chapter 14 the beginning of the zeo power rangers

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Then one by one we went through the vortex but since John was helping me walk we went through the vortex together. Rocky didn't step through the vortex so Kaitlyn pulled him through the vortex. "What is this place?" Tanya said after we all got through the vortex. "The next generation in strategic command outpost." Billy said. "Unreal." Adam said. "I've seen plans for this in the mainframe, but I had no idea it really existed." John said. Then Alpha walked up to us. "Hello rangers. Welcome home." Alpha said. "We thought you were gone forever." Kaitlyn said. "Must take more than an explosion to keep you down, huh?" I asked. "Yep, and you'll be happy to know that all systems are online." Alpha said. "Where did this place come from?" Rocky asked. "The power chamber has always been here. We knew there would come a time when the command center would become vulnerable to an attack." Alpha said. "What about Zordon?" Adam said. "Oh, I am so sorry power rangers. I guess I should have told you right away." Alpha said. That's when I thought that he didn't survive. "Zordon is just fine." Alpha said. "What did you just say Alpha? Did I hear you right? Is Zordon okay?" I asked. Before Alpha could answer my question Zordon showed up. "Welcome rangers. I'm glad that you are safe. How do you like our little surprise? Alpha has been working on it for months. I apologize for keeping it from you but we did not want to worry you unnecessarily." Zordon said. "We're just glad to see that both of you are alright." Billy said. "Although we have cause to celebrate, time is of the essence. You must listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you. A dark and evil force has descended upon our galaxy. This new threat is far more treacherous than Rita and Lord Zedd could ever have hoped to be. Rangers, prepare yourselves to face the evil machine empire. It is the one force that can prove to be unstoppable." Zordon said. We all started to ask question after question. It turned out that we have a lot of questions and Alpha can't seem to process all of them at once and I noticed. "Alpha, what's the matter?" I asked. "Too many questions." Alpha said. "Sorry Alpha. There's just so many things we need to know." Billy said. Zordon said that he will answer all of our questions in time and to not underestimate the power of king Mondo, who is in charge of the machine empire. Zordon told us more about the machine empire. The thing is that the zeo crystal has eight parts to it. Billy decided to step down. Zordon gave us the zeo morphers. I was going to be known as zeo ranger 6 gold, John is zeo ranger 7 silver, and Kaitlyn is known as zeo ranger 8 white. The others got 1 through 5. Then it was time to test our new powers. "Power rangers zeo!" We said to morph.

"Zeo ranger 6 gold!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger 7 silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger 8 white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. We went to go fight the cogs that king Mondo sent down. After fighting them off we all went to the cafe. "Never thought I would miss Rita's and Zedd's tenga warriors. Those cogs are brutal." Tommy said
"No shit Sherlock." I said. "Tell me about it, and there's a lot of them." Adam said. "You know, Zordon said that king Mondo can manufacture them at a rate of one an hour." Billy said. "Thank goodness for the zeo crystal, huh?" Rocky asked. "So, with the zords gone, what are we gonna do?" I asked. "Do you have any ideas Billy?" Tommy asked. "Don't worry about it. I'm always a step ahead." Billy said. "As usual." Kaitlyn said. Just then the others met with us. "It'll seem weird with you not being there with us Billy." Adam said. "He will. Just in a different way. Right Billy?" I asked. "Yeah." Billy said. "Hey, once a ranger..." Tommy said. "Always a ranger." The rest of us said in response. "We're back." John said. "And better than ever." Billy said. "Hey, guys, can I have a minute with Tommy?" I asked. "Sure. We'll be right over there if you need us." John said. Then they walked away. "What's up Ariel?" Tommy asked. "Tommy, I don't know if this is going to sound weird to you but..." I said while pulling out an amulet. "What is that?" Tommy asked. "Just open it and take a look." I said as I handed it to him. He took the amulet and opened it. There was a picture of me and him in the amulet. I could tell that he was shocked, and maybe even a little confused. "I worked on it last week. The thing is, I see you as a brother, not just a friend. What about you? Do you see me as a sister?" I asked. "Not yet." Tommy said as he gave the amulet back to me. I closed it and put it back in my pocket. "It's fine. I was just wondering. I mean, we've been through a lot together. I just thought that now was a good time to tell you." I said. "Can I tell the others about this?" Tommy asked. "You can't tell anyone." I said. "Why?" Tommy asked. "Because... because I don't want them to know that I see you as a brother, at least, not yet." I said. "Are you scared of what they might say about that?" Tommy asked. "I'm not scared of what John is going to say, but with everyone else, that's a different story." I said. "I see. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this." Tommy said. "Thanks, I knew I could count on you." I said. Then I motioned for the others to come back over. A week or so later a few of my friends and I went to our new study hall in the school. "This new study hall is nice." John said. "No kidding." I said. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder behind me and I turned around and saw Brent. "Hey Brent, what's up?" I asked. "Not much. You ready to help me with some more reading?" Brent asked. "Yeah." I said. Then Brent walked over another table and sat down. "Is that Brent Jones?" John asked. "Yeah, he needs some help with reading and I need some help with history. So if I help him with reading he helps me with history. It's like a win-win for both of us that way." I said. "That's so cool." John said. "It is. It's been like that since the beginning of the school year." I said. "Well, judging on how much time you spend with him, I would have to say that you know him really well." Tommy said while walking up to us. "Yeah, I know. I'll see you guys later." I said as I got all of my stuff and went to go help Brent. Back at the command center Billy is working on our new swords. Back in study hall I sat down next to Brent. "Alright, what's next?" I asked. "Another chapter summary for Twilight." Brent said. "Which book of Twilight?" I asked. "Eclipse." Brent said. "I've been reading that one lately. I'm at the beginning of chapter 5. Where are you at?" I asked as I got my copy of the book out. "Chapter 3." Brent said. "Wow, so you're basically falling behind. And that's not good." I said. "Hey, it's not my fault that I can't read. I mean, I can, it just takes longer than everyone else." Brent said. "So, what you're saying is that..." I said when Brent finally told me what his teachers and friends know. "I'm dyslexic." Brent said. "How long have you known that you were dyslexic?" I asked. "Ever since second grade." Brent said. "Wow, since elementary school? That must have been a shock." I said. "Well, yeah. And on top of that, I was getting bullied, just because I have dyslexia." Brent said. "I know what it's like to be bullied. I got picked on for being a tomboy." I said.

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