Chapter 89 Ariel's life in danger part 1

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Back at the college I was looking at the samuraizer that Antonio made. "You were able to make this from what Jayden taught you and studying the octosword systems." I said. "It really wasn't that hard." Antonio said. "So, what are you, tech savvy?" Mike asked. "I don't know. I just always been good with gadgets. Anyway, I have always wanted to be a samurai. I know I wasn't born into it like most of you, but I just kept on practicing what Jayden had taught me. I was trying to take things to a higher level. But I was really stuck. But when I figured out how to talk to octosword with texting everything fell into place. And now I am finally ready to join you in the fight against the nighlok." Antonio said. I shook my head. "Antonio, I know this is going to be hard for you to accept, but it's just too dangerous to put you out there without the necessary formal training." I said. "But I don't understand. Didn't I help you all win yesterday?" Antonio asked. "You did, but not all battles will be that simple. If you don't have the training..." I said before he cut me off. "But I do! I mean, sure I did it by myself but I can hold my own out there and you saw it!" Antonio said. "Antonio, I'll hold onto this." I said as I put it into my right pocket of my jeans. "No! Give it back!" Antonio said as he lunged at me. The others held him back from me. Then the gap sensor on my samuraizer beeped. "It's at Benton street, the underpass." I said. "Let's go." Jayden said. Before we could get outside Antonio stopped us. "Wait, Jayden. I can come with you, right? Tell Ariel how you made me a samurai, that I'm supposed to fight by your side." Antonio said. "I'm afraid Ariel is right." Jayden said. I turned to face Antonio. "It's not little kid stuff anymore." I said. "I'm so sorry, but you're not really a samurai and we don't need a ninth ranger. I'm sorry. Let's go." Jayden said before we ran out, leaving Antonio with Jason in the annex. Steeleto was attacking people by the underpass. "Too easy. Well, your time's up." Steeleto said before my wolf sword attacked him. "Nighlok, stop right there." Jayden said. "Well, hello rangers. Better late than never. Time to pay you back for destroying my fellow nighlok friend, Vulpes." Steeleto said. "Good luck with that." I said. "I won't need luck." Steeleto said before attacking us. I attacked him from behind with Mia and Emily. I somehow demorphed when I got knocked down but I hit the ground head first, and got knocked out. The others got knocked down leaving Jayden as the last one standing.

"Don't feel left out. I haven't forgotten you." Steeleto said. "Really, well soon you'll be nothing but a memory." Jayden said as he started to attack him on his own. Jayden got on top of a car as he was fighting him but he soon got knocked off. "Can you take the heat?" Steeleto asked before using his full body blades on Jayden. Jayden deflected them as best as he could. Steeleto retracted his blades. "Oh man. Lucky for you I'm dried out. You won't be so lucky next time. Hate to cut this short but gotta go." Steeleto said before leaving. Jayden walked over to the others. John and Kaitlyn got over to me. I wasn't moving and I was unconscious. "Is everyone okay?" Jayden asked. "Yeah, we're alright." Emily said. "That nighlok had some nasty moves." Mike said. Then he saw John and Kaitlyn by me and walked over to them. "Are you guys okay?" Jayden asked. "We're okay, but for Ariel, it's a different story." John said. Jayden knelt down next to me. He could tell that I was still breathing. "We should take her to the hospital, that's where they can help her the most." Jayden said. They take me to the hospital and went back to the college. "Hey guys." Jason said. "Hey." John said. "Where's Ariel?" Jason asked. "She's in the hospital. She somehow went unconscious during the battle." Jayden said. "We have no idea what's wrong with her." Kaitlyn said. They come to the hospital a few minutes later. They met with Doctor Jacobs. "What's wrong with her?" John asked. "She's in a coma." Doctor Jacobs said. "Can you get her out of it?" Kaitlyn said. "We're trying but she's not responding to anything." Doctor Jacobs said. "But she's going to be okay, right?" Mike asked. "I don't know guys. We have to see how deep into the coma she is." Doctor Jacobs said. "And how are you going to do that?" Jason asked. "By using the Glasgow coma scale. We just have to do some tests and we'll let you know where she is on the coma scale afterwards." Doctor Jacobs said. "Thanks doctor Jacobs." John said. "She's going to get the best care possible." Doctor Jacobs said before walking out of the room. "I'll stay with her guys. As for the rest of you, stay focused on the mission at hand." Jason said. They were talking when they were headed back to the college. "We'll have to come up with a new strategy." Jayden said. "Maybe the best new strategy for us is an extra ranger." John said. "You might be right." Jayden said. A few hours later Jason and doctor Jacobs met again. "How deep is the coma?" Jason asked. "Jason, she is at five on the coma scale." Doctor Jacobs said. "That's kind of low, isn't it?" Jason asked. "Yeah." Doctor Jacobs said. "Can I still stay with her?" Jason asked. "If you want to." Doctor Jacobs said before walking away. Back at the college Mike and Emily went to go talk to Antonio. "Ariel and Jayden said they don't need me, and they took away my samurai morpher. What was I thinking? I could never be a real samurai." Antonio said to himself before Mike and Emily walked up to him. "Hey, Antonio." Mike said. Antonio turned to face them. "What do you guys want?" Antonio asked. "We came to talk to you." Mike said. In the gymnasium Jayden was sitting on the bleachers holding Antonio's morpher. John walked into the gym and up to Jayden. "It must have been hard for you, having to send your friend away like that." John said. "I had no choice. He's not a real samurai. Like Ariel said, having him around could be dangerous not just for him but for us too." Jayden said. They each grabbed a wooden sword and got into a sparing position with each other. "You've known Antonio forever. The idea of him getting hurt must bother you." John said. "Of course, he's my friend." Jayden said. "It's the same thing for me and Ariel." John said. "It's different though. You guys are in a relationship with each other." Jayden said. "Leading us on dangerous missions is hard on you but putting an old friend like him at risk too? That's too much pressure, huh?" John asked. Then he hit him in the back of his right leg. "I hit the nail on the head, didn't I?" John asked. Jayden pushed the tip of the wooden sword out of his face. "Think what you want." Jayden said. He started to walk out, only to get stopped by Antonio. "He is right and you know it. Why do you have to be so stubborn Jayden? I know the risks, and you need my help." Antonio said as he walked into the gym followed by everyone else. "Antonio we already talked about this." Jayden said. "We're saving the world here. How can an extra ranger not help?" Mike asked. "Look guys." Jayden said before Mia cut him off. "Jayden, Antonio accepts the risk just like all of us. You're our leader, but that doesn't make you responsible for what we choose to do." Mia said. "I'm not sure that I can just..." Jayden said before getting cut off by Kevin coming up to him from behind. "Jayden, he doesn't have the training, but I got to admit we cam use the help." Kevin said.

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