Chapter 78 the second nighlok battle part 2 & the first battle with Rofer

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They came towards us. "Looks like we have some party crashers." Mike said. "No shit Sherlock." John said. Then four moggers threw chains onto the megasword to immobilize it. "Now what?" Kaitlyn said. "I have an idea guys. Wolf sword, disengage!" I said to separate it from the megasword so that I could do what I was planning. I had the wolf sword get them in front of the megasword and used the ice attack on them which I like to call furious wolf howl. Then I had it grab all of them and threw them to the side and removed the chains before combining back with the megasword. "Nice move Ariel." John said. "There's more where that came from." I said. "Time to back up and use my back up." Scorpiotic said as he sent more giant moggers at us. "We're not backing down." Jayden said.

We took the moggers down. "Now it's your turn." Jayden said as we made the megasword point the sword at him. "Katana power, samurai strike!" We all said as we did the move to make the megasword do it. We destroyed him. "Samurai rangers victory is ours." Jayden said. We went back to the college and down to the rec hall. We went to the dancefloor part of the rec hall and sat down. "Nice job guys." Jason said. "Thanks Jason." Jayden said. The rest of them noticed that I was avoiding eye contact with them. "Ariel, what's up?" John asked getting my attention. "Nothing. It's just... well... I almost let you all down today." I said. "You did great Ariel. You were really strong." Jayden said. "Tommy would be really proud of you." Jason said as he walked up to me. "Yeah, I guess." I said. "Hey guys, I have a surprise for you. I learned a new symbol." Mike said. Then he pulled out his samuraizer and wrote the symbol for fun. Evacuate the dancefloor started to play.

We had a little dance party. It's like they knew just what I needed to make me feel better. I had a lot of fun dancing with them. The next morning we were all training in the gymnasium. I was sparing with John and I got hit in the arm. "Ow!" I said. "Are you okay?" Jayden asked as he walked up to me. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said. "Get into your opponent's head. Use your instincts to sense their next move and feel their attack coming." Jayden said before trying to hit John but he dodged or blocked his moves. "Wow, John, that's amazing." I said before Jayden hit me on the arm. "Seriously dude?" I asked. "Ariel, always keep your guard up." Jayden said. "Ariel, let me ask you this." Jason said distracting me. Jayden hit me on the back. "Hey, that's not fair. You distracted me." I said. Jayden gave me a knowing look. "Okay, I get it. Let me try again." I said as I got into sparing position with him. He tried to hit me but I jumped into the air and did a flip. But the minute my feet touched the ground again Jayden hit me on the butt. "Now watch this." Jayden said as he started to spar with John. When John got back up his pants fell down and everyone was laughing, even me. John pulled his pants back up. "I hope nobody else saw that." John said. I looked out of the gymnasium but didn't see anyone. I turned back to John. "Relax babe. Nobody else saw that, just us." I said. Mike was actually gone and we didn't seem to notice until Emily pointed it out to us. "Hey, where did Mike go?" Emily said. Meanwhile in the netherworld Dayu said with the water level as low as it is they'll never flood earth. "Oo-ah-oo. You're a downer Dayu. If we just frighten those human crybabies the water will rise and we can sail out of here." Octaroo said. "Then quit flapping your noodles and start scaring some humans. In case you've forgotten what scared looks like, take note." Master Xandred said. Just then Rofer came onto the ship. "You're in a violent mood today boss." Rofer said. "Rofer, I'd ask you to lend a hand but why not lend us two." Octaroo said. "How about I lend you two of the finest fists any world has ever seen?" Rofer said. Dayu and Rofer started to bicker. Master Xandred has finally had enough of it and told them to stop bickering. "The sanzu river can't rise with you standing here. Rofer, you get down to the business of getting those humans to cry me a river." Master Xandred said. "That's exactly what I came here to do, and I wouldn't let any goody two-shoes power rangers stop me." Rofer said. Meanwhile at the college Jayden and I were hanging out in his dorm room and playing with our swords when there was a knock at the door. "Can you get that?" Jayden asked. "Sure." I said before answering the door. "Hey Jason. Come on in." I said. Jason came into the room. "Have you guys seen Mike?" Jason asked. "Not since this morning." Jayden said. "Did you check his dorm room?" I asked. "His roommate said he wasn't there." Jason said. "Did you ask the others as well?" Jayden asked. "Yeah but, they haven't seen him either. Not since he left practice this morning." Jason said. "Where did he go?" Jayden asked. Meanwhile in town Mike was walking around playing pokemon go with two of his friends. "Awesome, just caught another one." Mike said. "Hey Mike, where've you been? I thought we were going to the same college once we graduated from high school." Cole said. "It's kind of a long story. How can I explain this?" Mike asked. They stopped at a cafe in town. "I joined this great team but they're all so talented. It's intimidating." Mike said. "Don't sweat it. You're the best gamer around. You always read the game's moves and then you drop some creative smackdown on them." Cole said. "I can't sense an attack like John. I won't go back until I mastered this technique." Mike said. Just then, Rofer came out of the ground and started to attack. Back at the college my samuraizer beeped. "Rangers, nighlok attack at the outlet mall. Let's go!" I said. My samuraizer just doesn't beep, it also says where the attack is at when I finally take a look. Back in town Mike morphed and fought Rofer. "You're through here nighlok." Mike said. "Oh yeah? I won't be through until I clobber you. Hey if you want to hold my hand, try buying me some flowers first." Rofer said. "I'm buying you a one way ticket back to..." Mike said before getting cut off. "What just happened?" Mike asked. "I just served you a knuckle sandwich. You still hungry because here comes a second helping." Rofer said. Mike got sent to the ground. "I'm as cold as an iceberg and sting like a bee. It's tough to stop what you can't see." Rofer said before sending Mike to the ground again. "When it comes to my fists you're all thumbs." Rofer said. "You're calling me all thumbs?" Mike asked before he got up to a place where he thought that Rofer couldn't reach him but he was so wrong. "Hey, tired of my underground fight club trick? Then I better take it to new heights." Rofer said. "He can't reach me..." Mike said before he got sent to the ground again. "I may be down but I'm not out." Mike said. "Now all that's left to do is throw you in the dumpster." Rofer said. Before he could do anything else I attacked him. "That's enough! You've worn out your welcome!" I said. I tried to sense his move the best I can but I couldn't sense it fast enough. "Even the black ranger can't see what going on underground." Rofer said. The others showed up. "Are you guys okay?" Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, now let's take this creep down." I said. Before we could Rofer started to dry up. "Uh-oh. Feels like I'm starting to dry up. Guess I'd better punch out for now. Later rangers." Rofer said before leaving through a gap.

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