable." Trent said. "No mutant dinosaur has ever survived that attack before." John said. "Well, Mesagog is not just any mutant dinosaur." Kaitlyn said. Mesagog replicated himself. "He's replicating." I said. Then he replicated himself again to make three copies of himself to make if four. "One was bad enough. How do we fight them all?" Ethan asked. "Guys, we have to use all of our powers. It's the only way." I said. "Right." Conner said. "Okay." Kira and Ethan said.

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