Chapter 103 looking for answers

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John turned away and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, her dad was once a ranger. Do you think that maybe her dad being around is bringing some serious issues up to the surface?" John asked. "I wouldn't put it past her. Maybe there's more to her story than she let on." Kaitlyn said. "We need answers, however, she's not the one to open up about that kind of thing." John said. "Yeah, she's not exactly the most open about things that happened in her life, or anything that's going on with her for that matter." Kaitlyn said. Just then the gap sensor on John's samuraizer went off. He looked at the map on his samuraizer to see where the attack is. "Nighlok attack at the marina at moraine state park." John said. "John, I know how hard this is without Ariel, but I really need you for this battle." Kaitlyn said. "Let's do it, just like old times." John said. Just then Jason called us. "Hello?" I asked. "Ariel, you and the others should get to the marina at moraine state park. John and Kaitlyn need your help." Jason said. "Got it, we're on our way." I said before hanging up. I turned to face the others. "Moggers, down at the marina at moraine state park. John and Kaitlyn are already on their way. You guys head over there. I need a minute, but I will meet you guys there." I said. Then they left. Meanwhile at the marina, John and Kaitlyn were fighting the giant moggers with the claw armor megasword. John noticed the normal sized moggers on the ground. "It looks like a mogger convention down there." John said. "But we could hurt civilians if we attack them." Kaitlyn said. "This isn't good." John said. Just as a civilian was about to get hit by a mogger, the others showed up to help. "I knew they would come through." John said when he noticed them. "Time for us to do our part." Kaitlyn said. After about a minute I showed up on the scene. I pulled out my spin sword and started to fight the moggers. I was outnumbered by a lot but that never stopped me before. Meanwhile by the beach part of the marina Dayu showed up. "It is time for me to live up to my promise to Master Xandred and to share my misery with the rest of this pathetic world. I've been deluding myself for centuries thinking I could ever be free from the nighloks. If I can't be happy, why should anyone else be? All I have left is my evil nighlok side, and it's time to repay my debt. I must accept what I am, and the evil world I shall forever belong to." Dayu said. That's when Mia saw her. "Dayu?" Mia asked. "Pink ranger?" Dayu asked. "Why are you here?" Mia asked. "Why do you think I'm here? I'm a nighlok, aren't I? I'm here to feast on human suffering." Dayu said. "If that's true you'll feast on my blade." Mia said. "Foolish girl, you will soon see nothing but darkness." Dayu said. "Nothing but darkness?" Mia asked. Then Dayu walked up to her with sword drawn. They started to fight. "For 200 years I wouldn't accept my nighlok life, but now I have nothing to lose." Dayu said. Mia jumped up to hit Dayu the minute she came down. "You'll never conquer us." Dayu said. "Oh yeah?" Mia said. She hit Dayu but it didn't destroy her. Dayu laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Mia asked. "Because you didn't defeat me. Can't you feel all the evil powers stored in my harmonium surging. It's destruction will unleash a cloud of pure magnificent misery and Master Xandred will rise again." Dayu said. Just then her harmonium unleashed a black cloud. "All humans are doomed." Dayu said. We all seemed to notice it. "What is that?" John asked. "I don't know. But do you feel that? It's like the air is suddenly filled with sadness." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, you're right. How weird is that?" John asked. That's when Kaitlyn finally knew what it was. "Oh no. It's like a cloud of pure misery." Kaitlyn said. Meanwhile in the netherworld the sanzu river was rising at an accelerated rate. "Oo-ah-oo. I've never seen the sanzu river rise so quickly. If this doesn't finally heal Master Xandred I don't know what will." Octaroo said. Back by the marina Master Xandred showed up. "This can't be happening." Mia said. "It's him." Kevin said. "Not again. I thought he was gone." Michael said. "If he was, we wouldn't have to be rangers." I said. "Samurai rangers, give up! You have no hope!" Master Xandred said. Then he turned to face Dayu. "Dayu, thanks to you, I'm back." Master Xandred said. "I repay my debts." Dayu said. "Now the humans world shall fall to me." Master Xandred said. Then he turned back to us. "You look shocked rangers. I don't blame you. Now with my renewed power nothing can stop me." Master Xandred said. "Master Xandred is back." Kaitlyn said. "We better get down there, and fast." John said. Then Master Xandred turned back to Dayu. "Your harmonium brought me back Dayu. The final tune it played was powerful." Master Xandred said. "My misery did it." Dayu said. "Your centuries of suffering unleashed all that power, and now the sanzu river is surging. I've never heard you play anything like it." Master Xandred said. "This is the end of me, but it is also the end of my sadness. So many years I've held onto my sorrow. But now..." Dayu said before Master Xandred pulled her in close. "You should have embraced the nighlok life." Master Xandred said. "I was never truly a nighlok. My heart remained human." Dayu said. "Well, perhaps you can still be of use to me." Master Xandred said. He started to squeeze her, which would most likely kill her. It does just that. He absorbed her humanity but we didn't realize it yet. He turned back to us. "Now, as for you samurai rangers, where is the black ranger that deceived me all this time? I want her." Master Xandred said. I stepped forward from everyone. "I'm right here Master Xandred." I said before morphing into my ranger form. "Samuraizer! Go go samurai!" I said as I morphed. I looked at him, a wildfire burning in my eyes. "Today, you will be sealed, permanently." I said. "What can a little girl like you do? Today is the end of the rangers." Master Xandred said. "The only thing ending is you." I said. "You're a fool!" Master Xandred said as he launched an attack at me. Michael pushed me out of the way. "Are you okay?" Michael asked. "Yeah dad, I'm okay." I said. The others got over to me. "Alright guys, listen, I'm going to use the super seal but it takes time to write so I need you to keep him busy. Jayden can use the shark disc. Kevin will take the black box. The rest of you, follow my father's lead." I said. "Got it." John said. "Well, well, well." Master Xandred said before launching an attack at us. Jayden went into shark attack mode and Kevin went into super samurai mode. "Whatever happens, we have to protect my daughter at all costs." Michael said. They started to attack him but he soon knocked all of them to the ground. "I have no business with you small fish." Master Xandred said before turning to me. "You on the other hand..." Master Xandred said. They got up and continued to fight him as I pulled my samuraizer out again. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, here it goes. I just have to concentrate. Everything I've ever done has been to protect the world. I must succeed where my father has failed." I said as I started to draw the symbol. Antonio got sent to the ground. Master Xandred had his foot on his back and his sword by Antonio's neck. "You shouldn't get in my way." Master Xandred said before using his nighlok wail on the rest of them, sending them to the ground. "Now as for you." Master Xandred said before my wolf sword attacked him, making him stop.

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