Chapter 20 brainwashed by Prince Gasket part 1

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I don't know why John wanted me to stop but I guess that it's the best thing to do now. "Come on, don't stop now. The fun just started." Cruel Chrome said. "Everyone ready to teleport?" Jason asked. "What are you running away for?" Cruel Chrome asked. That's when we retreated back to the command center. "I'll get all of you! Even you blasted purple ranger!" Cruel Chrome said. Back at the command center all of them took a breath from a vaporizer that should protect their lungs from the vapors that were making them lightheaded. The only thing is that I wasn't affected so I didn't have to take a breath from the vaporizer. "I designed this vaporizer with special chemicals to protect your lungs from Cruel Chrome's knockout vapors." Alpha said. "But why was Ariel the only one not affected?" Jason asked. "It's difficult to explain guys." I said. "Alpha, run a cranial scan on her brain. That might give us an idea about why she wasn't affected." Zordon said. "Right away Zordon." Alpha said. "Talk about someone who needs a water purifier." Adam said. "How's the scanner coming along?" Katherine asked. "It's still not operational." Alpha said. "Cruel Chrome is about to unleash his vapors on the rest of the city. Ariel, I'm afraid that you're gonna have to stay behind on this one until the cranial scan is done and until we can figure out why you weren't affected." Zordon said. "Fine. But I won't like it." I said. Then they teleported out leaving me in the command center to have the cranial scan done on me. Back by the lake they went against Cruel Chrome a second time. "Alright Cruel Chrome, it's time to put you in dry dock." Jason said. "Wrong again." Cruel Chrome said before trying to make them lightheaded again. "This is it. The rangers are going down once and for all. Victory is mine." Prince Gasket said, not knowing what they did to protect their lungs from his vapors. "It's naptime rangers." Cruel Chrome said. "It's you that's gonna be nodding off." Jason said. "Why haven't all of you passed out?" Cruel Chrome asked. "Sorry CC, guess you need a tune-up." Adam said. "Time to lower the boom with my boomerang." Cruel Chrome said. They all started to fight him and they all got a hit or two on him. "Those rangers are destroying my creation." Prince Gasket said. "I tried to tell you." Prince Sprocket said. Then Prince Gasket made the monster grow. They told Alpha that they need Tommy's sword to make the megasword. That's when Alpha told them that he devised a remote unit similar to the one from the ninja megasword and that it's not a permanent solution but it should work for now. "I got something to tell you rangers. I'm a real cutoff." Cruel Chrome said as he started to fight them. Jason held him off while the others brought the swords together. Then they brought it together with the gold ranger's megasword. "This can't be good." Cruel Chrome said. Then they blasted him, destroying him. "It's not fair. I almost beat them. I should be the king." Prince Gasket said. "Sometimes you just gotta leave the big gaps to us little guys." Prince Sprocket said. "Leave me alone." Prince Gasket said. "Pull it together, we'll get those power rangers yet." Prince Sprocket said. Jason and Katherine went back to the area of the lake where Tommy was captured while John and the others met me at the command center. "So, what happened with the cranial scan?" John asked. "It turns out that I might have been a little lightheaded and didn't realize it or notice it. It turns out that I get lightheaded regularly, even if it's not noticeable to myself or anyone else. So lightheaded based attacks don't really work on me." I said. The next day Katherine and Jason were at the command center to see if Alpha, John, and I were able to find Tommy. "Alpha, did we get enough energy?" Katherine asked. "Affirmative, the computer is connected and tracing the energy beam now." Alpha said. "It's trace Tommy to another dimension." John said. "That's strange." I said. "What?" Katherine asked. "I'm getting a very strong reading of Tommy's brainwave activity." I said. "What do you mean?" Katherine asked.

"Something is affecting Tommy's brainwaves. Wherever he is whoever has a hold on him is changing him." I said. Just then we lost contact. "Great, we just lost contact." I said with a little frustration in my voice. "This is troubling. The Tommy we all know is being altered." John said. "If we're able to track him down I'm not sure we're going to like who we find." I said. Meanwhile in the other dimension, Tommy is hooked up to a brainwashing machine. His arms and body are tied down on some kind of chair. And he can't move his legs because they are tied to the chair as well. He was struggling to get free. In Tommy's mind he was in the command center when the white mighty morphin power ranger suit came alive and started to walk towards him. "No way. What is this? What's going on here? Who are you?" Tommy asked. "Don't you remember?" Tommy's voice said. "How did you get in here?" Tommy asked. Then the white mighty morphin power ranger made some cogs appear. Tommy flips over them but then the cogs surround him. "What's happening?" Tommy asked. That's when he realized that Alpha and Zordon were not there. Then Prince Gasket showed up. "No one can help you now ranger. Restrain him cogs." Prince Gasket said. Back in the machine empire Prince Gasket was brainwashing him. "Welcome to my palace zeo power ranger five. Yes, it's working. My brain drain is finally operational. I can go in and out of your thoughts and memories and bend them to my will. You will think whatever I want to to think and you will believe anything I tell you." Prince Gasket said. Then Archeria walked in. "My king, your brain drain is brilliant." Archeria said. "Not king yet. Soon I will prove that only I have the power to take over my father's empire. Nothing will stand in my way!" Prince Gasket said. "Prince Sprocket is no match for you." Archeria said. Then Altor showed up. "You called sire?" Altor asked. "Yes, you are to be infused with the zeo ranger's powers making you invincible." Prince Gasket said. The next day at the youth center I was practicing my tae-kwon-do moves when John came up to me. "Hey Ariel. Are you doing okay?" John asked. "Yeah, it's just that, I'm kinda worried about Tommy. He's like a brother to me, you know? Not just a friend." I said. "Just thought I would ask because ever since yesterday, you've been acting a little weird." John said. "Weird, how?" I asked. "You know how." John said. "No I don't." I said. "Yes you do." John said. That's when I finally realized that I knew how I was acting weird. "Oh, right." I said before giving him the middle finger.🖕 I was basically worrying about Tommy a lot, I'm never home, and on top of that I don't talk to my friends as much as I used to. Then I saw Katherine with Rocky and Jason. "I feel guilty coming here when Tommy is still missing." Katherine said. "Look, Zordon told us to take a break. Billy is going to let us know the second they find something." Rocky said. Bulk and Skull were talking about something but when Katherine asked them what they were talking about they said that they saw zeo ranger five but they could see right through him. Of course, nobody believes them. Two of the kids wanted proof that they actually saw zeo ranger five. Then Bulk and Skull left to go get some proof. "We've got to get to the lake." Katherine said. "We should talk to Zordon first. Why don't we meet the others at the command center?" Jason said. "John, I think we should head back to the command center. I have an idea about how we can find out how to get to Tommy." I said. "Alright, let's go." John said.

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