Chapter 7 Ariel teaches Virginia spells part 4 & the new rangers

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I continued with the spell. "On a piece of decade-old parchment write down the name of the beloved. Sprinkle with sand from a beach at low tide and submerge in water, reciting these words: Make his love as deep as the ocean. May he see all the wonder I possess and celebrate it in every minute with every sunrise and sunset." I said. "So, that will make him fall in love with me?" Virginia asked. "Yep, and this one can't be washed away. But it can be broken by true loves kiss. If you remember that one scene when they found out that Ben got spelled and Mal broke it with true loves kiss." I said. (Skip to 2:36 in the video)

"Yeah, I remember that scene." Virginia said. Then she left. A few years go by and I haven't had Virginia over since then. We are now in sixth grade and Virginia and George got together just last year. It's like they spend all their free time together, which is great for me because that means that I get to hang out with my friends more often. One day we decided that we were all going to hang out at the youth center over the weekend. There was going to be a martial arts tournament this weekend and it was going to be in the afternoon, which I was happy about because that means that I can go to my gymnastics class in the morning and watch the martial arts tournament in the afternoon. Kimberly and I sometimes had open gym before lunchtime when we were at the youth center. I went to get a drink at the juice bar from time to time, even when we had open gym. I went to go watch the tournament after open gym with Kimberly and her friends. (Skip to 0:21 and watch up to 1:52 in the video)

It was so cool to watch both of them go at each other. They are both really skilled at martial arts. The next day at the youth center we were just hanging out when all of a sudden, earth was under attack by Rita Repulsa. It was weird. It was like a giant earthquake. Zordon told Alpha to teleport us to the command center. Back at the youth center everyone was freaking out. "What's happening?" Kimberly asked. "This is too weird." Trini said. "Hold on!" Jason said before we all got teleported to the command center. "What is this place?" I asked as we looked around. "I have no idea." John said. Then Zordon showed up. "Welcome humans." Zordon said. "Who are you?" Jason asked. "What are you?" Kimberly asked. "I am Zordon, an interdimensional being caught in a time warp." Zordon said. "And my name is Alpha 5." Alpha said. "Excuse me but will someone like come back to earth and pick me up because I'm totally confused." Kimberly said. "It's quite simple, this planet is under attack, and I have brought you here to save it." Zordon said. "Yeah right." Zack said. "Ah, a non-believer. Look behind you at the viewing globe. Your doubts will be answered in the images you see." Zordon said. We walked over to the viewing globe. "This is Rita Repulsa, an intergalactic sorcerer who is bend on controlling the universe. With her henchmen and putty patrollers she plans to conquer earth." Zordon said. "What does all of this have to do with us?" Trini asked. "You've been chosen to form an elite team to battle Rita. Each of you will be given access to extraordinary powers drawn from the ancient creatures you call dinosaurs. You might have a creature from the ice age instead." Zordon said. Then he gave us our morphers. "What are these?" Zack asked. "Those are your power morphers. When in danger, raise them to the sky calling the name of your dinosaur or ice age creature and you will morph into a formidable fighting force known to one and all as the power rangers. As power rangers, you will have access to a universe of power and will command a fleet of fighting machines called zords." Zordon said. "I don't get it." Trini said. "Jason, bold and powerful, you shall command the tyranosauras zord. Zackary, you are clever and brave. You shall command the mastodon zord. Kimberly, graceful and smart, the pterodactyl zord shall be yours. Billy, patient and wise, you shall command the powerful triceratops zord. Trini, fearless and agile, the sabertooth tiger zord will be under your command. Ariel, self-reliant and intelligent, the dire wolf will be yours to command. Kaitlyn, wise and strong, you shall command the American lion zord. John, upbeat and easygoing, you shall command the ground sloth zord. Tommy, responsible and honorable, you will control the dragon zord. Observe the viewing globe. Just as you guys work together, so do your swords. When you need help, you need only to turn to the power of the zords which will come together to form the megasword." Zordon said. "Power morphers, megaswords, uh-uh. This is just too weird for me. I'll tell you what, it's been real but I gotta go." Zack said. "Yeah, see ya." Kimberly said. We all started to walk out. "Very well then, let the power protect you." Zordon said. "Well, that didn't go very well, did it?" Alpha said. We finally got outside. "Great. He could've sent us back into town." Kimberly said. Then, without warning, some putty patrollers attacked us. We tried to fight them off the best we could but there were too many of them. One by one they threw us to the ground. "This day is too weird." Kimberly said. "What do we do now?" Trini asked. "Might be a good time to morph Jason." I said. "Zordon said these power morphers will give us power. Let's do it." Jason said.

"Dire wolf!" I said to morph. "American lion!" Kaitlyn said to morph. "Ground sloth!" John said to morph. Back in the command center Alpha knew that we morphed. "Zordon, they've done it. They made the metamorphosis." Alpha said. "Good, teleport them to Angel Grove city. Rita has sent down Goldar." Zordon said. "Right away Zordon." Alpha said. "We're teleporting again." Billy said. "Where are we going?" Trini asked. "We're going to save the world." Jason said. We got to town and Goldar had some putty patrollers with him. He sent the putty patrollers after us. We fought them but this time we actually did better. I don't know if it was because this is our second fight or if we're in our ranger forms now. Rita Repulsa is not happy that we're beating her putty patrollers. One of her minions asked her about making Goldar grow with her staff. "I always have to do everything myself." Rita Repulsa said before making Goldar grow. "Look at him." Jason said. "That dude is huge." Tommy said. "No shit Sherlock." I said. "Back off fang face." Jason said. "The good guys are here." Zack said. "Get off our planet." Billy said. "Cause we're the power rangers." Trini said. "And we're not backing down." Kimberly said. "And we're not giving up." Kaitlyn said. "Or giving in." John said. We called in our swords and brought them together. "You and your weapons are no match for me." Goldar said before hitting us with an attack. "Alright guys, let's see what this thing can do!" I said. We zapped him two times and turned it into the megasword. We fought him for a while but we couldn't quite destroy him. We managed to knock him down. "Jason, that blow didn't even phase him." Billy said. Goldar got back up. "He's coming at us!" Jason said. "Tell us something we don't know." Kaitlyn said.

We were getting knocked around. "Jason, we're getting knocked around pretty good! Do you have a plan?" I asked. "You bet I do. Power sword!" Jason said. As soon as we got the power sword Goldar noticed that he was in big trouble. "This isn't over. I'll be back." Goldar said before disappearing. "Yeah, that's right. Get out of here!" I said. Meanwhile on the moon Rita is not happy that we won. She yelled at Goldar. "Goldar, you failed!" Rita said. "It won't happen again." Goldar said.

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