Chapter 33 the election part 2

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They walked over to him. "Yes sire?" Clank said. "Use this magic rope to put a spell on John and Ariel that will make them super competitive." Prince Gasket said. "Gasket, does Archeria know about this?" Orbus asked. "No, but she will when I destroy those power brats. Then she'll be forced to admit that I'm the baddest of them all." Prince Gasket said. After school John and I were walking home. "I really like you campaign slogan. I just think it has a nice ring to it." John said. "Well, I like yours too. Short, simple, to the point. You know, I'm so glad that we can run against each other and still get along so well with each other." I said. Little did we know that Clank and Orbus saw us coming in their direction. "Here they come. Okay, you grab the end of the rope while I go across the path and I'll pull it when they go by." Clank said. As soon as we got over to the rope we didn't even know it was there and we tripped over it. John got up before I did. "Way to go Ariel. If you haven't stepped in my way we wouldn't have fallen." John said as he held out his hand to me. I slapped his hand away as I got up. "Listen buster, you're the one who pushed me out of the way." I said. "Guess you can't take a little competition, huh?" John asked. "You're the one who can't take it. That's why I'm going to beat the so bad in the election." I said. "Oh yeah, okay, right, we'll see about that." John said. Then we walked away from each other. The next day John and I were putting up posters. John just put up his last one when Tommy got over to him with more posters. "Hey John. I got them." Tommy said. "Good, more posters." John said. That's when Tommy noticed that someone did something to my poster. "Hey, who did that?" Tommy asked. "I don't know. We should fix it." John said before putting one of his over mine. That's when I walked up to them with Kaitlyn. "Hey losers. Still think you're gonna beat me?" I asked. "Laugh it up miss second place. I'm gonna win and I can prove it to you." John said. Then as Virginia was walking by John stopped her. "Hey, you're gonna vote for me for school president, right?" John asked. "No you're not, you're gonna vote for me. A vote for Ariel is a vote for change." I said as I gave her a flyer for my campaign. "Come on. Let's go put up some more posters." John said as he started to walk away. "John, wait. What going on?" Tommy asked as he followed John. "What's up with the two of you? Why are you both so competitive?" Kaitlyn said. "I was always like this." I said as I put something on John's poster. "Don't vote for dummy? Now Ariel, that's really mean." Kaitlyn said. "He started it, okay? And I'm going to finish him, no matter what." I said as I started to walk away. Back at machine empire Prince Gasket was ready to go through with phase two of his plan. "This is my chance. John will walk right into my trap. This is going to be good." Prince Gasket said as he sent a letter to the school. He made it appear on John's locker. Back at the school John and Tommy were talking as they headed to his locker at the end of the school day. "Yeah, you're ahead by 15%. But you know this months lean campaign could just as easily turn voters against you." Tommy said. "I want to beat her by 50%." John said. "You know John, I don't understand. This isn't like you." Tommy said. John took the letter off of his locker and read it. "Because I just want to win Tommy, that's all. W I N win." John said. Then John walked away. Then Tommy read the letter. "John, come to the park alone. I have information that will help you destroy Ariel. Oh man, I gotta do something." Tommy said as he closed the letter. At the park John was walking around when some cogs showed up along with Clank. "You have fallen into our trap ranger." Clank said. "Clank, I should have known you were behind this." John said. "Save it, alone you have no chance." Clank said. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that. Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. "I don't need help to whip you and your clan cronies." John said. He started to fight them but he was outnumbered by a lot. He got knocked to the ground by Clank. "You don't look so good. Maybe it's time for retirement." Clank said. "I'm gonna retire you and use your scrap metal for a sword." John said. "Finish him cogs once and for all." Clank said. Back at the school I was looking through some stuff from science class when the others walked up to me. "Ariel, we need to talk. This campaign has gotten completely out of control." Kaitlyn said. "I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to win at all costs." I said. Just then our communicators beeped. "We read you Zordon. What's going on?" Jason asked. "Rangers, John needs your help at the park. You must go immediately." Zordon said. "Figures." I said as I closed my locker. "It's morphing time." Katherine said.

"Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. We got to the park. "There he is. Looks like we're just in time." Adam said. "Our friend is in trouble guys. You know what to do." Tommy said. "Right, let's go!" I said. Tommy took some down around John. "We're here John. Are you okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah." John said. When Tommy said that we can take them he got hit which sent him flying back to the rest of us. "Tommy, are you okay?" I asked. "They want John. We gotta help him." Tommy said. "Why can't he do anything right? I'll help him." I said before going in to help him. That's when John saw me. "What do you think you're doing? I don't need your help." John said as he walked over to me. "You're useless, let me handle this before you get hurt." I said. "You? Right." John said as he walked away. "Yes me you arrogant airhead. Get back here! How dare you walk away from me when I'm talking! Typical John blockheaded behavior!" I said. "Who's a blockhead?" John asked as he turned to face me. "You are!" I said. "You're out of your mind." John said. "Can't take the competition?" I asked. "You're no competition for me." John said. "Am I more than you can handle?" I asked. "Go back to the mall." John said. "Excuse me." Clank said as he tapped me on the shoulder. "Buzz off. I'm talking to Mr. Runner up here and you know it." I said. "I'll tell you what I thought. Sorry." John said sarcastically. Then Clank turned me to him and he sent me to the ground. Then two cogs grabbed John. "Hey, let go of me! Let go of me you cogs!" John said. "Tough luck silver ranger. I'll take that. Your bad day just got worse." Clank said as he took John's lazer pistol. "Give it back Clank, you don't know what you're doing." John said. Clank started to walk away. "Clank, wait till I get my hands on you!" John said. He then got himself free and fought off the two cogs that grabbed him. "See ya." Clank said as he started to walk away. "Hold it right there Clank!" John said. I saw John going after him. "Hey, where do you think you're going pal?" I asked. "Leave this to a professional." John said. "I'll get the pistol." I said. We bumped into each other. "Way to go Ariel, you blew it again." John said. "You're the one who messed it up. I would have had it by now if you weren't such a stumble bum." I said. "Why don't you just stay out of this?" John asked.

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