Chapter 25 Tommy apologizes to Ariel & Ariel wakes up

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The next day Tommy came back to the hospital. "Hey John." Tommy said. "Hey." John said. Tommy walked up to the head of the bed and sat down. "Would you leave me alone with Ariel for a few minutes?" Tommy asked. "Sure." John said as he got up and walked out. "Thanks." Tommy said as John walked out. He turned his head to look at me. "Ariel, I don't know if you can hear me or not. Maybe some of what I'm saying will echo through. I just want to say that I'm so sorry. It's my fault that you're in here. People are saying that Prince Gasket should be the one at fault but I just feel like it's mine. I know that you would say the same thing. You know that I would never hurt you, unless it was for a good reason, right? And I'm just wondering if we're still best friends. I can understand that you might want to give up on living but you still have a family, and you also have friends. I don't want to live a life without you Ariel. I'm asking you to come back. Please Ariel, come back." Tommy said.
Meanwhile in my mind I find myself in a blank space. "What is this place? I must be dreaming or something." I said to myself. Then I heard my mom's voice behind me. "Hello Ariel." Serena said. I turned around and saw her. "Mom, what in the world is going on here?" I asked. "Can't you figure it out?" Serena asked. "I must be dreaming or am I still in the machine empire?" I asked. "What do you think?" Serena asked. "I'm not sure what to think unless, I'm not dead, am I?" I asked. "Is this what you imagined death would be like?" Serena asked. "I don't know. I imagined I'd see you again. That's for sure. It's so good to see you again." I said. "What else did you imagine?" Serena asked. "I'm not sure. Is this supposed to be heaven?" I asked. "You tell me." Serena said. "Are you being coy or don't you know?" I asked. "What did you think heaven would be like?" Serena asked. "Something beautiful. Maybe a big open meadow with beautiful flowers." I said. That's when the scenery changed to what I said heaven might be like. I looked around. "Did you do that? Is this really supposed to be heaven?" I asked. "Eye hasn't seen or has ear heard or has ever entered into man's imagination what God has prepared for those who love him. You know that. Come on Ariel, there's more for you to see." Serena said. "What about Tommy and John?" I asked. "They'll be alright." Serena said. "What happens to me in the meantime?" I asked. "That's up to you princess. Are you coming?" Serena said. "I'd love to." I said. A few hours later Calvin came to the hospital and John met with him in the waiting area. "Hi John." Calvin said as he walked up to him. "Calvin, look at you. It's been a few years." John said. "How's my little sister?" Calvin asked. "She's doing okay." Tommy said. Then Dr. Jacobs walked up to them. "Dr. Jacobs, what's going on?" Calvin asked. "Calvin, your sister has been unconscious ever since she came in and she's shown no signs of coming out of it." Dr. Jacobs said. "You mean like a coma?" Calvin asked. "Yes." Dr. Jacobs said. "Can I see her?" Calvin asked. "Yes, but not only would I want you to see her, I want you to talk to her. Hearing your voice might draw her out." Doctor Jacobs said. "Okay." Calvin said. "Thanks for the update Dr. Jacobs." Tommy said. Then they all came into my hospital room. "I can't look at her John." Calvin said. "She's just sleeping Calvin." John said. Then he turned to look at me. "Hey Ariel, your brother is here with me." John said. "How can you be so calm? She could be on the edge. What are we gonna do if she...?" Calvin said. John gave him the one arm reach hug. "It's okay. Wherever she is God is with her." John said. Back in my mind my mom and I just made it to the house I lived in before moving. "Look at this place. It hasn't changed a bit." I said. "It's just the way you remember it." Serena said. "Yeah, I loved this house." I said. Then we went up to the second floor and up to the master bedroom door. "This is your room." I said. "Do you want to go in?" Serena asked. "I don't know if I should. If this is my imagination and everything is as real as it seems to me, I don't want to relive your death. I don't want all those memories." I said. "But if you're imagining heaven I'm part of that. I believed in Jesus. Go on. Open the door." Serena said. "If you say so mom." I said. I opened the door and it was exactly the way we left it. "It's exactly the way we left it." Serena said. Back in my hospital room Calvin got some time alone with me. John went to go get something to eat and Tommy had something really important to do at home. He looked at me. "Ariel, I'm sorry about our arguments and petty squabbles. Mom always said I was as stubborn as you. Maybe that was part of our problem, but it doesn't matter now. I don't care about who said what or whatever. I just want you to come back. Can you hear me sis? I love you." Calvin said. The next day Tommy met with Calvin and John. "So, she still hasn't shown any signs of coming out of it?" Tommy asked. "Not that we noticed." John said. "You know what guys, I believe that Ariel is going to pull through. She always pulled through things when we were young." Calvin said. "No way." Tommy said. "Yeah, and she's also pretty tough. It's almost like whenever she falls, she gets right back up." Calvin said. "Yeah, plus, she doesn't exactly let the bullying stop her." John said. "Except when it comes to Bulk and Skull." Tommy said. "That was a one time thing. I mostly helped her get over it." John said. "She got bullied at our old school too. I just don't get it though. I don't know why some people at school bully her. However, there are a few reasons why we moved here." Calvin said. "What were your reasons?" Tommy asked. "Well, our school wouldn't allow the students to wear hoodies because of gang members, the school didn't meet statewide standards for about three years in a row, and a number of other things." Calvin said. Meanwhile in my mind my mom and I are back in the meadow. Ariel, I think it's time to go." Serena said. "But you can't go. You only just got here." I said. "Not us princess, you." Serena said. "But there's so much left to catch up on, years in fact." I said. "We'll have time for all of that later." Serena said. "But it's so good to be with you." I said. "It will go by so quickly, then we'll be together again. And it will be better than you can ever imagine." Serena said. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, I have a pretty good imagination. I guess I'll head back now." I said. "See you soon princess." Serena said before leaving. Then I wake up with John, Tommy, and Calvin right beside me. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey sis." Calvin said as he gave me a hug. "I'm so glad that you're okay." John said. Then I looked at Tommy. "Hey Tommy." I said. "Hey Ariel, look, I just want to apologize for..." Tommy said before I cut him off. "You don't have to explain what happened back there. I know that you were brainwashed by Prince Gasket and I basically heard you say that you were going to leave with us after you shot your lazer gun at me." I said. Then I turned back to Calvin. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked. "A few days." Calvin said.

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