Chapter 45 Finding the lost island of Muiranthias part 1

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Not only did the compass move, the sails raised themselves. Then then bell rang and the ship's wheel turned.

Meanwhile in Divatox's ship she looked at herself in a mirror. "Do I look fat?" Divatox said. Then some alarms went off. "Oh, hells bells. What's going on now?" Divatox said. "Sensors detect the presence of eight humans but no vessel." Elgar said. "What? Are they swimming? We're in the middle of a blasted ocean!" Divatox said. "Whatever they're traveling on, it's totally undetectable." Elgar said. "Oh no, Zordon's little power pukes no doubt. Why didn't the radar alert us?" Divatox said. "I guess it needs fixing." Elgar said. "Nevermind. I'll just leave a little something for those power parasites to remember me by." Divatox said before shooting some pods out into the water. On the Ghost Galleon I was looking all around to see if Divatox is going to put something in our path or around us to stop us from getting to the Nemesis Triangle to rescue Lerigot, his family, and our friends. I saw a few pods in our path just ahead but I really didn't give it much thought due to how far away they are. Later that night, I went up to the deck to look for Justin because he hasn't come down below the deck yet. "Justin, where are you?" I called. "I'm over here." Justin called back to me. I turned around and saw him. I walked up to him. "Hey, why don't you come down below with us. It's getting cold out here." I said. "I'm way to excited to sleep. I was just thinking. If my dad only knew, he'd be so proud of me. And all the other kids at the shelter..." Justin said before I cut him off. "Justin..." I said when he cut me off. "I know, I know. It's for me to know and them to find out. Rangers code of honor. I won't tell anybody." Justin said. "Good." I said. "I guess my dad is still up north. He had to close down the martial arts studio after my mom passed away." Justin said. "Why did he close it down?" I asked. "He just... he just couldn't focus anymore. It was like something was missing inside him." Justin said. "He'll find it again. He just needs some time, that's all." I said. "I know. And when he does, we can be a family again. That's important." Justin said. For me, family is the most important thing in the world. The rangers kind of became like my second family. "Yeah, family is the most important thing in the world. But you have to remember that we're your family now too." I said before giving him a hug. "Don't stay out here too long. Even power rangers need their sleep." I said. "Okay." Justin said. I went back down below the deck. Little did we know was that the pods made it onto our ship and transformed into monsters. "He's okay." I said. "Good." Kaitlyn said. Justin noticed the monsters coming towards him a few minutes later. I thought I heard something weird coming from above us as Tommy started to go over the plan so I went up to the deck to investigate. "Justin?" I asked. Justin kicked one down and saw one behind me. "Ariel, look out!" Justin shouted. I looked over my shoulder and saw one just in the nick of time to move out of the area where the attack was going to land. I called down to the others. "Guys, it's time to rumble." I said. They came up onto the deck to help Justin and I out. Most of us were fighting one or two at a time. We eventually got every single one off the ship by either kicking or punching them overboard. "This sure ain't the loveboat." Kaitlyn said with a laugh. We all went below deck and went to bed. Meanwhile on Divatox's ship Jason and Kimberly were in the middle of making weapons when Jason looked at a blot on a panel and got an idea. "That's it. Kim." Jason said. "What?" Kimberly asked. "Move away from the wall for a minute." Jason said. "Okay." Kimberly said. "Instead of making weapons, I think we oughta be concentrating on getting this panel off." Jason said. "Wouldn't that mean, all the water would come in?" Kimberly asked. "Yeah, right now my dive computer says we're at 435 feet. The closer we get to Muiranthias, the sub is going to start to climb. Once we hit 100 feet we pop this off the wall and then boom." Jason said. "And make it up in one breath?" Kimberly asked. "It's our only chance." Jason said. They got to work trying to get the panel off. The room started to fill up with water. That's when Divatox knew that they were approaching the Nemesis Triangle. "At last, we're finally approaching the Nemesis Triangle. Begin our ascent. We must avoid the reefs." Divatox said. Meanwhile in the bilge the last bolt on the panel broke. Jason and Kimberly tried to hold it closed. "We're gonna have to wait until we get through the triangle." Jason said. "We better pass through quickly." Kimberly said. Meanwhile on the Ghost Galleon we all came out onto the deck and saw the Nemesis Triangle right in front of us. "There it is, the Nemesis Triangle." Tommy said. "Looks as menacing as heck." I said after I saw a few lightning strikes. "It's incredible." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, whatever is steering the ship sure knows where to go." Justin said. Right into the heart of it." Adam said. Meanwhile in Divatox's ship she knew that it was time. "It's time." Divatox said. Meanwhile in the bilge the room was filling up with water at a fast rate. "Jason, the room is filling up. What's happening?" Kimberly asked. "I don't know." Jason said. Meanwhile above them Divatox knew that they were minutes away from the dimensional gateway. "We are minutes away from the dimensional gateway." Divatox said. Meanwhile in the bilge Jason and Kimberly weren't sure how much longer they can hold it closed for. "I don't know how much longer I can hold it." Jason said. Meanwhile on the Ghost Galleon, a lightning bolt came down very close to us. "Tell me I'm not seeing things." Katherine said. "No, it's the triangle. It looks pretty nasty." Adam said. "Hit the deck!" Tommy said as another lighting bolt struck down. Meanwhile in Divatox's ship she gave Lerigot his key to open the dimensional gateway. "Do it wizard. Open the gateway. Come on do it." Divatox said. Lerigot shook his head and dropped his key. It rolled by Divatox's foot. "You little fool! Open the chamber!" Divatox said. Elgar opened the chamber that Lerigot's family was in. "You might be willing to sacrifice yourself runt. But how much do you love your little family?" Divatox said before telling Elgar to grab the baby. Then she turned back to Lerigot. "What will it be?" Divatox said. Lerigot looked at her. "That's better. Open the gateway." Divatox said as she gave his key back to him. Lerigot opened the gateway with his key and they passed through the Nemesis Triangle. Down it the bilge, Kimberly and Jason were trying to pry off the panel but couldn't do it with their bare hands. "We need something to pry it with." Jason said. "Get the pipe." Kimberly said. "Good idea." Jason said before diving under the water that was already in the bilge and grabbed the pipe. This should do it." Jason said as he got back over to Kimberly. Jason tried to pry the panel off the wall. "Okay, anytime Jason." Kimberly said. "I'm trying." Jason said. "Okay, this water is getting too high for me." Kimberly said as they both tried to get the panel off the wall so that they can escape. That's when Divatox found out that they were sinking. Meanwhile on the Ghost Galleon we knew that we were close to the gateway. "We're getting close to the gateway. We need the keys." John said. "You guys go below. I'll get the keys." I said. "Be careful." Tommy said. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said. They went below the deck while I got the keys.

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