Chapter 98 Ariel's big family secret part 1

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I also told them that I also thought that something inside me wanted to fight her, to prove myself worthy of being a power ranger. I might have started to doubt myself but still had some faith in myself as well. "No Ariel, she forced you to." Kaitlyn said. "You did what you had to do." John said.

"Maybe, but there's still much to do. And I promise I won't ever jeopardize our mission again." I said. "You never jeopardized a mission to begin with." John said. "Uh, remember what happened with Octaroo?" I asked. "That was different." Kaitlyn said. "Master Xandred is still out there. And until he is defeated, no one is safe." Kevin said. "As rangers, it's our responsibility to save the world from the nighloks. I'm just grateful that I don't have to do it alone." I said. "Rangers together, samurai forever!" We all said. A few weeks later my arm completely healed and I was heading back to my dorm room but decided to check my mailbox before heading back. When I got back to the dorm room I opened the letter. It was from my dad. It said something about him teaching me the super seal. "I knew this day would come. This changes everything. The others will finally know my secret. I hope they'll be able to forgive me for not telling them sooner." I said. Meanwhile in the netherworld, Dayu came back. "Octaroo." Dayu said. "Dayu, it's you. I've been so lonely. Since you left I've had no one to trade insults with. I'm glad you're back." Octaroo said. "So, Master Xandred is still recovering at the bottom of the sanzu river." Dayu said. "Oo-ah-oo. He stayed in the human world too long and almost completely dried out. At least he fixed your harmonium before that happened." Octaroo said. "And in return I pledged my loyalty to him." Dayu said. "Good, but I don't know when he'll be back. Right now, he much soak up as much misery from the sanzu river as he can. Remember, the boss has a big tank and it will take some time to fill." Octaroo said. "We should cause some misery of our own in the meantime." Dayu said. "Oo-ah-oo. Here's what we can do. Ambush the black ranger and take her down. If we get rid of her we save the boss and we save ourselves." Octaroo said. "Go on, I'm listening." Dayu said. "I have the perfect weapon and the perfect nighlok to use it. She's as fast as lightning and knows how to fight fire with fire." Octaroo said before Fiera showed up. "Did you miss me Octaroo? Yearning for a dose of something wicked?" Fiera said. "Oo-ah-oo. Have I got a job for you." Octaroo said. That's when Fiera noticed Dayu. "Dayu, I didn't think they'd let you back on this ship. What's the matter? Couldn't make any friends on earth?" Fiera said. "Listen bird brain, no matter where I go, I'm still a nighlok. Rather than testing my patience with your taunts, why don't you try something challenging? Help us take down the black ranger." Dayu said. "Count me in." Fiera said. "You're skills are exactly what we need for this job. All you have to do is target the black ranger. These are specially designed to take down the ranger who is second in command." Octaroo said. "What are they?" Fiera asked. "Ice flashers. Black's symbol power is ice so we're going to fight ice with ice. These are filled with evil ice from the last time the sanzu river was frozen. Everytime they strike it will make the ice in her freezing cold and destroy her from the inside out. The black ranger is through." Octaroo said. Back at the college John and I were hanging out in the annex when the gap sensor on my samuraizer went off. I took a look at the map. "No way." I said. "What?" John asked. "Nighlok attack at Brookline memorial park. That's in my hometown of Pittsburgh. Let's go." I said. "I'll get the others and catch up with you." John said. I gave him a nod and left the college. We got to the park at the same time. Then we morphed. "Let's take them out." I said as we started to attack the moggers. Little did any of us know that Fiera was able to identify me, even with the distance between me and her. "So, that's the black ranger. The one who's second in command. Time to use these ice flashers to freeze her in place." Fiera said. Mike and Antonio were talking about how ugly the moggers are. "Stay focused, pick your targets." I said. "I've picked mine." Fiera said before hitting me with a blast of ice. My insides felt like they were freezing over. I went down. "Guys, Ariel got hit." John said. "It feels like my insides are freezing over." I said. "Let me get you frozen even more." Fiera said before she tried to hit me again. I either deflected it or hid behind a tree. "It won't stop freezing, by the time it reaches my heart I will have a frozen heart and probably die." I said. Then she was a few feet away from me and hit me with another one. Each time I get hit though it feels like a new layer of ice is going on somewhere in my body. "She's singling out Ariel. We have to protect her." John said as he finished with the moggers he was fighting and came over to protect me, seeing that I was down. When it looked like I was going to get hit with one last one that might destroy me John got in front of me and took the hit. "That would have finished her." Fiera said. "Be careful. Those blasts are powerful." I said. "I feel fine. That blast didn't effect me much. I'm barely scratched. I think we can block her shots rangers." John said. The others formed a protective circle around me and they got blasted. It didn't last long though because I also got hit. They couldn't figure out why it was only affecting me and not them. "Why is that just happening to her?" Kaitlyn said. "I'll tell you why. The ranger that's second in command has massive ice symbol power. My ice flashers simply create a new layer of ice adding to the ice already inside her. And you can't stop me." Fiera said. "Where is she?" Mike asked. "We must protect Ariel." John said. They closed in to make it a tighter circle around me. Fiera was teleporting around us and blasting us. "Guys, stop taking hits for me!" I shouted. "We have to protect you. Besides, her hits aren't that strong. We're a team." Mike said. "He's right. If they want you, they'll have to go through us first." Emily said. "Emily is right. The nine of us are a team till the end." Kaitlyn said. "They're too loyal." I said to myself. They all got knocked down. "You guys need to stop protecting me. I can handle this." I said as I got up. "You want me? Then fight me. Not them." I said before going into super samurai mode. "Nice vest." Fiera said before hitting me with another ice blast. I started to run away but that won't help me much because she can teleport anywhere. "Trying to run won't help." Fiera said. "Come on, we can't let her do this alone." John said. "That's just who Ariel is. She'll do anything to protect us." Kaitlyn said. I pulled out my dire wolf blaster. "Noble self-sacrifice. You humans are pitiful." Fiera said. "Ariel, watch out!" Kaitlyn said. "This will finish you." Fiera said as she got behind me. "Think again. Say hello to my dire wolf blaster!" I said as I shot it at her. I also demorphed. "No, you're supposed to freeze up, not me." Fiera said as she exploded. They ran over to me. Meanwhile by some bushes Dayu and Octaroo can't believe that I didn't freeze up. "I can't believe the ice didn't freeze her. What happened?" Dayu asked.

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