Chapter 69 the final battle against Mesagog part 3 & Ariel's family secret

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Then Trent said something. "Let's do it." Trent said. "We can do this, as a team." I said. "Power rangers." We all said. "I summon the power of the gem." Conner said. "Dino gems unite!" All of us said as all of our powers came together to make a tyranosauras rex. (Aka: T-rex) "Oh god." Mesagog said, noticing that he was in big trouble. We sent it at him and it destroyed him and his copies. After that I collapsed onto the ground. I was breathing hard. John knelt down beside me. "Are you okay?" John asked. "I'll be fine." I said. He helped me to get up. The others came over to us. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "I feel different." Conner said. "Yeah, like normal again." Trent said. "Me too." Kira said. "The power is gone." Ethan said. "It took everything the gems had to destroy Mesagog." Kaitlyn said. "So these are just ancient artifacts." John said. "That will look great in a museum." I added. Then Jason came up to us. "Great job guys. You did it." Jason said. "We couldn't have done it without working together." Trent said. "Yeah, let's head back to the college." John said. We went back to the college after dropping off the gems at the museum. Later that night I was just hanging out with them in the rec hall. We were hanging out at the dancefloor part of the rec hall and I was teaching John some dance moves. "You're really getting the hang of it now." I said after he did some of the moves perfectly. "Yeah, you know, if I keep practicing them I would be just as good as you." John said. "I would say almost as good as me. I've taken dance classes ever since I was five years old." I said. "Oh yeah?" John asked. "Yeah, so I basically have been dancing ever since I was young. Gymnastics and tae-kwon-do came later on in my life." I said. "I didn't know that." John said. "I just wanted to have more things to do. Are you going to come to the dance? It's five days away." I said. "Are you going to be there?" John asked. "Yeah." I said. "Alright, I'll be there." John said. "Great." I said. "So, I was wondering, what did Mesagog mean by your family destroyed his plans for years?" John asked. I never told anyone this. "It's a long story." I said. "We've got time." John said. "Alright. You see, some of my family members were power rangers. My dad was a power ranger. My cousins Ryan, Sarah, and TJ were power rangers. My nephews Lucus and Wesley (nickname: Wes) were power rangers. My step brother Nick was a power ranger. My stepsister Taylor was a power ranger. And my brother was a power ranger. And by my brother I mean Calvin." I said. "So, you're saying..." John said. "There's a legend. The thing is that legend I heard was true. My family, both immediate and extended, were power rangers. The thing is, it was a family legend. I never wanted to be a power ranger, but I couldn't let my family down. They wanted me to be a power ranger but I didn't. They forced me to be one when they found out that I was chosen as one of them." I said. "You never wanted to be a power ranger? Then why did Zordon choose you?" John asked. "I don't know. How could Zordon know about me, unless..." I said before going silent. "Unless what?" John asked. "Unless my dad told Zordon to." I said. "There's only one way to find out. You have to ask your dad about it." John said. "I don't know John. I mean, he might not tell me the truth." I said. "How could he not? You're his daughter, he's got to tell you the truth." John said. "What if he doesn't?" I asked. "Well then, we'll have to find some other way to find out the truth." John said. The next morning I called my dad. "Hello?" Michael said when he picked up. "Hi dad, it's me." I said. "How's it going sweetheart?" Michael asked. "It's going okay. I'm just working on some homework right now." I said. "Are you staying caught up with everyone?" He asked. "Yes dad, I'm caught up with everyone." I said. "That's good." Michael said. "Yeah, by the way, I have a question to ask you." I said. "What is it?" Michael asked. "Did you know Zordon and Alpha?" I asked. "Yes, the whole family team was at the command center after Mesagog was defeated last time. I asked Zordon what he's going to do now that the world was safe and he said that we need to choose new rangers, just in case one of the enemies came back. I told him that I would like you and Tommy to be power rangers. But since we didn't know who else to pick we told Zordon that he can choose whoever he wants." Michael said. "Alright, that answers my question." I said. "Do you need anything else?" Michael asked. "Nope, that's it." I said. "Alright, I've got to get going so I'll talk to you whenever you call or when I come to visit you." Michael said. "Okay dad, I love you." I said. "I love you too." Michael said before hanging up. Then Kaitlyn came into the room after eating brunch. "Hey Ariel, a few friends and I are headed to the YMCA. You wanna come?" Kaitlyn said. "Not today. I promised Jason that I would hang out with him this weekend." I said. "Alright. Have fun with him." Kaitlyn said before walking out. Later that day when I was hanging out with Jason in his dorm room I was being very quiet. "You okay Ariel?" He asked. "I never should have told John my family's secret." I said. "You did what you felt was right." Jason said. "My parents manipulated me into being a power ranger." I said. "Your family needed you Ariel, our friends needed you." Jason said. "John also needed me. We were happy in Angel Grove. Once we were done with the mission, I'd like us to be happy again." I said. "As content as you were in that town, you decided to go to college in Reefside." Jason said. I needed a change of scenery, so did John. Everything that happened happened." I said. "Minus all the things you've forgotten. Part of you is not the real you and like it or not the big part of you and John belongs with you." Jason said. "Yeah, the part of us that's always in danger. We're graduating." I said. "What does John think?" Jason asked. "He's my boyfriend. He doesn't want to lose me. I'm his girlfriend, I know what's best for him." I said. "What's best for him, or for you?" Jason asked. "Excuse me?" I said with a little sarcasm in my voice. "You've taken care of the missions quite well. You can talk about danger all you like but it isn't that. So tell me, what is it? Why are you so scared of going back? I think it's because of what happened with Tommy back there, with Mesagog." Jason said. "I really don't have another choice." I said as we walked out of his room and into the dorm lounge. We sat on one of the couches. "Look, I know that his death has been hard on you but you seemed to have gotten over it." Jason said. "Yeah, but now it just seems like I can't get anyone to trust me now." I said. "It's because you pushed them away. There's only one thing you can do to reverse all of this." Jason said. "What would that be?" I asked. "You have to apologize to everyone who you have pushed away." Jason said. "Which would be everyone. What if it's too late to apologize to them?" I asked.

"It's never too late to do the right thing." Jason said. "I'm not sure I could do it. They'll probably just walk away from me, like they have been doing ever since I started to push them away." I said. "How about this, I'll help you by making sure they stay while you apologize to them?" Jason asked.

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