Chapter 99 Ariel's big family secret part 2

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Octaroo told Dayu that if I'm second in command I should have had enough ice symbol power in me for those hits to destroy me. "There's only one explanation." Octaroo said. The others got over to me. "Ariel, you're gonna be okay. Just hang on." John said. "You gotta take over for me John." I said as I handed him the device that allowed any of us to go into super samurai mode. "You can count on me." John said. "I know." I said. "She's toasted, and the rest of you will be next." Fiera said as she grew into a mega version of herself. John helped me lean up against a rock. "Just rest here for now. We'll come back for you." John said before going to help the others. They brought out our swords and brought them together. It was the super samurai combination which has the clawsword combined with the megasword. "Claw armor megasword we are untied!" They said. "And untied you'll fall." Fiera said before attacking them. They couldn't keep up with her. She was too fast. The swords broke loose from each other. Meanwhile by the rock I was leaning up against my vision was a little blurry. I saw someone walking towards me and I immediately realized who it was. "Sweetheart, don't worry. I'll handle this." Michael said. I was happy to see him, although, I've got to admit, I didn't expect for my dad to come and save me. He morphed into a black ranger and got into my sword. After she blasted them my wolf sword attacked her. "Who's in the wolf sword?" Fiera said. "It can't be Ariel." Antonio said. "Yeah, she's still on the ground." Kevin said. "Then what's going on? Who's in her sword?" Emily asked. "Anyone who hurts my daughter has to answer to me! It's time to make you disappear." Michael said. "Think again." Fiera said before launching an attack at him. "I have, and your hair brain moves end here, now. Hair as greasy as yours needs to be washed better." Michael said. Then he pulled the sword out of the control panel. "Megablade activate! Pentagonal fury!" Michael said as he went through Fiera with my sword, destroying her. My wolf sword howled.

"Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Michael said. "This doesn't make any sense." Mia said. They got out of the megasword and came back over to me. "Ariel, are you okay?" John asked. "I'll be okay." I said as they helped me up. As we started to walk away my dad came out of the megasword and we all turned to face him. "What's going on here?" Emily asked. My dad demorphed in front of us. "Who are you?" Antonio asked. "He's my father. His name is Michael." I said. "You didn't tell us much about your father." Mike said. "Hey Ariel." Michael said before walking up to us. "Hi dad." I said. We hugged each other. "Michael, welcome to the samurai rangers." Mia said. "Thank you. You guys can call me Mike if you want to. I can't wait to get to know every one of you, but I know my daughter better than most people." Michael said. We went back to the college and met with Jason. "The nighloks never knew that Tommy existed. It was all part of my secret plan. In the last invasion, Master Xandred and Mesagog were working together. They were overwhelming us. So I put all my faith in all of my kids. Tommy was sent into hiding, Calvin was helping with the battle, but someone had to continue the fight if the nighloks rose again. That's when Ariel came in." Michael said. "But Ariel was only a baby then." Mia said. "Exactly. I haven't really mastered the super seal but I was determined to try if the red ranger's sealing symbol failed. Even an imperfect seal would be strong enough to at least send Master Xandred to the bottom of the sanzu river, long enough to allow my daughter to become stronger until she was strong enough to carry on our legacy. To deceive the nighlok, she had to do one of the hardest things ever, hide the secret of the super seal from her friends." Michael said. "She must have felt like her whole life was a secret." Mike said. "She's been carrying that around inside her all this time." Mia said. "So, where is Tommy? Why isn't he around?" Emily asked. "He's no longer around because, he died. It's up to me now." I said as I walked up to them. Meanwhile in the netherworld Octaroo and Dayu were still talking. "Oo-ah-oo. The black ranger played us for fools. She was an impostor all along. That's why she never used the super sealing power, and why those ice flashers didn't work on her." Octaroo said. "If Master Xandred were here his rage alone might flood the sanzu river." Dayu said. Back at the college, my dad came to the dorm room I share with Kaitlyn. He gave me some water to drink. "I was so proud when I saw you fight yesterday. You've grown into a true ranger." Michael said. "You were the one who toured the battlefield. You were amazing." I said. "I hoped that you would continue with the legacy. Picking up where we left off." Michael said. "Yes, but the rangers kinda became my second family. They're like brothers and sisters to me." I said. "I hope that I can become part of this ranger family." Michael said. "Dad, you had your turn, and you know that we can't be together now." I said. "I hoped that there might be some way." Michael said. "I always knew this day would come. You have to take over as the black ranger for a while. I have to practice the super seal. The only way for that to happen to for me to step down for a while. The super seal might be the only way to save the world. It must be protected and that means protecting you at all costs. They're too loyal to me. If I don't step down, dangerous mistakes could be made. I can't let that happen." I said. "Are you sure?" Michael said. "There can only be one black ranger." I said. The next day the rest of the team decided to have a cookout behind the school. Michael walked up to them "Michael, perfect timing." Emily said. "Hey Michael. It's good to see you." Mike said. "Here's a special burger for a new ranger." Antonio said as he handed a burger on a plate to him. "Thank you." Michael said as he took the plate and sat down. That's when Mike saw the samuraizer my dad had. "Wow, this is classic. I could write kanji symbols like a master with this thing." Mike said. "I wouldn't go that far." Emily said. Michael took it out of his hand. "This belonged to my daughters mother. She's the one who programmed it. The thing is, that's the last thing she did before she died." Michael said. "I'm sorry." Mike said. In my dorm room. I was packing up a few things. I was going away, temporarily. I walked over to the bookshelf and picked up my wolf disc. I took a deep breath.

I couldn't believe that I was leaving, but only for a while. Meanwhile outside the whole team was talking. "It's really great to have another guy on the team. You and the guys should definitely have a guys day out." Emily said. Just then I walked out. "Look who's up. Come on Ariel, it's your father's homecoming party and we've even got cake." Antonio said. My dad noticed the look on my face. The others noticed as well. "Ariel, what's wrong?" Kevin asked. I didn't answer him. My dad knew what was wrong without me having to say anything. We walked up to each other and I pulled out the wolf disc from my back pocket. I handed it to him. The others couldn't believe what I was doing. I turned to face the rest of the team. "My father is taking over as the black ranger for a while. I'm going away." I explained to them. "What do you mean?" Emily asked.

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