Chapter 77 the second nighlok battle part 1

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Master Xandred continued. "We'd sail into their cities and rule their pathetic world." Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. Boss. Take a look. There's something of interest in this book." Octaroo said. "What is it Octaroo?" Master Xandred asked. "Legend has it every time something really bad happens on earth like a earthquake or a hurricane the sanzu river's water level rises. So if we scare those humans their tears will fill our river and we can escape the netherworld." Octaroo said. "Sounds fun. That noddleface can really use his noodle." Dayu said.

"That plan might work. I'm glad I thought of it. (He didn't) Scorpiotic, get over here!" Master Xandred said. Scorpiotic came onto the ship. "Master, you rang?" Scorpiotic said. After lunch Kevin and I were training in the gym while Mike and John were watching us. "Hey Ariel, you wanna take a break?" John asked. "I guess. What about you Kevin?" I said. "Every second that you're not training is a second wasted." Kevin said. "Look, everyone needs a break once in a while." I said. Mike continues to drink his drink but it sounds like it was empty. "Dude, stop. You're gonna suck the whole cup down if you keep that up." I said. "Alright, let's see if your practice makes perfect." Mike said. "You got it." I said as I got into sparing position with him. I tried to hit him a few times until he got me into a headlock. That's when Mia came up to us. "Guys, I can't find Emily." Mia said. "Did you check her dorm room?" John asked. "Yeah, but she wasn't there." Mia said. "That's not like her." I said. We went around the whole school looking for her. We regrouped in the rec hall. "Any sign of Emily?" Mia asked. "No." Kevin said. "Same result." I said. "Mike, how about you?" Mia said. "How about what?" Mike asked. "About Emily. Were you even looking for her?" John asked. "Yeah, but I got hungry. Emily probably went out sightseeing or shopping or something. I'm sure she's okay." Mike said. "I don't know. She's a country girl. She wouldn't wander around the city by herself." Mia said. "Want a bite?" Mike asked while handing a kabob to Kevin. "No thanks. I never snack between meals while I'm a samurai in training." Kevin said. "When are you in training?" Mike asked. "Never." Kevin said. "Wow, you're really serious about the samurai lifestyle." Mia said. "Of course. Aren't you?" Kevin asked. "Yes, but I also want to have a normal life. You know, find my prince charming someday. I'm getting used to the idea that now I'm a samurai but, it's a little scary." Mia said. "Well, it's a big adjustment. You'll get used to it." Kevin said. "What about you? I heard you left your dream of swimming in the olympics to be here Kevin. Don't you miss it?" Mia asked. "No. When a samurai decides to serve he is committed forever." Kevin said. "Wow, forever?" That's a long time to go without a snack." Mike said. That's when I saw Emily. "Guys, look, there she is." I said. She was training by herself. We walked up to her. "Emily, you're training all by yourself?" I asked. "Yes, the dedication of a samurai." Kevin said. "It's not just that. I promised my big sister to work hard so that I can be as good a fighter as the rest of you." Emily said. "Your big sister?" Kevin asked. That's when Emily pulled her sister's flute out of her back pocket. "My big sister was supposed to be the yellow ranger but she got sick. I had to take her place." Emily said. "Wow, that's a lot to ask of you." Mike said. "It's been tougher to see her go through her illness. And anyways, I wasn't a superstar at school." Emily said. "Don't sell yourself short." Mia said. "Oh, I do have talents. I'm really good at playing the flute and I can definitely handle a sword. So becoming a power ranger is a fresh start for me." Emily said. "Did you hear that? She has the heart of a true samurai warrior." Kevin said. "You've been training hard. You need this more than I do." Mike said while giving Emily the rest of his snack. In town Scorpiotic came through a gap. My samuraizer has a built in gap sensor. My samuraizer beeped. "What's that?" Mike asked. "A gap sensor. It goes off everytime a nighlok comes through a gap from the netherworld." Jason said as he walked up to us. They were at the city hall. "Samurai we have a battle to fight." Jayden said as he came up to us. We followed him. Meanwhile in town Scorpiotic and the moggers were attacking. "Don't attack them so quickly. They squeal more if you corner them slowly." Scorpiotic said. Just then my wolf sword and Jayden's lion sword attacked him. "Who's this?" Scorpiotic said. That's when we morphed. "Samuraizer! Go go samurai!" All of us said as we pulled out our samuraizers and drew our inherited samurai symbols to morph. "Samurai Ranger ready. Rangers together samurai forever!" We all said as soon as we morphed. That's when Scorpiotic sent the moggers at us. Just like before, we used our others weapons, not just our swords. Jayden was the first one to Scorpiotic. I used my wolf hunt bow but I accidentally hit Jayden instead of the nighlok. Jayden then got hit into the building by Scorpiotic. I ran over to him. "Jayden, I'm sorry. I hit you by mistake. My aim was off." I said. Then I got in front of Jayden. "I'll protect you." I said. Scorpiotic used whirlwind scyth attack. We all got sent to the ground. I was badly injured. I couldn't get up. "We must stand and be strong. Either we defeat the nighlok or we will be defeated." Jayden said. "Understood." Kevin said as he got up. "Yeah, yeah. I know." Mike said. That's when John saw me to his right. "Ariel, are you okay?" John asked. I just couldn't answer. I was injured really bad. Jayden walked over to him. "John, stay with her." Jayden said. That's when Kaitlyn saw a young girl that was left behind. "There's a girl left behind. I must save her." Kaitlyn said. That's when I finally answered him. "Don't worry about me. Go help Jayden." I said. Jayden fought off the nighlok while Kaitlyn went over to the girl. Just then her mom came over looking for her daughter. "Bella." Her mom called. "Mommy." She called back. Kaitlyn got her over to her mom. "We've got to help Jayden." Kevin said. John helped me up. "He's able to stay so focused on defending evil. I just hope that I can live up to the legacy that Tommy left for me." I said. Then we morphed back into our ranger forms. We charged at him when he tried to use the whirlwind scyth attack on us again but we dodged it and hit him back by a few yards or so. "Alright guys, let's use our spin swords to finish this creep." I said. "Spin sword, octet slash!" We all said as we did the attack. He exploded. Then he came back as a mega monster. "Don't think you won just yet rangers." Scorpiotic said. We got into our swords. We noticed that the swords alone weren't enough. "Swords alone aren't enough here. We have to combine forces." Jayden said. "A sword combination, right?" Kevin asked. "You bet." I said. Kevin tried the sword combination but he did it wrong. "We're locked and ready." Kevin said. "Hey, are we supposed to look like this?" Mia asked. "Kevin, what have you done? You left Jayden, John, Kaitlyn, and I out." I said. "Oh no, I did it wrong." Kevin said. "What's the deal? Why am I low man on the totem pole?" Mike asked. "Get ready blockheads because you're all about the take a tumble." Scorpiotic said as he knocked Mike's sword out from under Kevin's sword. "This time, I'll start it." Jayden said. Then he did the sword combination the right way and all of our swords came together. We started to fight him until he sent some giant moggers at us.

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