Chapter 40 Ariel's story & the final battle against King Mondo part 2

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John was able to track me down for some reason. I was sitting on one of the swings at the park. John came up to me and sat down on the swing next to me. "Hey, are you okay?" John asked. "No, I'm not okay." I said. "What wrong? Why did you teleport out on us?" John asked. "Alright, I'll tell you. Before I moved from Pittsburgh to Angel Grove I had everything I wanted. A good house, loving parents, an awesome brother, great friends. Everything was perfect. But then, one day, my mom died. I was able to say goodbye to her before she died. I had three other losses along with that. Those other three being my grandfather on my dad's side of the family, my uncle Rick, and my Aunt Jean." I said. "They didn't happen on the same day, right?" John asked. "They all happened on different days. They all happened within the span of a year." I said. "Wow, four big losses in one year. That must have been really tough for you." John said. "It was. I just can't take any other losses, and least, not right now. I don't want to lose anyone else." I said. "How about you take some time away from this? You know, take some time for yourself." John said. "That's not such a bad idea. I guess I'll see you either later today if you guys need me or tomorrow when I come to the command center." I said as I got up and walked away. John went back to the command center. Meanwhile in the wooded area of Angel Grove Lord Zedd was still talking. "When have you ever known me to give up. I have a pound of skull. Soon we will be rid of this self-impressed, metal-plated fool once and for all." Zedd said. Meanwhile in the machine empire Clank walked up to King Mondo. "Your highness we are detecting a communication transmission bound for the planet Traphoria." Clank said. "It's those pathetic power brats. I knew they'd try to contact Trey." King Mondo said. "If he returns and reclaims the golden power it will be lost to us forever." Queen Machina said. "That must not happen. Clank, activate the lazer alarm scanners to warn us of his arrival." King Mondo said. Back at the command center, Tommy wanted to know if Trey was able to unify his three forms into one. "Zordon, has Trey been able to unify his three forms into one?" Tommy asked. "At this point, we are unsure." Zordon said. "Zordon, if he hasn't there'll be no way to transfer the power from Jason." Tanya said. "He's lying so still. Is he alright?" Tommy asked. "Not to worry rangers, for now he is only resting. The struggle to maintain balance between the gold ranger powers and the forces of the universe can be very taxing on the human form." Zordon said. Just then Trey showed up. "I came as soon as I got you message rangers. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to restore myself to the unified form necessary to obtain the gold ranger powers." Trey said. "Zordon, is there anything we can do to help Trey?" Adam said. "There is only one possibility that I'm aware of, but it could prove very dangerous." Zordon said. "How does it work?" Kaitlyn asked. "An interplanetary unification beam is used to create a positive energy flow between the planets Traphoria, Aquitar, and Earth." Zordon said. "The beam must be reflected off of the other two planets at a specific point in their orbits and return to Earth with exact precision." Trey said. "But what about the side effects?" Katherine asked. "It's a risk that can't be avoided. The alignment of the three planets will only last for a short time. If the beam strikes the Earth without first hitting the gold power staff at exactly the right time Jason and Trey could be destroyed." Zordon said. "We don't have much of a choice. We got to do whatever it takes to save Jason." John said. "We got to do it for Jason." Adam said. "I have established the coordinates where the beam must strike. Alpha will provide you with a map. The location is contained in the northwest corner of the Angel Grove desert." Zordon said as Alpha gave them the map. Then they all teleported to the northwest side of the Angel Grove desert. They looked at the map. "It should be up ahead, just over that ridge." Katherine said. John and Kaitlyn were helping Jason. "How are you doing?" John asked. "I'm okay, don't worry about me." Jason said. "Good thing Ariel didn't hear that. She would have gone crazy if she heard that." Kaitlyn said. Little did they know that they just tripped the alarm that Clank set. "The rangers tripped the alarm in the beta sector." Clank said. "Excellent! I knew that it was just a matter of time. Stop them Clank. Send the entire army if necessary." King Mondo said. Back in the desert they got over the ridge and saw the triangle where the beam is supposed to hit the gold power staff. "Guys, look. Let's go." Tommy said. They started to make their way over there when from out of nowhere they started to get attacked by Quadrafighters. "What now?" Adam said. "Run!" Tommy said. They got to an area where they were at least partially covered. "I'm contacting Ariel for back up." John said before contacting me. I was at Camp Spencer when he contacted me. It was rest hour when he contacted me. "What's up John?" I asked. "Ariel, we're getting attacked by Quadrafighters. We need you!" John said. "Alright, I'm on my way." I said before teleporting there. "Jason, we need the golden power staff." Tanya said. "I don't know if I have enough left for it." Jason said. They were still getting blasted at. That's when I showed up. "You gotta try Jason." I said. I'm not sure how I was able to hear that but I'm glad I did. "Yeah, the beam won't work without it." Tommy said. Jason reached out his hand and made the golden power staff appear. Just then cogs showed up. "Trey, take your position in the triangle. John, Kaitlyn, you two help me with holding the cogs off from Jason." I said. "Right." Trey said. "You got it." John said. "It's morphing time!" Tommy said. (Yes, I know Rocky is in this one, just take it as him morphing at the camp before coming to help.)

"Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. We started to attack the cogs but only a few of us were getting attacked from all sides. When John, Kaitlyn and I got knocked down Rocky showed up to help us out. "Zordon said you guys could use a hand." Rocky said. "Sorry to pull you away from martial arts camp." Tommy said. "No problem buddy." Rocky said. Meanwhile at the command center Zordon said that the three planets were in alignment. "The three planets are in alignment. Prepare to fire the beam." Zordon said. "But the rangers and surrounded by cogs. What if they interfere?" Alpha said. "We have no choice. Fire the beam now. Our window of opportunity is closing." Zordon said. Alpha fired the beam and it hit Aquitar, then Traphoria, and then hit the golden power staff and the energy cast from it unified Trey's three forms into one. "They're rejoined." I said when I noticed. "Yes, the powers are completely restored." Trey said. "Guys, it worked." Jason said. "Nice job Jason." I said. Jason gave Trey the power staff. "Now I can do some good." Trey said. He came to help us. "I'm untied again, and I have you to thank." Trey said. "Don't mention it." Tommy said. Just then, King Mondo and a few of the cogs grew into mega versions of themselves. "Looks like big trouble." I said. "No shit Sherlock." John said. "Puny rangers, you'll regret the day you ever crossed my path." King Mondo said. "Like we don't already. It's time to cut these guys down to size. Let's call on the zords." Tommy said.

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