Chapter 81 the next battle part 2

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We went back to the college and met with Jason. "Man, that monster was working some bad mojo." Mike said. "I don't mean to sound like that nighlok but our spin swords and symbol power were useless." Kaitlyn said. "It's scary to think what he could have done to us if he hadn't dried out." Kevin said. "I'd rather think about how we can beat him. Fear is the enemy. If we believe in ourselves, we can win any battle." I said. "Confidence is what brings power." Jason said. "You weren't there. Our weapons couldn't touch him." John said. "That's not true. We injured him, remember? Jayden and I have been working on a new power." I said as we pulled out the discs and showed them to the rest of the team. "So that's what you've been doing today." Kaitlyn said. "Two new discs. What are they?" John asked. "There are secret discs passed down from previous generations of samurai. Most of them have been lost in battle. These ones might be the only ones left." I said. "Spoken like a true veteran ranger." Jayden said. "With these, we at least stand a chance of beating the nighlok. But in order to master the discs, whoever is trying to master them needs double the samurai power they already have." Jason said. "Don't worry, you guys just focus on recovering." I said. "But twice as much power? Can you really handle that?" John asked. "Thanks to Jason, I've learned that I can do anything I put my mind to." I said. "So why didn't you guys use them earlier?" Mike asked. I didn't know how to respond. I walked out. Jayden just said next time before going to his dorm room. "Do Jayden and I really have the power to master the discs? Tommy would know, but he's not here. We'll train all day and night if we have to." I said to myself. Meanwhile in the sanzu river Octaroo was pouring some sanzu river water onto Dreadhead. "If I had a quart more of that evil water in me, those useless rangers would have been through." Dreadhead said. "No joke, you needed that soak." Octaroo said. "I'm full up. Now leave me be noodle face." Dreadhead said. "That sanzu water should fill the bill for a ranger deranger like you. When the fur flies with those rangers their world will be ours." Octaroo said. "We'd already own it if you hadn't dried out like a pathetic prune." Dayu said. "Oo-ah-oo. Can't we all just get along?" Octaroo said. "Dayu, let's allow Dreadhead some time to relax and recover. The way he had those humans running and screaming was glorious.

Thanks to him the sanzu river is rising. And what's even better is there's nothing those rangers can do to stop him." Master Xandred said. Later that night Jayden and I were training and Jason came by and saw us. Jayden was training with his fire smasher and I was practicing with my wolf hunt bow, only this time with the discs. We lost our grip and got flung back. "Jayden, Ariel." Jason said, almost in a whisper. Jayden and I went back over to our weapons and tried again. The same thing that has been happening happened again. "Our team, the whole world is depending on us." Jayden said. "We can do this. We must do this." I said. We picked up our weapons. "You guys can do it, I know you can." Jason said. The next day Dreadhead came back. People were running away. "You can't run far enough to escape my wrath. I'm gonna flatten this place like a pancake." Dreadhead said. That's when the others show up on the scene. "Hey, useless." John said. "Hey, that's my word." Dreadhead said before trying to blast them. They morphed. Back at the college Jason found me and Jayden unconscious on the baseball field. "Ariel, Jayden, are you okay?" Jason asked as he ran over to us. "They should have given it a rest. That's what Tommy would want. But I guess she hasn't fully gotten over his death yet, and right when I thought she was over it." Jason said to himself. Then he shook Jayden and I awake. "Wake up. The nighlok is back." Jason said. Jayden and I got up. "Time to clash again." Jayden said. "Let's do this!" I said. Back in town the others got knocked down. Before he could hit Kevin again Jayden and I showed up on the scene. We sent our swords to attack him to save him. "What's this? That big blade and bow of yours ain't buying you no respect from me. If you wanna tangle suit yourself. Well, I'm waiting. What's keeping you scardy cats?" Dreadhead said. "Why don't they charge?" Kevin asked. We were about to grab the discs when we hesitated again. "I see why they're holding back." John said. "I've seen glaciers that move faster than you. Is that all you got?" Dreadhead said. I got Tommy's voice in my head when Jayden told himself that he has to try to use the disc. "You can do it Ariel, remember, protect the world from evil, stand by your allies, and never run from a battle." Tommy's voice said in my head. We grabbed the discs and put them on our weapons. "Fire smasher, cannon blast mode!" Jayden said. "Wolf hunt bow, blaster mode!" I said. We had our feet firmly planted on the ground as our weapons changed into blaster mode. "John, Kaitlyn, I need all of the power coins from the original team." I said. "Here they are." John said as they tossed the coins to me. "You guys lend me your power discs." Jayden said. We loaded the eight disc beetle cannon. "What you got there?" Dreadhead said. "Eight disc beetle cannon." Jayden said. "Nine coin dire wolf blaster." I said. "Useless piles of junk." Dreadhead said before trying to blast us. "Final strike!" Jayden and I said at the same time as we fired it at him, sending it right back. "What in the world? My dreadlocks feel like leadlocks. This can't be happening." Dreadhead said before exploding. "One down, one to go." I said before Dreadhead came back as a maga monster. We got into the megasword. "Wolf folding sword!" I said. "Jaguar folding sword!" John said. "Cheetah folding sword!" Kaitlyn said. Then we brought them together. We soon found out that the sword, even the one the megasword had was useless. "We only have one option. It's time to unleash the full power of these discs. Jayden said. Then Jayden and I came out and brought out the beetle sword and the dire wolf sword. "Swords came out of those discs." Mia said. Then he sent giant moggers at us. We took them down. "Samurai artillery." Jayden and I said. The swords combined with the megasword. "Wolf claw blaster megasword! Armed for battle!" We all said. "What's going on?" Mike asked. 'We'll explain later." Jayden said. We took down the moggers and then we used the rotating wolf claw blaster to take him down. The next day or a few days later we had another day off and this time, Jayden and I went with the others. Even Jason came with us. "I'm so glad we have another day off." Mia said. "It's only fair since our last one involved scrapping with a nighlok." Mike said. Then we got cotton candy. "You know, cotton candy or a day off from training can be good for you." Jason said. "Keeping balance in life is important. It let's us be at our best." John said. "Yeah, you're right." I said. We had a fun day at the amusement park. The next morning at breakfast we were eating, well everyone was except for Kevin, who was measuring a certain amount of cereal. We all looked at him. "What are you doing? Just eat already." Mike said. "There's a right way to do everything within the samurai code." Kevin said. "Wow, you're so wound up I'm surprised you can digest your food." Mike said. "Enough with the sarcasm Mike. It's too early for this shit." I said. "Ariel, lighten up. He's just joking." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, sure he is." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

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