Chapter 92 Ariel gets poisoned

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I had a feeling that Antonio can program it. "I hope your friend can program it. With each passing day the nighlok presence grows stronger. I fear that soon even this sacred place will be corrupted by their evil." Daisuke said. Just then, Arachnitor and the moggers made it to the entrance to the tengen gate. "Ah, the tengen gate. Symbol of nighlok defeat. Now the sight of my triumph." Arachnitor said as they headed for the garden. Back inside someone brought glasses of green tea over to us. "Now, let us drink tea together. To honor the ancient rangers, and for good fortune in battle." Daisuke said as we all took a glass. I took a sip and when I spit it out I dropped the cup. I put my hands on my neck and fell backwards. "The drink, is poisoned." I said. Just then another guardian came running into the house. "Daisuke, there are nighlok in the garden." Elijah said. "But we can't leave Ariel." John said. "Don't worry about me. Go, hurry!" I said. They ran out and morphed. "Only seven of you. My little scheme must have worked." Arachnitor said. Then they started to fight the moggers. "I'm calling Antonio for backup." Mia said before calling Antonio. "Antonio, we need you at the tengen gate, right now!" Mia said. "I'm on my way." Antonio said. Little did he know that Alyssa overheard him. "The tengen gate. Interesting." Alyssa said before following him without him knowing. Back by the tengen gate they were able to make the moggers back off into a bamboo forest. "I hope Antonio can find us in this bamboo forest. I better step up my game." Mike said before using his forest spear. "This is taking too long." Kevin said before using his hydro bow. "Where is spidey?" Emily asked. "I don't know. You think he'll turn up?" Mia asked. Just then Arachnitor showed up. "You had to ask." Emily said. "I'm not even breaking a sweat." Arachnitor said while fighting them. "Let's try that again." Mia said. "Let's not." Arachnitor said before tying them up in a spiderweb type thing. "Sticky situation your in." Arachnitor said. Just then Mike and Kevin go over to them to help them out. "Are you guys okay?" Mike asked. "Better than he's gonna be." Mia said. "I can beat you all with one claw." Arachnitor said. "Oh, it's on." John said.

Meanwhile inside the tengen gate they brought some dried mushrooms over to me and started to help me with getting rid of the poison. That's when Octaroo showed up. "What a joke. Seriously? You're going to fight my black magic potion with dried mushrooms?" Octaroo said before blasting Elijah. "Foolish nighlok, your forces were defeated here once before, and they shall be again." Daisuke said. "Oo-ah-oo. You want a piece of me too?" Octaroo said. Before the situation could escalate even more I spoke. "Wait, it's me you want. Let the guardians go." I said. "Fine by me. I just need one thing from you. You're going to show me the symbol you black rangers use to seal away any nighlok, including Master Xandred." Octaroo said. Meanwhile in the bamboo forest Arachnitor was still fighting them. "This is too easy." Arachnitor said. "We can't beat him." Mia said. "We have to. Ariel is in trouble." John said. Then he tied up Mike and Mia with a spiderweb thing and zapped them. They were sent to the ground and demorphed. "Time for the big finish." Arachnitor said. That's when Antonio showed up. "Not so fast nighlok! Anyone who hurts my friends has to answer to me!" Antonio said. "Guys, I'm going to check on Ariel. I'll be back." John said before he ran away. Then Arachnitor sent everyone else to the ground and made them demorph. Back at the tengen gate I dragged myself out into the front yard. "It's a simple question black ranger. Just show me the super sealing symbol, I'll give you the antidote, and it'll save us both a lot of grief." Octaroo said. "Never!" I said. "That's how you want to play it?" Octaroo said. Before he could do anything else to me John showed up. "My girlfriend said no!" John shouted as he charged at him. "Who invited you? This is a private conversation." Octaroo said. "John?" I asked before passing out. Little did any of us know that Alyssa found out something. "What's this? John is the light blue ranger?" Alyssa asked herself. Meanwhile in the netherworld, Dayu was looking for Octaroo. "Where is that slimy little mollusk?" Dayu asked. Just then Master Xandred got Dayu's attention by saying her name. "Master Xandred, you've recovered." Dayu said. "And just in time to stop that traitor, Arachnitor." Master Xandred said. Meanwhile in the bamboo forest the rest of the rangers were down. "You know, I thought destroying the power rangers would be much more of a challenge. Soon, I will rule the world." Arachnitor said. Kevin was about to use some more symbol power when they heard Master Xandred. "Arachnitor!" Master Xandred said. "No, Master Xandred. It can't be." Arachnitor said. "Enough of your treachery!" Master Xandred said before pulling him through the gap by a red rope. Back at the tengen gate John and Octaroo were still fighting. "Oo-ah-oo. Hold still, would you?" Octaroo said. Octaroo shot some foul smelling smoke at him. "Ugh, that smell." John said. Then Octaroo grabbed him with two of his tentacles. "Ew, slimy." John said before getting zapped. "Okay ranger, let's dance." Octaroo said before moving him around with his tentacles. "I think it's time to cut those tentacles." John said before cutting himself free. "Those take forever to grow." Octaroo said. "Playtime's over squid." John said. "Really? Batter up." Octaroo said before throwing some spherical shaped bombs at him. He deflected them to either side and continued to fight him. That's when Alyssa walked up to them. "Hey, John." Alyssa said getting his attention. "Alyssa, what are you doing here?" John asked. "Relax, I'll take care of Ariel from here." Alyssa said before picking me up and leaving. "That girl just spoiled everything. I'm out of here." Octaroo said before leaving. "I've got to help the others." John said. He found them unconscious by where the battle took place. "What am I supposed to do now?" John asked himself. Meanwhile in the netherworld Master Xandred dosen't know what to do with him. "Arachnitor, what shall I do with you? I torture you. I banish you. And still, you plot against me!" Master Xandred said. "I think Octaroo is helping him, the slimy little weasel." Dayu said. "Nonsense Dayu, Octaroo would never plot against me. He was just trying to poison the black ranger. Now that's initiative." Master Xandred said. "Initiative? I defeated seven rangers. And besides, it was my plan." Arachnitor said. "Your plan?!" Master Xandred said before torturing him. "You're plan was to steal my throne! You want power so badly, have a taste of mine!" Master Xandred said before making giant moggers show up. "Uh-oh, something big is happening." Octaroo said. Then Master Xandred put Arachnitor on the shore with the moggers. "This is how I treat traitors like you." Master Xandred said. John used his spin sword to get everyone back to the college. They were pretty banged up. John met with Jason in the annex. "Man, they're pretty banged up after that run in with Arachnitor." John said. "Well, now that the sanzu river is seeping into our world, the nighloks are getting stronger. Soon, they will be too powerful for even our team to stop. It's crucial that you fill this black box with all the rangers symbol power." Jason said. "Once we rescue Ariel her and I will get it up and running in no time." John said. "John, you must focus on the job at hand." Jason said. "But Ariel is out there." John said. "Ariel would be the first to tell you the black box is the priority." Jason said. "But even the original red and black rangers couldn't finish it." John said. "It might be difficult, but with your knowledge of technology, I have faith that you can do it." Jason said. "This is the ultimate hack job. My kind of challenge." John said.

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