Chapter 23 getting through to Tommy part 2

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Trider continued. "He then puts their powers into his machine monsters. Your presence here must mean you are the fiercest warriors on earth." Trider said. "Yes, we are the bravest and the most powerful warriors on our planet." Bulk said. "Excellent, then you can help me with my plans to escape and foil Prince Gasket. I'll admit, it is very dangerous but it should be a piece of cake for the likes of you." Trider said. Meanwhile on the moon Rita Repulsa and her minions were watching the battle on a TV. "It looks like the end of our ranger friends." Lord Zedd said. "It does, dosen't it? And with the rangers finally out of the way we can gain control of the entire earth." Rita Repulsa said. Lord Zedd wanted to know if he heard what he thought he heard her say. "What did you say?" Lord Zedd asked. "I said with the power rangers gone we'll gain control..." Rita Repulsa began when she finally realized that even if we were to get destroyed, the machine empire would take over the whole earth, leaving them stuck on the moon. "We will have nothing. After all those years of work we'll still be stuck on this rock while those machines take over our planet." Lord Zedd said. "What are we gonna do?" Rita Repulsa asked. "I can't believe I'm saying this. I can barely get the words out." Lord Zedd said. "Spit it out Zedd. This is no time to be shy." Rita Repulsa said. "We have to... help the power rangers." Lord Zedd said. That basically made Rita Repulsa faint. Back in the machine empire Jason and I were still trying to get through to Tommy. "You got us all wrong Tommy. Would you just listen to us?" I asked. "No!" Tommy said as he charged at us and tried to punch us but I dodged it while Jason blocked the second one. "We don't want to fight you." Jason said. "And I don't want to hear anymore of your lies." Tommy said before throwing him off. We continued to fight. One or two of the cogs went to go get the next opponent if Tommy defeats us but when they got to the holding cell that they have Bulk, Skull and Trider in as soon as they opened the door Trider attacked him from behind and got the keys. "You guys ready?" Trider asked. "Yeah." Bulk and Skull said. "Come on." Trider said. Back in the arena Tommy tells me and Jason that we can't win. Back at the command center they are wondering if the signal from the video is strong enough to follow to the source. "Zordon, is the video signal strong enough to follow to the source?" Billy said. "I can't say for sure. It might land you in another dimension and you'll never find your way back." Zordon said. "Well, I'm willing to take that chance." Katherine said. "We need to get over there before someone gets hurt." Tanya said. "We're running out of time." Rocky said. "What do we do when we get there?" Adam said. "Tommy's memory of your friendship is his only chance." Zordon said. "You must leave from the point of the holographic entryway." Alpha said. "You guys better morph and teleport there. I'll try to get a lock and transport." Billy said. "Right." Rocky said before they morphed.

(Skip to 0:59 and watch up to 1:15 or 1:16, your choice.)

"Zeo ranger seven, silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight, white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. They teleported to the lake. "Okay, we're ready." Kaitlyn said. "Go ahead." John said. "Oh no! We lost the lock. We can't transport you." Alpha said. "No way! We've got to reach Tommy, Jason, and Ariel somehow. But what are we gonna do?" Adam said. Meanwhile on the moon Lord Zedd was thinking about how to help them get to us. "How do we do it? How do we throw a monkey wrench into Gasket's plan?" Lord Zedd asked. "Might I make a suggestion?" Finster said. "If you make it a good one." Lord Zedd said. "I shall certainly try my best. Tell me, what is more annoying than two power rangers?" Finster asked. "I know." Goldar said. "Nobody asked you!" Rita Repulsa said. "What is more annoying than two power rangers?" Lord Zedd asked. "Nine power rangers." Finster said. "What are you suggesting Finster?" Rita Repulsa asked. "Use the rangers against Gasket. Let me send the others. I think Gasket would be quite hard-pressed to handle all those rangers landing in his own backyard." Finster said. "So, I use the power rangers to destroy my enemies. I like that idea Finster. I like it a lot. I'm glad I thought of it." Lord Zedd said. "Can you do that Finster?" Rita Repulsa asked. "I've been working on my own transporter. Not very easy with what little I have to work with around here." Finster said. "Can you do it or not?" Rita Repulsa asked. "Yes, but it will only work once. I haven't got enough power to do it again." Finster said. "We have no choice. Do it. I want you to land the whole mess of power rangers right in Gasket's metal lap." Lord Zedd said. Meanwhile in the machine empire Trider, Bulk, and Skull were trying to make it to where the brain drain device and the forcefield control system are without being seen. "Don't forget to watch our backs Bulk. You never know what might be creeping up on you. We have a twofold mission. Number one destroy the brain drain device. I can not stand by and see another warrior lose his powers to Gasket. Number two, disintegrate the forcefield that encompasses the arena. No one can escape until we do so." Trider said. "Escape is good." Skull said. "Thank you my friends. You're truly brave." Trider said. "We know." Skull said. "Hey, you know what guys, I can't do this, I got a little sports injury." Bulk said. Back at the command center Alpha and Billy were trying to get the lock again so that they can transport the rest of them to us. "We have to get that lock again." Alpha said. "This can't be happening. I just had it a second ago." Billy said. Just then the rest of them got transported by someone. "It worked. Billy, you did it." Alpha said. "But I didn't Alpha. I didn't do anything. But somebody did." Billy said. "I wonder who could have transported them." Alpha said. Back on the moon Lord Zedd asked Finster if his teleporter worked. "Well Finster, did your contraption work?" Lord Zedd asked. "It has burned out my circuits but it is accomplished. The power rangers should be arriving in Gasket's arena any moment now." Finster said. "I wish I could be there to see Gasket's face. I'll bet the power rangers will enjoy meeting him. But trust me, soon, it shall be our turn once again. Very soon." Lord Zedd said. Back in the machine empire the others just showed up. "The rest of the rangers." Tommy said. "Jason, Ariel, are you guys alright?" Tanya said. "Yeah, but they've done something to Tommy and he thinks we're his enemies." I said. "Now, I'll destroy your entire evil game." Tommy said. "Splendid, all of the power rangers are here. I couldn't have planned it better myself." Prince Gasket said. "Tommy, we're not evil." John said. "How fitting they're going to be destroyed by their own leader." Archeria said. "Prepare to be destroyed." Tommy said. "There's got to be a way to get through to him." I said. "Yes, do it my king." Prince Gasket said. "At once." Tommy said. "Tommy no, it's us." Katherine said. "I do not know any of you." Tommy said as he continued to fight us. When he sent Jason to the ground I went at him from behind and pulled him away from Jason. He grabbed my wrist and flipped me over his head sending me to the ground. The others fought him allowing me to get back up. Whenever I got knocked down I got back up again.

Tommy went for Jason again. "Your turn." Tommy said as he went after Jason again.

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