Chapter 13 the final battle against Rita Repulsa part 2 & meeting new friends

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We continued with the fight. "What is it with you hero types? Always the same line." Rito said. Meanwhile at the carnival grounds John and Kaitlyn were helping them with the tenga warriors but they were outnumbered by a lot. "There's too many of them!" John said. "We need extra protection." Billy said. "Metallic armor, power up!" Kaitlyn said. "Metallic armor, power up!" John said. "Metallic armor, power up!" Billy said. "Metallic armor, power up!" Zack said. "Metallic armor, power up!" Trini said. Meanwhile by where I was fighting with Tommy, Jason, and Kimberly, Tommy was taking on Goldar along with three or four tenga warriors. Jason and I were taking on Rito. Then Jason and I got knocked down. "Oh well, you win some and you lose some." Rito said. Tommy started to go after Rito only to get stopped by three tenga warriors. Kimberly has been grabbed by three tenga warriors. "Let's see four paces south. Which way is south? Oh well, I'll try this way." Rito said. Then Jason started to go after him again but got stopped too. I started to run towards him but I couldn't get to him fast enough. "This must be it. No, it could be anywhere. Paper rock scissors. What am I doing? There's really only one way to find out. Here it goes." Rito said. He placed the orb down on the ground. Then something happened. "You mean that's it?" Rito said. "We have to do something to stop this." Jason said. "It's too late guys." I said. "You know what they say, timing is everything. See ya!" Rito said before leaving. "Rito, come back! I'm not giving up." Tommy said as he started to run over to the orb. "Tommy, don't!" I said. He got shocked by it and got sent flying back over to us. "Tommy, are you okay?" Kimberly asked. "Yeah, I think so. What do we do now?" Tommy asked. "One thing's for sure. We can't get near it." Jason said. "Yeah, let's hope the others have better luck. Let's get back to the command center." Tommy said. "Right behind you." I said. Then they felt the same shaking that we felt. "The others must have been unsuccessful. Rito must have planted the orb of doom." Billy said. "Let's head back to the command center." John said. We all met at the command center. "I can't believe this. How are we going to stop whatever is going on?" Kaitlyn said. "I don't know." Jason said. "It was my fault, sorry guys." I said. "Come on. Don't say that." Jason said. "I wasn't fast enough to stop him." I said. "All that matters is that you tried to stop him." John said. "Yeah, but I wasn't fast enough to stop him." I said. The next day the others went to the youth center but I didn't go with them. I found a way to remove the orb from where it was without getting near it. I took it to the command center and helped Zordon and Alpha with destroying it. Then Alpha showed me the zeo crystal. But then Rito and Goldar showed up and stole it. When the others got there I told them what happened. Then we were under attack. "Rangers, you must evacuate the command center." Zordon said. "We can't leave you!" Zack said. "Get out of here now rangers!" Alpha said. "Come with us Alpha!" Jason said. "Alpha, teleport us out now!" I said. "Right Ariel." Alpha said. Alpha teleported us out and we got out just as the command center got destroyed. "Is everyone okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, I think so." Kimberly said. "Oh man. It's gone." Tommy said. "So is the zeo crystal." Zack said. "What are we going to do?" Kaitlyn asked. "I bet this could be the end of the power rangers." Tommy said. The next day at the youth center I saw Kimberly talking to our gymnastics coach. When he walked away I walked up to Kimberly. "Hey Kimberly, I saw you talking to our gymnastics coach. What were you guys talking about?" I asked. "He wants me to move to his facility in Florida to train for the Olympics and he wants you to do that too." Kimberly said. "I don't know Kimberly. That's kind of far to go. I'd rather stay here. If you want to go, that's fine." I said. "I understand. I'll let him know." Kimberly said as she walked away. Then John came up to me with a few friends. "Hey Ariel, I would like you to meet my new friends. These are my new friends Katherine, Rocky, Tanya, and Adam." John said. "It's nice to meet you guys." I said. "It's nice to meet you too." Katherine said. They are the new students in school. I have seen them around the school but didn't really meet them until now. The next day after school John took me back to the destroyed command center. "Why are we here?" I asked. "I was thinking that there might be something beneath the ruins of the command center. I think we should dig beneath the ruins and see if there is anything left." John said. "Everything is pretty much destroyed. I don't think that there's anything left." I said. "Do you really think that Tommy is right about this being the end of the power rangers?" John asked. "It's not that, it's just that the zeo crystal is gone." I said. "I still think that there is something here." John said. "Well, I'm not going to look for something here today but I can do it on the weekend." I said. "Maybe we should do it with our new friends." John said. "Good idea." I said. The next day after school we went to the destroyed command center with our new friends and dug beneath the ruins, but what we found surprised me. "Wait, is that...?" I said before John finished what I was about to ask. "The zeo crystal?" John asked. We took it out of the ruins to get a better look at it. "It's all here. This is incredible." Tommy said. "I thought it was gone for good." I said. "They must have dropped it." Adam said. "I can't believe it survived the blast." John said. "Does it still have its power?" Kaitlyn said. Tommy put it on the ground because something weird happened when Kaitlyn asked if it still had its power. The ground started to shake. "It's never gonna stop?" Tanya said. "I don't know what's causing it." Billy said. "We're sinking!" Rocky said. "Let's bail out of here!" Adam said. We found out that we couldn't move our feet. It was like our feet were glued to the ground. We fell a long way. We all hit the ground. "Is everyone alright?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, I think so." Billy said. Everyone seemed to be fine, except for me. I hit the ground really hard and I can't move my left leg. "Guys, I can't move my left leg." I said. "Can you move your right leg?" Tommy asked. "Somewhat, but it hurts." I said. "We got to figure out where we are." Tommy said. We looked around. "This looks like the lower chamber in the command center." Billy said. "Now what?" Adam said. Then we heard something to our left. "Where's it coming from?" Billy said. "I don't know. Let's follow it. Just stay together." Tommy said. John helped me up and we started to follow the noise with John helping me. Then we heard what sounded like Alpha. "Guys, that sounds like Alpha." I said. "The foundation must be resettling. Let's just hope that it was nothing." John said. That's when Alpha told us to step into the vortex. "Alpha must have heard us." Kaitlyn said. "The vortex?" Tommy asked. Then some steel doors open reveling a green colored vortex. Tommy reached out to touch the vortex when I stopped him. "Tommy, be careful. There's no telling what will happen when you touch it." I said. "Don't worry, I will." Tommy said. Tommy reached for the vortex cautiously. Then he put his hand into it and nothing bad happened. We were all holding our breath as he reached for the vortex but we all breathed out a sigh of relief.

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