Chapter 96 the dream world part 2

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I don't really see what other choice I have. "I have no choice." I said as I pulled out my wolf sword. Antonio called in the clawsword. I put mine on the ground. "Wolf folding sword! Megamode power!" I said as I made my sword grow. "Alright wolf sword, let's prove that you're the alpha of the pack." I said. "Let's rock lobster." Antonio said after he got into his sword. "Ariel, let me do the heavy lifting." Antonio said. "Just watch out for the spitfangs." I said. I took some of them down. "Good girl." I said. Antonio took the rest of them down and my wolf sword howled.

"We did it!" Antonio said. Back in the forest Mia and Dayu woke up. When Mia stepped on a branch it snapped. "I see. I thought I'd sense someone in my dream. It was you. You had no right to spy on me. Lost your nerve samurai?" Dayu asked as she pulled out her sword and turned to face Mia. "Is it too late for you to return to your human form?" Mia asked. "You're so naive that you would seek to save me rather than destroy me? I don't need your pity." Dayu said. She was about to bring her sword down on Mia when Kaitlyn and Emily showed up and blocked it. "Back off Dayu!" Kaitlyn said. Then Dayu knocked them down. "I have no time for this." Dayu said. "To think I wanted to help you." Mia said. Antonio and I made it back to the college. "Good job out there. Are you okay?" I asked. "Every muscle hurts." Antonio said. "I know how that feels." I said. Just then, my old enemy, Hayley Fulks showed up. "Oh no, not her again." I said. I haven't seen her since eighth grade. I stood up and walked over to where I would be directly across from her. "Ariel, what do you think you're doing?" Antonio asked. I didn't answer. "Why do you want to fight her now?" Antonio asked. Hayley didn't answer him. I didn't take my eyes off her. Meanwhile in the forest Mia couldn't believe that she hesitated which caused Kaitlyn and Emily to get hurt. "To think I wanted to help you. I thought you still had a shed of humanity in you, but I guess I was wrong." Mia said. "You're right. Fighting you naive little girls serves me no purpose." Dayu said before walking away. "Don't worry, we'll be okay." Emily said as Mia helped them up. "No thanks to me." Mia said. Back at the college Antoinio still didn't get an answer. "Why now? She's too exhausted." Antonio said. That's when some moggers showed up behind her. "Master Xandred and his noodle face crony Octaroo have seen to it that we are interrupted yet again. No one touch the black ranger, she's mine." Hayley said before fighting the moggers. "She's relentless." Antonio said. "I know, she was the same way back in high school." I said. She took down all of the moggers. "It wasn't even a challenge for her." Antonio said. "Alright Ariel, our time to fight has come." Hayley said. "No, not now. We just finished a battle. Besides, we rangers don't fight for the sake of fighting." Antonio said. "Ariel, I'll give you 24 hours. But there will be no further delay. Tomorrow, metel will meet metel." Hayley said. "Didn't you hear Antonio? I won't fight for fighting sake. I only fight to protect the innocent." I said. "Well then, if you don't show, I doubt I'll be able to control myself." Hayley said. "What's that mean?" I asked. "Disappoint me, and I might not be able to hold back any longer. I could possibly attack whoever is near." Hayley said. "You threaten random people just like you threatened me. You're not a human. You're a nighlok." I said. I know she's not a nighlok, but she is acting like one. "Call me what you want. But no one will be safe. And my victim's pain will be your fault, not mine." Hayley said. "Then you leave me no choice. I will fight, and I will defeat you." I said. "Noon, tomorrow, by the sea." Hayley said before walking away. Meanwhile in the netherworld Octaroo and Master Xandred were talking. "Oo-ah-oo. The black ranger and Hayley are both giving me a headache." Octaroo said. "I despise Hayley. But if she destroys the black ranger. She'll destroy the black ranger's super sealing power too." Master Xandred said. The only reason why Master Xandred despises Hayley is because he asked her to join him but knowing that she can't survive in the netherworld for long, she refused. "Then nothing will stand in our way." Octaroo said. "Yes, their misery is the best medicine." Master Xandred said. "I'm the one who needs medicine. Those lousy samurai rangers cut off my mist blower. If I can't put humans to sleep how am I supposed to eat in the dream world?" Rhinosnorus said. "Eat? You didn't raise the river an inch. You completely failed your mission. I should let the moggers eat you." Master Xandred said. "No, I can do better." Rhinosnorus said. "Then I suggest you go back and really scare some humans." Octaroo said. "I will. This time I won't fail." Rhinosnorus said. Back at the college I was making some tea for Kaitlyn when she came into the dorm lounge. "Hey Ariel." Kaitlyn said. I looked up and saw her. "Hey Kaitlyn. I was just going to bring some tea for you." I said. "Thanks, but you need to stop fussing over me. I'm almost as good as new." Kaitlyn said. "It's just that, when we were fighting the nighlok, I told you to go help Mia. And then you got hurt. (Flashback: They are fighting the nighlok when Mia went after Dayu.
Ariel: Kaitlyn, you go help Mia. John, you're with me.
Kaitlyn: You got it.
End of flashback) If I didn't tell you go help her this wouldn't have happened." I said. "I understand. You have always cared so much about your friends, especially me and John." Kaitlyn said. "The thing is, I don't just see you and John as just friends. You're like a sister to me. John is my boyfriend. I don't like seeing you guys get hurt." I said. "You're being too hard on yourself. Give yourself a break." Kaitlyn said. Just then Jason came into the dorm lounge. "Guys, we're all meeting in the annex." Jason said. "Okay, we'll be right there." Kaitlyn said. Then Jason walked away. "Come on, let's go meet with everyone." I said. We walked to the annex and met with everyone. "Guys, my old enemy Hayley Fulks challenged me to a fight." I said. "Ariel, it's crazy to do this. Take on Hayley, and do it alone?" Kevin said. "Hayley insists that's how it has to be." Antonio said. "You can't do this. A samurai only fights battles that are necessary." Kevin said. "This is necessary. If I don't go Hayley threatened to hurt innocent people." I said. "Okay, fine. We'll handle her just like any other nighlok, as a team." Kevin said. "Kevin, you don't get it. She's not a nighlok, there's not even a trace of nighlok in her. Just because she acts like one doesn't mean that she is one. If I'm not alone it won't satisfy her." I said. "Since when did you let one of your enemies dictate how you battle?" Kaitlyn said. "I know now that Hayley won't stop until Ariel fights her. We have to let her go." John said. "John, how could you say that? Ariel is not just out teammate, she also our friend that's like a sister to us. Ariel, you're part of the key to stopping the nighlok." Kevin said. "Kevin is right. You shouldn't risk it." Mike said. I stood up. "This discussion is over." I said before walking away. Later that night, I was training. The others must have told Jason what happened between us because he came to talk to me. "Ariel, how can I talk you out of this?" Jason asked. "You can't. But you can help me get ready. I've got some special moves I want to practice." I said.

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