Chapter 97 The fight with Hayley

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Jason grabbed one of the wooden swords and helped me practice the special moves that I wanted to practice. Meanwhile in the annex they were all drinking some green tea. "Why are we so worried? Ariel can beat anyone. She'll be fine." John said. "Yeah, I'm sure she will." Mia said. "All I know is that Hayley has to be delt with. And hesitating would be a mistake." Kaitlyn said. "I'm afraid Kaitlyn is right. There is no other choice but to fight Hayley. We just have to have faith that Ariel is prepared for this fight." John said. The next morning I got up and got ready for the fight. Everyone else was outside waiting for me. As soon as I got my shoes on I walked outside and met with everyone. "Good luck Ariel." Emily said. "You can do this." Mike said. "You're the best. I've known that since we were kids and it's no different today." John said. "Do what needs to be done." Kaitlyn said. I turned to John. Before I could say anything, the gap sensor on my samuraizer goes off. "A nighlok attack. What now?" Kevin asked. Then Jason came out. "Rhinosnorus is back." Jason said. "Here." I said as I gave him my wolf disc. I managed to combine the two discs into one. "I don't understand." John said. "With this disc you can form the megasword without me. I need you to keep the others focused until I get back. And keep them out of trouble, okay?" I asked. "I won't let you down Ariel. Come on rangers. Let's stop that nighlok." John said before they left. I looked at Jason and he gave me a nod. I gave a nod back and head to the beach. Meanwhile in town, everyone was running away from Rhinosnorus. "Get back here. If I can't tenderize you in the dream world I'll just wolf you all down uncooked. Maybe you'll even taste better raw." Rhinosnorus said. Before he could even try to eat someone the others showed up on the scene. "Alright team, we can do this." Kevin said. They morphed. That's when Rhinosnorus sent the moggers at them. Meanwhile at the beach, Hayley was waiting for me. I walked up to her. "It took you long enough. Still I knew you'd come. Just like me, you need this fight." Hayley said. "No Hayley, I'm not like you." I said quoting the lion king. (Skip to 0:45 and watch up to 0:53.)

The only thing I need is to stop her from bullying anyone else. "All that matters is that you're here." Hayley said. She pulled a sword out and I pulled mine out. "At last, the time has come." Hayley said. "Yes, for you to fall." I said. I got into swordfighting position with her. "It's not too late Hayley. We don't have to do this." I said. "You still don't understand, just like back in high school." Hayley said. "Don't bring up my past. For that, you left me no choice." I said. We didn't make a move for about a minute. I made the first move. Hayley and I started to fight. We got to a part where we were back-to-back. "You have to do better than that." Hayley said. "I'm just getting started." I said as I continued to fight her. "Excellent, your instincts have gotten sharper since high school. You're just like me." Hayley said. I didn't say anything in response. We continued to fight. Back in town the rest of the team were still fighting the moggers. "Hurry up already. I'm hungry." Rhinosnorus said. "Wake up nighlok. Your dreams are over." Jayden said. "Think again. My dreams are about to become your worst nightmare." Rhinosnorus said as he knocked Jayden down. They went for the nighlok as a team. "Antonio, grab him." Mike said. Antonio and Mike both grabbed him. "I got him. Now what do we do with him?" Antonio asked. "I didn't think that far ahead." Mike said as Rhinosnorus threw them off. Then Mia, Kaitlyn, and Emily hit him on either side while Kevin and Jayden went at him from the front but they both got knocked down. "Hey, mind if I cut in?" Antonio asked as he charged at him. Then he got sent to the ground. "Your turn blue boy." Rhinosnorus said as he charged at Kevin. "Say hello to my hydro bow." Kevin said before using it on him. It worked to destroy him. "One down, one to go." John said. That's when Rhinosnorus grew into a mega version of himself. "Our problem just got a lot bigger." Mia said. "I'm going to put all of you to sleep permanently." Rhinosnorus said. "Let's do this guys." John said. "You guys go ahead. I'm too weak." Antonio said. They brought out all of their swords including mine and brought them together. "You're still gonna snooze and lose." Rhinosnorus said. "You're dreaming. We're teaming up to take you out." John said. Then he started to hop around them and hit them. "You have no idea where I'll hit next." Rhinosnorus said. "Hang in there guys. We can do this." John said. "Let's make Ariel proud." Kevin said before they sent him to the ground. "Let's put this guy to bed." Mike said. "But I'm not tired." Rhinosnorus said. They used samurai strike to defeat him. "Samurai rangers victory is ours." John said. Meanwhile by the beach, Hayley and I were still fighting. We were on higher ground now. "I've waited for this fight for so long and you have not disappointed me." Hayley said. "Haven't you had enough?" I asked. She had me on the edge of a cliff. "You are truly a worthy opponent, but now I'll shall defeat you and bring this to an end." Hayley said. I made eye contact with her. "You're right about one thing. It's time for this to end." I said. She hit me on the right which made me drop the sword but what she didn't know was that I caught it with my other hand. Then I brought it up in a upward motion. Then I broke her sword in two with it. "A master move. You've let me wound you so you'd get close enough to finish me. Well fought Ariel." Hayley said before walking away. I collapsed onto the ground, holding my right arm. "I did it. I won." I said to myself. Then the others ran up to me. "Ariel, are you okay?" John asked. "Yeah, but my right arm hurts." I said. "Can you move it?" Kaitlyn asked. I tried to move it but I can't without it hurting too much. "I can't really move it without it hurting." I said. "Let's take you to the hospital to get it checked out then we'll head back to the college." John said. "Okay." I said. "We'll meet you guys back there." Jayden said as he walked away with Mike, Kevin, Mia, Emily, and Antonio. John and Kaitlyn helped me up and took me to the hospital to get my right arm checked out. It turns out that the humerus in my right arm was broken. My right arm was put in a sling to immobilize it, and prevent myself from injuring it futher. I never had my arm in a sling before so this is the first time, but then again, there's a first time for everything. We went back to the college and Antonio decided to cook fish for us. I was talking to John and Kaitlyn when we got back. "John, thanks for keeping the team focused and out of trouble." I said. "No problem, but it's not my job." John said. "There could only be one black ranger." Kaitlyn said. Then Antonio came into the dorm lounge. "Guys, dinner is served." Antonio said before showing us the fish he cooked. "Dude, that fish went mega mode." John said. "Hey, when I serve fish to my friends, it's got to be the best. That's the gold standard." Antonio said. Everyone met us in the dorm lounge and we all ate in the dorm lounge. "Guys, I just want to say I'm sorry. I know I had to fight Hayley to stop her from bullying people." I said.

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