Chapter 29 the murder mystery party part 1

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The next day at school during activity period Tommy came up to me. "Hey Ariel." Tommy said. I looked up from the study guide I was working on. "Hey Tommy. What's up?" I asked. "I was thinking about having a murder mystery party at my house. You know like a little Halloween party. I was thinking that we could do a once upon a time themed murder mystery party. You know, everyone should dress up as a once upon a time character." Tommy said. "Well, I call dibs on Emma Swan." I said. "John is going to be Killian Jones, or should I say hook." Tommy said. "Hey, that's my line." I said with a laugh. "Okay, I just need to ask the others who they are going to be, but if they pick Emma Swan I'll have to tell them that you already picked her." Tommy said. "Who are you going to be?" I asked. "I'm going to be Prince Charming." Tommy said. "Which would make Katherine Snow White." I said. "Exactly, I just have to make sure that she is okay with that." Tommy said. "Yeah, I know." I said. "Anyway, I got to find the others and ask who they want to be." Tommy said before walking away. "Okay, I'll see you after school." I said as he walked away. At the end of the school day I noticed Tommy talking to everyone else about the murder mystery party that he is going to have. Here's a list of who's who.
Ariel as Emma Swan
John as Killian Jones (aka: Hook)
Jason as Rumplestiltskin
Tommy as Prince Charming
Katherine as Snow White
Adam as Henry
Rocky as Neal
Kaitlyn as Zelena
Tanya as Regina
A whole week goes by and we go to Tommy's house for the party. Tommy's dad is away for a business trip so we're on our own. I was the last one to show up because I had to pick up John at his house first. We walked into the living room to meet with the others. "There you guys are. You were almost late for the party." Tommy said. "This is so exciting. I've never been to a murder mystery party before." I said. "Neither have I." John said. "I tried to go all out on this. I wonder who the murderer could be." Tommy said. "It could be any of us. That's what makes it a mystery." Jason said. "Well, I hate to say it but I think it's Zelena." Tanya said. "Why did I agree to be Zelena?" Kaitlyn said. "Alright everyone, let's get started. I suppose you're all wondering why I gathered you here tonight. There's been a murder. I have no idea who it is. But whoever it is must be brought to justice." Tommy said. Just then the lights went out and when they came back on John was dead. (Not literally, just playing dead.) "One of us is responsible for Killian's death." I said. "Let's split up and search for any clues. I'll check upstairs, and you guys check the basement." Adam said. "As the savior I think I should look for some evidence for the case in this room. Let's see, which one of your had the strongest motive to kill Killian?" I asked. Little did we know that Archeria was watching us along with Prince Gasket. "That little power princess Ariel gives purple a bad name." Archeria said. "I don't know, I think she's got a lot of spunk for an earthling." Prince Gasket said. "I hate spunk. She may act tough but I bet on her own she'd drop her petals like a little flower." Archeria said. "You've been bitten by the green eyed monster of jealousy." Prince Gasket said. "Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I just want to knock her down a peg or two." Archeria said. "Alright, but first we'll need to isolate Ariel." Prince Gasket said. As Adam was walking around upstairs Jason came up behind him and pretended to kill him. "Two down, six to go." Jason said before coming back downstairs. "I'm getting a little worried about Henry. I'm going to see if I can find him." Tanya said before leaving. I walked up to Kaitlyn and Kathrine. "And where were you two on the night in question?" I asked. "We were here, with you." Kaitlyn said. "Likely story." I said. "Yeah, likely story." Rocky said. "I'll get to you in a minute Neal. Don't leave town." I said. Then Tanya saw a light coming from Tommy's room. As it went out Jason came up behind her and pretended to kill her. "Five more to go." Jason said before coming back downstairs. After a few minutes Tommy decided to go look for the others because they haven't come back. He saw a light coming from his room. The light went out again and Jason came up behind him and pretended to kill him. "One more down." Jason said. After the lights came back on Tommy noticed the others that also got killed, minus John. "There you guys are." Tommy said. "Yeah, I guess this is where all of the victims get killed until the mystery is over." Tanya said. "Well, if the murderer is not me, you, or Adam then..." Tommy began before Kaitlyn walked into his room. "Let me guess, got killed too?" Tanya said. "The minute I walked in, I got killed. So now what?" Kaitlyn said. "Get comfortable." Adam said. Back downstairs Jason got back to us. "Alight, by simple deduction the murder could be you or..." I said before turning to Kat and Rocky. "Snow White and Neal." I said. "Us? What about you?" Rocky asked. "Don't be ridiculous. The savior is never the culprit in this kind of thing." I said. "Unless they're the dark one." Jason said. "Exactly." I said. "Well, it's always the one you least suspect." Katherine said. "I'm going to check on the others." Rocky said. "Same thing." Jason said. Then Rocky was the one that got killed. "The dark one strikes again." Jason said. Meanwhile downstairs, "What's this?" Katherine asked. We saw some kind of dish with a snake on it. "For the record, don't get that thing near me." I said. "What? Scared?" Katherine asked. "The only thing scary about that is not the food, it's the snake." I said. "People in different countries eat snakes." Katherine said. "Still don't get it near me. I heard that a snake can still bite, even if you chop his head off." I said. "Alright fine, I'll cover it back up." Katherine said. I didn't really notice that it was a fake snake. Then Katherine decided to go see where the others are. While Jason was gone as well Archeria showed up. "There's still one mystery to be solved." Archeria said. "What do you want Archeria?" I asked. "Solve this savoir. Who's power is greater, the purple ranger or the mighty Archeria?" Archeria asked. "I've got nothing to prove to you." I said. "If you ever want to see your friends again you'll accept my challenge." Archeria said. "What have you done with them?" I asked. "They will be your reward if you meet me in battle. If you refuse, they'll remain in my dungeon forever. Will you fight me or are you too much of a scaredy cat?" Archeria asked. "I accept your challenge." I said. "Meet me in the forest of eternal light or lose your friends forever." Archeria said before leaving. I contacted Zordon and Alpha. "Alpha, Zordon, come in." I said. "Yes, we hear you Ariel. What is it?" Zordon said. "Archeria has trapped the others and challenged me to fight her." I said. "You must meet Archeria. We will try to free the others." Zordon said. "I'll try my best." I said before morphing. "It's morphing time! Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. Then I met with her. "There you are. Let's get this over with Archeria. I want my friends back." I said. "Now we'll see who's really in the purple." Archeria said. "For the record, purple really isn't your color, it's mine." I said before we started to fight. Back at Tommy's house they tried to get into contact with Zordon but couldn't. "Where are Jason and Ariel when you need them?" Tommy asked.

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