Chapter 9 learning the green ranger kata

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Then Zordon started to talk to us. "I commend your latest invention Billy. Not only have you created a communicator but you've also tapped into the command center's teleportation unit. With proper adjustments, it will allow you to teleport here in an emergency. But until Alpha can reprogram it, it will serve as a two-way communication link. Between the command center and each other, from wherever you are." Zordon said. Alpha started to reprogram the communicators. Then we heard a strange noise. We didn't know what was going on. "It's Rita. She's sent a device to open a time trap. And the putty patrol is gathering outside of town. Find out what they're up to while I analyze the time device." Zordon said. We teleported out of the command center and we started to watch them when they spotted us. "Guys, we gotta morph." Kimberly said. "No, we gotta try to take care of this before we use our powers." I said. We tried to spread them out but when I looked up I thought I saw Tommy. I grabbed the pair of binoculars from my back pocket and took a look. "I knew he wouldn't let us down." I said when I saw him. I started to climb up the rocks. "I'm braver than I believe, stronger than I seem, and smarter than I think." I said as I climbed up the rocks to go help Tommy. Meanwhile on lower ground the others got surrounded. Above them I finally got over to him. "Hey dirt bags, leave him alone!" I said. When they came towards us Tommy and I moved aside and made them fall over the cliff by getting behind them and kicking them over the cliff. "Nice move." Tommy said. "There's more where that came from. Let's go help the others." I said. We went to go help them. "Form a human chain, now!" Jason said. I made one with John and Kaitlyn. Jason made one with Zack and Kimberly. Zordon congratulated us on our job dealing with the putty patrollers when we found out that Rita sent one of her minions down. Zordon told us about the new threat. "Alright guys, it's morphin time!" I said.

"Dire wolf!" I said to morph. "Ground sloth!" John said to morph. "American lion!" Kaitlyn said to morph. We got pulled into a time warp and got attacked by someone named bones. We tried to destroy him by blasting him but that didn't work. "We have to destroy his head." I said. "Ariel, leave this to me and Trini." Billy said. "Alright, go for it!" I said. We destroyed his head but then he came back as a mega monster. We all got blown out of the time warp. "Time for the swords." I said. Jason, John, Kaitlyn, and I got into our swords. We got him on the ground a few times and then we did one last attack to take him down. "Alright! We did it!" Jason said. The next day we were hanging out at the youth center. "Guys, speaking of the power rangers our communicators are fully functional again thanks to Zordon and Alpha." Billy said. "So, we can teleport and communicate to the command center with these." I said. "Yeah." Billy said. "Hey John, there's something I want to say to you. There's this quote from winnie the pooh. It goes like this. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." I said. "Well, part of that might become true the next time I come face to face with that kind of thing." John said. That's when our friend Alyssa came up behind him with a scary mask on and scared him, which made him climb up the rope. All of us laughed. "Nice one Alyssa." I said. "Thanks. Well, I definitely got John to climb up the rope." Alyssa said as she took the mask off. "Yeah, hey John, looks like you overcame your fear of heights." I said. John climbed back down. "Why did you do that?" John asked. "Oh, actually, Ariel talked me into doing that." Alyssa said. "I told her about your fear of heights so we actually talked about it this morning during homeroom." I said. "No way." John said. "Yeah, but since we didn't really have a lot of time during homeroom we talked about what we can do to help you get over your fear during recess." I said. "I wasn't sure about doing it but after talking about it for a few minutes she convinced me to help." Alyssa said. The next morning at school Virginia came up to me and gave me the copies of the spells that I taught her. She said she really dosen't have a use for them anymore. I was happy to take them back. If she ever needs them again, she will know where to find me. Kimberly and Trini were getting a lot of students to sign a petition to shut down the dump site. "Ariel, how about you come with us to drop off these petitions at the dump site. The guys already bailed out on us." Kimberly said. "I'd love to but I have a balance beam routine for an upcoming gymnastics competition that I have to practice, so I can't. Sorry guys." I said. "That's fine. Kimberly and I will go alone then." Trini said. Then Bulk and Skull showed up. Bulk dropped a can on the ground. "Recycle that." Bulk said. "Get a life you two." I said before walking to my next class. "She's right you guys. You really should get a life. Besides, don't you guys have anything better to do, like say, oh I don't know... studying for midterms?" Kimberly asked. Later that day at the youth center I was practicing my balance beam routine when Tommy came up to me. I did the roundoff part of my routine, which is how my balance beam routine ends. "That was awesome Ariel." Tommy said. "Thanks Tommy." I said. Then Bulk and Skull walked up to us. "Hey Ariel, how about that date we talked about?" Bulk asked. "Can you two just leave me alone?" I asked. "Make me." Bulk said. "You heard what she said." Tommy said. "It's okay Tommy, I got this." I said. They came towards me and I used both of my arms to flip them both onto the mats on either side of the balance beam. Then Tommy and I walked to the juice bar. "That was so cool the way you flipped them onto the mats." Tommy said. "It's just a move that I've been practicing in my spare time." I said. "Wait, you practice different moves in your spare time?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, but lately, I've been thinking about doing some tae-kwon-do. You know, in case I ever need to defend myself." I said. "That would be good." Tommy said. "Yeah, and maybe you can teach me some karate moves." I said. "Well, how about I show you how to do the green ranger kata?" Tommy asked. "Alright, let's do it." I said.

He showed me how to do the green ranger kata. It had five moves that I can learn from tae-kwon-do and some karate moves were mixed in there. Later that night I was reading a werewolf novel that I got at Barnes & Noble when John texted me. He wanted to meet up with me to discuss something. I texted him back asking what he wanted to talk about and he texted me back saying that it was a new battle strategy. I texted him saying that we can do that tomorrow after school. He texted back saying okay. Then I finished up the chapter I was on and then I went bed for the night. The next day at school after the school day ended I met up with John. "Hey John, you wanted to talk about a new battle strategy?" I asked. "Yeah. The others and I started it but we have to make sure that it's okay with you if we use it." John said. "Okay, so what's the new plan?" I asked. "Let's not talk about it here. Let's go to the command center to talk about this." John said. "Okay, fine." I said.

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