Chapter 52 the final battle against Divatox

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We all graduated from high school a few days later. The first day of summer came and I met with them at the youth center. "So, where are you guys headed in the fall?" I asked. "I am going to Reefside university." Tommy said. "Same here." John said. "That's where I'm going." Kaitlyn said. "We're not sure where we're going." Adam said. "Well, I'm going to Reefside university as well." I said. The next day we had a battle but during the battle we lost both the rescue megasword and the turbo megasword. "Man, I can't believe that we lost both megaswords." Adam said. "I know, we can't believe it either. Without them, how are we going to defeat Divatox?" I asked. "We don't know, but we have to come up with something." Justin said. "We've got to Justin. We're the only hope earth has left." Kaitlyn said. "Let's head back to the command center." John said. Little did we know that Elgar and Rygog were looking for the command center. When they saw us flying back to the command center above them they followed us. They finally found the command center. "Is that what I think it is?" Rygog asked. "We found the command center. Divatox is going to flip out." Elgar said. They went to tell Divatox that they found our command center. "What do you mean?" Divatox said. "We found it." Rygog said. "Are you absolutely sure?" Divatox said. "Yes, and the best part is the rangers are inside." Rygog said. "Ready the armies. Today, the power rangers go down in history." Divatox said. Back at the command center we told Zordon what happened. "Both megaswords were destroyed." Tommy said. "Unfortunately, the destruction could not be helped but now I have grave news for you. Planet Eltar has fallen to evil forces." Zordon said. Then a whole army of Piranhatrons started to close in on the command center. Back in the command center I noticed that we have been discovered. "Uh, guys, I think we've just been discovered." I said. "How did they find us?" Tanya asked. "They're going to be all over the command center in a couple of minutes." Katherine said. "Not if we have anything to say about it." John said. "John is right, we have to go out and face them. This is our home and we need to defend it. Kwetu ni kwetu, home is home." I said.

"But there's too many of them." Justin said. "That hasn't stopped us in the past, and we're not going to get stopped now." I said. "Good luck rangers, and may the power protect you." Zordon said. We ran out to take them down. "Let's get them." Tommy said. We started to attack them but we were getting attacked from all sides. We were outnumbered by a lot, a lot more than we have ever taken on before. As we were fighting red lightning and mountain blaster came to help us out by blasting them. I noticed them. "The calvary has arrived." I said. "And just in time." John added. Divatox saw them. "Oh, they brought the cars. How pathetic. Finish them all!" Divatox said. The Piranhatrons tried to break the cars but couldn't quite break them. They somehow got control of them. "Things are looking pretty good, huh Aunt Divatox?" Elgar said. "It's only a matter of time." Divatox said. There were way too many of them. "There's too many of them." Justin said. "Rangers, back into the command center, now!" Tommy said. We went back into the command center and closed the door. Tommy activated the security lock. "Alright, security lock enabled." Tommy said. "Guys, I think we're done for. The sheilds are gone. It won't be long before they break through." I said. "Maybe not, look." John said. We saw them walk away. "They'll be back, I'm sure of it." I said. "You scared?" John asked. "No. Are you?" I asked. "No, I'm not. Not when you're here, with me." John said. I gave him a smile.🙂 That's when I noticed that they were trying to break in. Some of the Piranhatrons were scaling the walls outside. Then they broke through. "Tommy, you, Justin, Adam, Katherine, and Tanya take that door. John, Kaitlyn, you guys are with me." I said. The power got knocked out and the ones that were on the roof got in. We started to fight them again. The others made it in which only added more to the fight. We were so busy with the fight that we didn't notice that Elgar put some bomb-like explosives around the command center. "Let's blow this joint." Elgar said as he got the bomb-like explosives out. While he was walking out he said that it's the end of the power rangers. Divatox detonated the explosives with us inside the command center. They came over to the command center. "Where are they?" Divatox said. Just in case you're wondering, we're not dead, we're actually hiding among the debris. "Come out come out wherever you are." Elgar said. "Elgar, are you positive that they were inside when it blew?" Divatox said. "I'm not sure." Elgar said. "What do you mean you're not sure? Either the rangers were destroyed or they weren't." Divatox said. "It was smoky. I couldn't see anything." Elgar said. "Find them." Divatox said. "Right away." Rygog said. They were looking for us when a messenger from the cimmerian planet came with a message for her. "Nice entrance. Who are you?" Divatox said. "I am the messenger from the cimmerian planet. You Divatox, queen of evil will leave at once for the cimmerian planet." The messager said. "Now? I think not. I just captured the earth, and I'm not going anywhere." Divatox said. "Dark spector will not be happy." The messenger said. "Excuse me, did you just say, dark spector?" Divatox said. "The grand monarch of evil." The messenger said. "Actually, you know what, a little vacation to the cimmerian planet would be just irresistible right now. A little r&r. Great idea. Thank you so much for your suggestion." Divatox said. That's when the messenger left. "Don't worry. I'll be back." Divatox said before her and her minions left. We came out from our hiding spots among the debris and regrouped. "Is everyone alright?" Tommy asked. "Yeah." John said. Then our powers disappeared. "Our powers, they're gone." Kaitlyn said. "Not only are our powers gone, the command center is gone too. It was kind of like a second home to me, considering how much time I spent in there." I said. "You know, it was kind of like a second home for all of us." John said. "How could this have happened? First the megasword get destroyed and now the command center. What do we do now?" Adam said. "I don't know guys. We really can't do anything." I said. "We should be concentrating on getting ready to go to college." Tommy said. John dug beneath the ruins and found some kind of scanner. "What is that?" I asked when I noticed it. "I have no idea." John said. "Let me take a closer look at it." I said. John handed it to me. I was looking at all the details. I finally knew what it was. "It's a fossil finder." I said. "What's it used for?" John asked. "Finding dino gems. The only thing is, I don't know where they could be." I said. "Well, if we do find them, we'll have to keep them in a safe place." Kaitlyn said. "That's only if we find them." I said. "We can't really do it right now. For right now, we have to get ready for college." Adam said. "Yeah, and Justin still has school to go to." I said. "It's only for three more years." Justin said. "Say what?" I asked. "I was in ninth grade this year, going into tenth." Justin said. "But you're only like 12 or 13 years old." I said. "Yeah, but I have knowledge far more superior than my peers." Justin said. "Why didn't you tell us?" John asked. "I wasn't sure how you guys would react." Justin said. I couldn't believe what I heard from him. I thought he was in middle school this whole time. But now I know that he's in high school.

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