Chapter 31 Ariel's dancing & Tommy & Tanya can't stop singing part 1

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The next day at school during activity period I went to the gym to practice my dance that I made up for the song can't back down from camp rock 2 the final jam.

I guess that there was already a dance to it but for the beginning and the moves I can't do, I came up with something different. I didn't really notice that Calvin was watching me until I did the cross T and saw him. "Ariel." Calvin said. I grabbed my phone and paused the music. "Hey Calvin. How long have you been standing here?" I asked. "Not long. What were you doing?" Calvin asked. "Well, I'm practicing." I said. "Practicing what?" Calvin asked. "It's for my gym class. My teacher wants me to dance in front of everybody. I'm really nervous. I don't want to look bad." I said. "You do just fine at our dance recitals. Besides, we've both been dancing for a long time. And there's more to dancing than looking good." Calvin said. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said. "You know I'm right." Calvin said. Then the bell rang. "I'll see you after school, okay?" Calvin asked. "Okay, I'll see you after school." I said as he walked away. After school I texted Calvin telling him that I might be a little late coming home because I was going to see what Tommy was up to. I saw Tommy doing something. The dancing was good, the singing however, it could use some work. "Hey Tommy." I said. He saw me and turned the music off. "Hey, how long have you been standing here?" Tommy asked. "Not long. What were you doing?" I asked. "I'm practicing." Tommy said. "Dancing or singing?" I asked. "It's for my music class. My teacher wants me to sing in front of everybody. I'm really nervous." Tommy said. "I know what that's like. My gym teacher wants me to dance in front of the whole class. I always got nervous doing anything in front of an audience." I said. "Really?" Tommy asked. "Yeah." I said. "I don't want to look bad." Tommy said. "You know, there's more to singing than looking good." Tanya said as she walked up to us. "How long were you standing there?" I asked. "Not long." Tanya said. "Tanya, you're a great singer, maybe you can teach him. I better get home. My family is going out to eat tonight." I said. "Where at?" Tommy asked. "Chipotle." I said. "Okay. We'll see you tomorrow, right?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, or maybe sooner if something comes up." I said before leaving. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Sprocket and Queen Machina are watching them. "Oh please, an airhead playing an air guitar. How appropriate." Prince Sprocket said. "How pathetic." Queen Machina said. "What do humans see in that noise they call music?" Prince Sprocket said. "Who knows? But they apparently can't live without it. That gives me an idea." Queen Machina said. "Tell me." Prince Sprocket said. "Let's just say by the time I'm through with them, the power rangers will be signing and dancing to a different tune." Queen Machina said. In a different part of the machine empire Prince Gasket and Archeria heard that someone had a secret weapon and decided to wait until he revealed it so that they can use it against us. Meanwhile at the school Tanya was helping Tommy with his singing. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Sprocket wanted to know what the plan was. "Well, if we made it so that Tommy can't stop singing he could not possibly pilot his zord." Queen Machina said. "How are we gonna do it? By interfering with his telepathic link?" Prince Sprocket said. "Watch and learn." Queen Machina said. Back at the school, Tanya was still helping Tommy. That's when they got hit with something that makes everything they're saying come out on a singing voice. They decided to tell Zordon what happened. I got called to the command center by Zordon along with the others. When I got there I noticed Tommy and Tanya talking to Zordon in a singing voice. "Great, first he's practicing his singing and next thing I know, he's singing like a pro, and he can't stop." I said.

"I feel like I'm in the middle of a rock opera." Adam said. "This could interfere with their ability to pilot the zords." Alpha said. "Alpha's right. Tommy's telepathic link has been altered. It will be impossible for him to control the red battlezord." Zordon said. "And with Archeria and Prince Gasket around the last thing we need is to be down a zord." Rocky said. "Better make that two." I said. "Why?" Adam said. "Figure it out." I said. Then I looked at my watch. "Crap, I was supposed to be home five minutes ago. My dad is going to kill me." I said. "You should probably head home. If we need you we'll contact you." John said. "Thanks guys." I said before teleporting out of there. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Gasket and Archeria found out what the secret weapon is. "There it is, the secret weapon. We must seize it at once and use it to destroy the rangers. Then there will be no doubt who shall rule this galaxy." Archeria said. "Activate their secret weapon immediately." Prince Gasket said. That's when they shot something into the pond to bring the caterpillar shaped lure to life and made it grow. Back at the machine empire Prince Gasket knew that their secret weapon was now his. "Take notes Clank. Now that I control their secret weapon, those power brats will never stop me." Prince Gasket said. In a different part of the machine empire Prince Sprocket and Queen Machina noticed that Gasket was at it again. "Gasket has done it again! He's made his own monster and he's attacking Angel Grove without us!" Prince Sprocket said. "You know what, that boy sure tries hard. I'll give him that at least." Queen Machina said. "We gotta stop him!" Prince Sprocket said. "Nonsense. We'll let him create a diversion while we attack an even bigger target." Queen Machina said. Back at the command center they just found out that Angel Grove was under attack again, only this time, it's a full-scale attack. "Rangers, just as we feared, the machine empire has launched a full-scale attack on Angel Grove." Zordon said. "What are we gonna do without Tommy, Tanya, or Ariel?" Katherine asked. "I'll take paramitis and go alone." Jason said. "That will not work. You will need help to beat them." Tommy said in a singing voice. "Tommy is right, you can not fight. Your chances will be too slight." Tanya said in a singing voice. That's when they saw where the attack was in Angel Grove. "Hey look. They've hit the abandoned warehouse district. They're going to be over the population soon." Rocky said. "And as if that weren't bad enough, there's a squadron of Quadrafighters headed in our direction." Alpha said. "We've got to come up with a plan, and fast." Adam said before turning to Zordon. "Zordon, is there any way I can pilot the red battle sword?" Adam asked. "Alpha can reprogram it to respond to you Adam but I can't guarantee the results." Zordon said. "I'll take that chance." Adam said. "I'll stay behind with Adam and keep an eye on the Quadrafighters." Jason said. "Yeah, the rest of us can take the other swords and fight the caterpillar." Rocky said. "Let's stop this crime." Tanya said in a singing voice. "It's morphing time." Tommy said in a singing voice.

"Zeo ranger five red!" Tommy said to morph. As soon as they got out some Quadrafighters shot at them and they took some of them down. That's when Prince Gasket and Archeria showed up. "They've taken the bait. Now I will destroy them." Prince Gasket said. "Brilliant plan my prince." Archeria said. Then Prince Gasket sent the caterpillar out and they were getting knocked around really good. The caterpillar is a magnificent machine. He'll defeat the power rangers in no time." Prince Gasket said. Just then some Quadrafighters started to attack the zord holding bay by the command center. That's when Alpha noticed that the zord holding bay was under attack.

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